You have the correct understanding
At first the game was planned to be an expansion to Halo 3.
Over time they added so much content that the game could stand on it's own merit so they decided to make it a regular priced game at retail
ALSO, when they added all that content and saw they had a game that was complete just by itself they also kept their promise of all the Halo maps and Reach beta in every single version
If anything Halo ODST is bargain priced for all the content you'll get
I wouldn't really say that. No offence, but no one but people who have had the game in their hands on it can say that the added a lot of content. All we know is that they threw in the Halo3 DLCmaps and 3 new maps, they may be lying about tons of extra content. Ipersonally don'tthat the storyline hasn't been extended, they're probably just saying that (but that's just my opinion :D , please don't think I'm "dissing" the game and/or story, who knows, it might be EXCELLENT!)
To TC, we should ALL wait for the price to go down, maybe it will open MS and Bungie's eyes. Andcome on, I thinkBungie DEFINITELY had something to do with the prices, think about it, even if they didn't come up with the idea, do you think they were against it?!? So don't think Bungie's all "innocent", their not. Their just as guilty as MS. Not saying that this is stupid, please don't get me wrong :D !This is a very smart buisness move for both MS and Bungie! I'm just saying that they are NOT getting another $60 out of me, that's for sure. Oh well, I might not even get it if the story isn't long (I'm SOOO tired of short games!!! :evil: lol) (And I didn't even buy the maps from Halo3, I just don't think it's worth it, but that's just my opinion of course :D.
lol what are bungie gonna do? sue microsoft because they felt they priced their game too high? give me a breakLol! No. They can come to an agreement. My guess is that the game is not going to be worth over $45 and if it is, and if Bungie actually IS against it, they should talk to MS. MS isn't all that moneyhungry, I mean, look at some other companies. They all seem pretty moneyhungerbecause of the economy.(getting back to the point):I'm not saying the game will be bad, not saying Bungie sucks, not saying anything, except that the game will probably not be worth $60 (just my opinion). Aparrently a lot of people think so, it's a pretty rough topic. Let's just wait and see! (hopefully I'm wrong! :D)
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