[QUOTE="Ayessua"][QUOTE="paulokoenigkam"] Count me in, I haven't played the xbox or ps3 ninja gaiden games, but I'm crazy about this game.
As long as the game doesn't glitch a lot, I'll love it.
and I hope it's hard =)
I hate all the whining about saying a game sucks just because it's hard >_>
You didn't play the original? Or Black or Sigma? Well, your take on it is the right one but I'm positive you'll say something else when you play it for your first few hours. Just remember when you play it that if you die, no matter how impossible it looked, it can be done even without taking any damage or using any elixirs. And on an important note: that previous sentence is the case for anyone. You don't have to be a God to clear Ninja Gaiden on it's harder difficulty settings. You just have to become one.
well said:P It'll take some serious detication for beating it on master ninja though (talking about NG: Black). It took me nearly 6 months on and off. Some parts, mostly the bosses, are a pain in the arse on MN. And for anyone that hasnt played Ninja gaiden Black yet: the game is HIGHLY recommended. Its that good.
I'm looking foward to that ninja mastering, seriosly =p.
I know these are completly different games, but they are pretty hard too, specialy in their last dificulty level... I managed to S rank all Devil may cry(and SS in DMC3) games in every dificulty level, and finish God of War, Gears of War, and Halo 3 on the hardest difficulty level without any of the "throwing controller against the wall" feeling :P, except for RAAM on insane xD! gave me a little trouble :p (yeah, Halo 3 and GeoW on single player >_>)
(I do feel like throwing my controler against the wall sometimes in COD4 :P "trying to get Mile High Club achievement)
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