Here the 4 types of shooters as I see them
1. Tactical Simulation: These are the most realistic shooters you can buy. You have to carefully plan every move you make, and stay behind cover almost all the time during a fight, as any mistake can cost you your life, and you're dead after being shot once or twice. Examples include Ghost Recon and Rainbow Six
2. Semi-Tactical: These games are a little more forgiving than a true tactical game. You can generally take more than a shot or two before dying, and often have rechargeable health. Still, you need to use cover more often than not to survive, as running freely in the open usually means a quick death. Examples include Call of Duty and Gears of War
3. Run and Gun: This is the most traditional type of shooter. These are the games in which circle-strafing and jumping up and down are commonplace. There really isn't a need to take cover in these games are your character can take tons of damage before being killed. Examples include Halo and Unreal
4. Hybrid: These are shooters that incorporate elements of role-playing and adventure games into shooter-type perspectives and controls. These are games in which you build up skills and learn new abilities as you progress through the game and/or come across numerous puzzles and obstacles that you must solve. Oftentimes there are multiple ways in which to solve a problem rather than just shooting the enemy. Examples include Deus Ex and Bioshock
So which is your favorite and why? I prefer hybrid shooters because they break up the monotony of just killing everything in sight.
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