Okay, so I cannot wait for Halo Reach, and I'm sure others feel the same way. So i figured I'd make a thread where we can talk about what we want in the game. I'll start
- Matchmaking
- 6 players (assuming you play as the 6 person squad)
- 10-15 hour campaign
- Wide weapon variety
- Epic battles with lots of Spartans and Marines against lots of Covenant
- A serious, but not too dark of a theme
-Character we love
Firefight(assuming they include it):
- Matchmaking
- 4+ players
- Less Lag
- Very similar to ODST's
Last but certainly not least Multiplayer:
- Some weapon choice when you start a match, and upgradeable weapons. What I mean by this: BR varieties, such as a full-auto BR with no scope, the 3 shotter one, and a semi-auto one with a scope stronger then the 3's. All Balanced of course, and all upgradeable, like different scopes, extended mags, etc. I would like to see varieties of other standards such as the AR's and Magnums.
-BOTS! I would love to have bots to fill up custom games some times
- 24+ players
- BETTER matchmaking and skill level thingy
- Blood Gulch
- And more weapons
- Much MUCH more armors and ways to customize them
- No EXP penalty for quitting, and let people join mid game. (If someone quits on your team, your pretty screwed.)
Now what do you guys want?!
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