[QUOTE="tylea002"][QUOTE="orionwolf"][QUOTE="Benjamin-T"]It's true, Martin was going to get killed eventually; there were more people like you, some in power, at that time. Life is very precious though, and we should prolong it as much as possible.
I'm sure most people agree with you. But the argument to prolong life deflects the answer. So does the health care topic.
U.S. citizens are slowly losing their rights. Law after law comes tumbling down the idiot chain inch by inch. 1984 is only a few votes away. You watch. "The new world order is coming. You can't stop it!"
One of the last fundamental rights that we as United States citizens feel is inalienable is the right to defend oneself and ones property - to the death if need be. Now, whether someone broke the law or not does not relate to the topic. It's a scenario. And scenario's belay the discussion.
If we cannot defend our own, who will? The government? Big government? Yeah. Ok. There are places in this country that are so dangerous that the police don't even show up. There are places in other countries that are so dangerous that the police don't show up. We as U.S. citizens see this as a flaw. The police are supposed to be there to defend against violent criminals and they have a redline? Very well, you must defend yourself at any cost. This viewpoint has not changed in over 230 years. Yes there has been arguments against the right to bear arms but the foundation has not changed - and for good reason.
A law preventing the legal ownership of a weapon does not prevent a criminal from obtaining and using one. Because criminals don't care about the law. This is the common misconception by anti-weapon activists. All you on this forum who argue against weapons - this is your misconception.
Flame on.
If you take away the legal right to carry weapons, you can arrest those who carry them, THEREFORE, preventing the use of the gun, therfore possibly saving lives.
And the bigger and more bloated the government becomes, the more and more mistakes it shall make.
You aren't catering to the subject. You're creating false answers. Non sequitur. It does not follow. If you take away weapons from everyone, you can arrest those that have them. Can you? I suppose that would stop violence, wouldn't it? Yep. Stopped it everywhere else too.
This has been proven before. You cannot stop violence by taking away the right to defend oneself. Taking that right away only makes the people live in fear and terror.
You can defend yourself in other ways, having a phone near to call the police, instead of a gun. Getting a security system, not going down back alleys in the night, that is still defending yourself, just by not killing someone, something which is MORALLY WRONG.
I dissagree with your last statement, you belive in america, I would feel MORE SAFE if everyone carried guns? You are misguided.
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