Part 4:
*The security guards rush Enervator and Randyspeeps. They stop fighting and join forces against the guards, and make short work of them. They nod to each other, showing a rare sign of respect. Enervator takes advantage of the situation and kicks Randyspeeps in the balls. He follows that up by giving him a Piledriver right on the concrete.*
*The feed cuts to Spidey's cam, and we know it is Spidey's cam because he turns it to himself, so we see him. He is on the roof, hiding, watching everything as it happens! The feed then cuts back to the Summerslam 2010 match replay*
JR: Good god almighty!
Cole: I'm pretty sure that move's not allowed!
JR: You seriously think he cares at this point?
*Enervator walks several yards away and just watches Randyspeeps.*
Cole: What's he doing now?
JR: How the hell should I know? I don't want to be inside the mind of a madman!
*Slowly Randyspeeps starts to get to his feet, and Enervator crouches into a spear position.*
King: Omigosh! If Enervator spears him now
JR: I don't think Randyspeeps has any idea where he is right now, and I'm not sure Enervator even cares.
*Randyspeeps gets to his feet, but is clearly groggy as he teeters near the edge. Enervator is about to charge when Hurricane grabs him.*
Enervator: I told you to butt out!
*Enervator punches Hurricane in the face, knocking him out of the way. He charges at Randyspeeps.*
JR: Don't do it!
*Randyspeeps, still right at the edge, kicks Enervator in the face with some Sweet Chin Music to stop the charge, and then instinctively RKOs him. They both go over the edge. The scene quickly cuts back to the announce booth.*
*The feed switches to Spidey's camera, Spidey is at the edge, filming what is happening as Enervator and Randyspeeps fall to their death... However, they don't fall to their death, because Sheamus and his helicopter flies at them, and they grab on. Both are laughing at fooling the audience into believing they had actually died. Spidey shouts out at them*
Spidey: I hope you two are happy with yourselves! Three years from now, Speeps, you'll be invading my company, yes, MY company. The TWF will be dead, and you'll be a member of the t.W.o... That's right, Ortonism doesn't work in MY company. You two come back to the TWF and claim to have went through Hell and back, literally. You lied to these people, but really, that shouldn't surprise anyone, should it? Randyspeeps never tells the truth, and Enervator sells his soul to Randyspeeps in the end. Three years from now, I thought killing myself would bring me the power that you appear to have in the future Speeps... But now I know the truth. The truth is you are the same old Randyspeeps you have always been, BSing your way through life. Now that I know the truth, the people shall know the truth. On August 15th, 2013, the day before the 3 Year anniversary of this lie, I will expose it. And I dare either one of you to try and stop me, let alone remember this even happened.
*Spidey turns around, and walks away, as the feed cuts back to the Summerslam 2010 Replay*
JR: Dear God...
Lawler: I can't believe what we've just witnessed here.
Cole: Well, we have to hope that both men are going to be all right.
Lawler: How could they be?
Cole: I don't know.
*Cole appears to be listening carefully to his headset.*
Cole: I'veI've just been informed that both Randyspeeps and Enervator areI can't say it
Lawler: I think we all know what you're trying to say.
Cole: I've had my share of problems with both of them, but I never wanted to see something like this happen.
Lawler: No one ever does.
JR: Ladies and gentlemen, I-I don't know what else to say. I'm just glad I only have to be here for this one match.
*JR puts down his headset and heads backstage, while the crowd remains silent.*
*The feed cuts to Spidey, who has rejoined Ali at ringside*
Ali: Holy sh!t that was intense!
Spidey: It was a lie.
Ali: What? What do you mean?
Spidey: You'll find out with the rest of the world.
Ali: Um... Okay.
Spidey: Let's rejoin the Doctor in the TARDIS.
*Spidey and Ali return to the TARDIS, where the feed is cut off. We return to the Doctor standing in the ring with Cpman*
The Doctor: And now tomorrow, Spidey and Ali will return to address TWF_Legend one last time before Summerslam. Geronimo everyone!
*The Doctor steps into the TARDIS, as the lights go out, and the whooshing sound is heard. Impact ends on this note*
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