It's easier to get banned from your profile/motto then in-game actions (cheating/glitching, cussing on the mic etc...). For someone to get banned from cussing, they would have to
be stupid enough to send you a voice message (then you could forward that to xbox admins and you would have a xbl tag tied to the voice message). Also , I've had friends have
less offensive words then having lesbian on the profile and getting banned. For all you people complaining on other people having offensive motto's and profiles and them not
getting banned, it's simple they haven't had complaints filed on them. All you have to do is get some friends and file complaints and bam , you get the ban. Microsoft doesn't
search profiles, they wait till complaints are filed by other xbox live users. And in the agreement for xbox live terms, if you have anything considered offensive , they have the
right to ban you. Simple as that.
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