7 - 8 hours on COD4 a little while ago. Got about 1300 kills in that time, so I was happy :P.
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The last game I played for a long time was the latest Bond and I played it about 6 hours and beat the game in one sitting. The other one is played a while was Resident Evil 5 with a roommate for almost 8 hours.
Longest I think ever would have been Zelda OCarina of Time on the N64 and I played that about 12 hours straight to finish off the game. That game is definitely my top 5.
Absolute total BS!!!!! Sorry my friend but you are a liar! I dont claim to be the best player on COD4 but I am pretty established and I cant do anywhere near that! Do the maths in your head before putting pen to paper! 7-8hrs ok so lets say 7.5 hrs x 60 mins = 450 minutes with an average game lasting 8 minutes with around 1 minute between games, so take 450 minutes and divide by 9(mins) = 50 games, then divide 1300 kills by 50 games = 26 kills per game every game for 7.5 hrs straight????? Sorry mate but I dont believe you. Fair play for playing a decent game tho!7 - 8 hours on COD4 a little while ago. Got about 1300 kills in that time, so I was happy :P.
[QUOTE="COD4_Shinedown"]Absolute total BS!!!!! Sorry my friend but you are a liar! I dont claim to be the best player on COD4 but I am pretty established and I cant do anywhere near that! Do the maths in your head before putting pen to paper! 7-8hrs ok so lets say 7.5 hrs x 60 mins = 450 minutes with an average game lasting 8 minutes with around 1 minute between games, so take 450 minutes and divide by 9(mins) = 50 games, then divide 1300 kills by 50 games = 26 kills per game every game for 7.5 hrs straight????? Sorry mate but I dont believe you. Fair play for playing a decent game tho! my roomate gets 30+ kills a game usually. if he's off by an hour or so it would be 8.5 hours, = 510 / 9 = 56.67 games ~ 57 games ~ 23 kills a game. very possible. plus if someone is with a group of friends pwning real bad, its alot shorter then 8 mins...7 - 8 hours on COD4 a little while ago. Got about 1300 kills in that time, so I was happy :P.
[QUOTE="COD4_Shinedown"]Absolute total BS!!!!! Sorry my friend but you are a liar! I dont claim to be the best player on COD4 but I am pretty established and I cant do anywhere near that! Do the maths in your head before putting pen to paper! 7-8hrs ok so lets say 7.5 hrs x 60 mins = 450 minutes with an average game lasting 8 minutes with around 1 minute between games, so take 450 minutes and divide by 9(mins) = 50 games, then divide 1300 kills by 50 games = 26 kills per game every game for 7.5 hrs straight????? Sorry mate but I dont believe you. Fair play for playing a decent game tho!7 - 8 hours on COD4 a little while ago. Got about 1300 kills in that time, so I was happy :P.
Before you go saying stuff like that, actually take into consideration, that on a game of HQ or Domination, in 15 mins you can get upwards of 40+ kills. Good example of that is people getting 100+ kills on Shipment in 15 mins. It is possible.
7 - 8 hours on COD4 a little while ago. Got about 1300 kills in that time, so I was happy :P.
Absolute total BS!!!!! Sorry my friend but you are a liar! I dont claim to be the best player on COD4 but I am pretty established and I cant do anywhere near that! Do the maths in your head before putting pen to paper! 7-8hrs ok so lets say 7.5 hrs x 60 mins = 450 minutes with an average game lasting 8 minutes with around 1 minute between games, so take 450 minutes and divide by 9(mins) = 50 games, then divide 1300 kills by 50 games = 26 kills per game every game for 7.5 hrs straight????? Sorry mate but I dont believe you. Fair play for playing a decent game tho!Before you go saying stuff like that, actually take into consideration, that on a game of HQ or Domination, in 15 mins you can get upwards of 40+ kills. Good example of that is people getting 100+ kills on Shipment in 15 mins. It is possible.
