Me and my friend spent 17 hours straight on Metal Gear Solid 4, we still didn't finish it...
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before i became a father and moved into my new carreer... i was probably the worst kind of WoW player. i'd get up, middle of the day, and play till like 5 or 6 am... only stopping for WC and food(not together).
but that was a while ago now. While i was younger though, i probably playedquite a lot of games for much longer than recommended. i remember having a marathon RESI 2 session once... played right through the night. at least 12 hours. oh, And MGS on PS1. FF8 was another. and games like Shenmue and PSO on DC were others that kept me up all night.
currently i'm sending lot's of time on SF 4. but nowhere near what i used to get up to. probably between 1 and, on a really good(or bad, depending on your point of view) 5 hours an night. like i went to bed at 5 am this morning after playing the champ mode.been plaing since 1 am.
I think that the longest I have ever played a game strait is 8 hours.I started when my father went to work and stopped when my father came back.That happened 2 years ago during the christmas holidays with TITAN QUEST every day but I relised how much this is a nad since then I play no more than 2 hours
I played HoMM 3 with my brother for like 6-7 hours, we started at 1 pm ended like 7:45 pm :D One map, all units in massive numbers, one battle was like hour long - good times
Off topic slightly, but what is the shortest time you have played a game before realising it was a pile of crap and turned it off? For me, it must be Crackdown, rubbish and lasted about 2 minutes!CrackF0XXBlazing Angels 1, about 10 minutes....and Fable 2 lol, about 30 minutes, i guess it wasn't my type of game :P
mine was 10 hours on final fantasy 10-2, was one of the best times of my
btw ive also done a total of 250 hours on pokemon emerald..just wanted to share that:D lol
Some of you guys are machines. How do you manage to play for over 10 hours?
I don't know about anyone else, but if I play for longer than three hours, I find myself feeling bad because of all the other things I could have done :?. Anyone else get that?
played eve online well over 24 hours easy. Only used to go to bed because the server always shutdown at noon for an hour. Oh to be single again...paid off in the end though... I sold my character for more than I spent on the monthly subscriptions over 1 and a half.
I haven't read everybody's post, but I think I'm going to be the lowest here. My longest is only around 3 hours straight. Full time teacher, full time coach, and full time dad. I'm currently lucky to get 30 minutes in every other day.
Ive played WoW for 76 hours in a row, With eating and using bathroom at the same time, Did that with my brother when WOTLK came out and we where first level 80s on the server for are classes
when i was going for seriously on gearsof war(the good one)id say around 6-8 hours a day n that was after school and on weekends probably more, i eventually got it after 6 weeks which ispretty quick
1hr is the max i play a day!
dont wanna risk an rrod right
plus i get bored after playin for 5 minites sometimes
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