topic says it all...I guess
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Red Dead impressed me on a technical level by having the amount of AI functions going on at the same time, but nothing on the system has impressed me graphics wise. The hardware just doesn't let it happen.
Prey i guess. One of the first 360 games i played and the graphics were pretty amazing. Then along came Halo 3 and Gears 2.
I dont get why people say fallout 3 looks good it looks bad, and yea i realize the enviroment is supposed to look dead..nvm thats not the topic sorry. Ghost Recon and Rainbow Six really blew me away with how realistic they were and then came along assasins surprised graphics were able to imrpove off that! also worthy mention the new Medal of honor looks super good, i was surprised how much i was reminded of Afghanistan from the land to the weapon detailsbioshock and fallout 3.
oblivion was one of first games i took a steb back and went dang.
Assassisns creed 1 pretty cool looking stuff. The evoirment fit into the gameplay so well to
GTA4 was next BUT To bad it wasn't a fun game
[QUOTE="KBFloYd"]I dont get why people say fallout 3 looks good it looks bad, and yea i realize the enviroment is supposed to look dead..nvm thats not the topic sorry. Ghost Recon and Rainbow Six really blew me away with how realistic they were and then came along assasins surprised graphics were able to imrpove off that! also worthy mention the new Medal of honor looks super good, i was surprised how much i was reminded of Afghanistan from the land to the weapon details THANK YOU, it's hard to find people agree about fallout. First look it was ok, About 5hrs in the game all it's ugliness of brown kills it. I stoped playing about 15hrs i couldn't stand it....bioshock and fallout 3.
Oblivion was the first for sure. Bioshock is another one that stands out in my mind as wowing me for it's looks.
ThisRed Dead impressed me on a technical level by having the amount of AI functions going on at the same time
Burnout Paradise and it still looks pretty to me. If you're looking for a Xbox 360 exclusive then i'd have to say none of them really blew me away. Halo Reach came really close but it has horrific frame rates.
I'd say I've been wowed about 4 times.
First, Oblivion, stepping out of the sewer and seeing just how large and detailed the world was. Then, Gears of War, just so smooth and well done. Third, Resident Evil 5, personally think the best on 360, the resolution and crispness of eveything and the fantastic outdoor lighting did it for me.
And finally, Mass Effect 2, on board the SR-1 Normandy looking for joker and seeing the planet right above the ship.
EDIT: And how could I forget, the Bioshock intro. Never been stuck with such a sense of wonder.
probably one of the first xbox360 games I ever saw. Project Gotham Racing3 at CompUSA on display. The difference between pgr2 and 3 is HUGE. Just as big of a jump in graphics as Gran Turismo 2 (ps1) to GT3( Ps2).
[QUOTE="KBFloYd"]I dont get why people say fallout 3 looks good it looks bad, and yea i realize the enviroment is supposed to look dead..nvm thats not the topic sorry.bioshock and fallout 3.
well the world is huge and its pretty it blew me away..first time i experienced an open world game in 720p... of course red dead redemption outdoes it.
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