My bad, fair enough, I take that back.[QUOTE="COD4_Shinedown"][QUOTE="CrackF0XX"] Absolute total BS!!!!! Sorry my friend but you are a liar! I dont claim to be the best player on COD4 but I am pretty established and I cant do anywhere near that! Do the maths in your head before putting pen to paper! 7-8hrs ok so lets say 7.5 hrs x 60 mins = 450 minutes with an average game lasting 8 minutes with around 1 minute between games, so take 450 minutes and divide by 9(mins) = 50 games, then divide 1300 kills by 50 games = 26 kills per game every game for 7.5 hrs straight????? Sorry mate but I dont believe you. Fair play for playing a decent game tho!CrackF0XX
Before you go saying stuff like that, actually take into consideration, that on a game of HQ or Domination, in 15 mins you can get upwards of 40+ kills. Good example of that is people getting 100+ kills on Shipment in 15 mins. It is possible.
My bad, fair enough, I take that back.It's all good :D. No hard feelings.
Onto the topic at hand however, to add to my COD4 rampage, you could also add 5 - 6 hour runs of Fallout 3.
Back when I was a kid I could play a game for about 8-12+ hours strait, but now days I play for about 3 hours. Amnesiac23
I second this. When I was a kid I could rack up some hours on the SNES N64 playing golden eye multiplayer, that one star wars game that came out at laucnh for it. I think I played that straight through non stop, Banjo and Kazooie, Mario 64. I remember when I had my 64 I would pull weekend over nighters. Myth took about 10 hours straight of my life once....
On Xbox, I think the longest I stayed on a game was like 6 hours playing Gears 2 co-op with a friend. I have more big boy things to do than I did when I was a kid.
19 hours on Halo 1 on the original xbox...went from finishing the campaign on Legenday i think, to a crazy LAN party.
On the xbox system i haven't played any game too long but on ps2 i played ffx from start to finish and can't remember exactly how long i played exactly but it was at least about two days straight. The game i played the longest was wow. In that game i was on vaction and played so long and hard for about two weeks that when i was awake i started getting tunnel vision and when i was asleep i thought i was still playing the game. so i played like ten hours a day or more, went to sleep and still thought i was playing.
On xbox. Rockband 2. Did the endless setlist and got the Bladder of steel achievement.
On PC. Diablo 2. I played it for 3 days straight. (I have insomnia, and when I was in highschool didn't have much of a life)
26 kills per game every game for 7.5 hrs straight????? Sorry mate but I dont believe you. Fair play for playing a decent game tho!CrackF0XXI'd believe him. Heck, I remember getting 30 kills per game on average TDM. The most I ever played was 6 hour COD WaW game.
I played Star Ocean TLH for about 12 hours straight on the same day I got it. But the longest time for a game as mentioned in my blog is 72 hours straight ( I did take bathroom breaks, eat, but no I didn't sleep during any of that time) 2ndWonder
OMG, are you serious ? I remebered some Korean guy who'd been playing WoW for 72 hrs straight without eating, sleeping (except bathroom break, of course) and he died due to being exhausted.
i've played oblivion for like 13 hours stright and Zelda twilight princess ( for the wii) for like 20 hours!
Legend of Zeilda on when I was in the 5th grade. My parents left me with a 15 year old baby sitter. I was off school did my homework by 4:00pm fri and did go to sleep till sunday at 12 in the afternoon. I never finished that game either.:cry:
every time i get a new game i play it for six hours strait so i can get it out of my system, but normally i only play an hour a day.
back in the good ol days when burnout 3 and halo2 were popular, i remeber playing an entire saturday play thoses games. From about 10 am to 1 am
Halo: Combat Evolved for the PC online multiplayer for 19 hours straight once, from 5:00 PM the first day to 12:00 PM the next day.
But back when I was a kid I used to play 12 hours of PS2 every weekend day and every day of the week if it was the holidays.
Plus I used to play WoW for 8 hours each night, 10 PM til 6 AM next morning at which point I had to get ready for school, that was every day of the week.
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