um im disgusted at ms ,, even before this im fed up with mses quality, imn having to repair/send in 1 p[ossibly 2 360s to microsoft all for almost the same reason plus i have to for the fourth time to replace gta iv,
due to the fact that microsoft knew 360 scratch and melted away discs before they releasd it to the public,
and my newest one, does not play rainbow six vegas, does not rip music to the hard drive, it freezes and it is a pain when i get disconnected from live every single time im in a gta race, in first place ,
winning the race all of a sudden this messages comes up=disconnected from session returning to single player,
i got that moments before my disc was melted awway, looking at the disc and ocmparing it to others i also found that gta/rockstar uses bad quality discs,
they are so much thinner, then dark sector or soldier of fortune, i compared them , so far thse are thicker, so that could also play part in that,
its a combination of both,
hthe lack of quality discs,
the quality of the console isnt too good either, surte they are getting a tad better, but their still some work to be done,
im afriad to use my repaired unit because it is the culprit to the melted disc but until i get my 3rd unit back, i cant play vegas 1,
so ya, thanksfor the heads up, i know not to post any of my bios on there lol , i dont have a bio other then what consoles i play i belive unliess i took it off, but ya,
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