[QUOTE="Jeff_Boldt"][QUOTE="Bigfoot_Slayer"][QUOTE="SPHYNXA"][QUOTE="Bigfoot_Slayer"] [QUOTE="Jeff_Boldt"]man, I love how the 10 year olds love to jump in here and dole out advice like they're life experts "OMFG KILL DEM ALLLLLL!"
Stores have employee's and managers, employee's are under-experianced younger guys who don't know exactly what they're doing, in some cases they're their for the sole purpose of picking up a pay-cheque and they couldn't care less about what's going on in there store. Call the store in the morning and talk to the manager, I'm sure he'll be more than happy to not only compensate you, but go well above and beyond what he's required to do in order to see to it that you're satisfied.
Did the box explode and rip your hands off? no? Was there anthrax all over it? no? Was the box completely empty? no? Then relax, it's all completely fixable.
And for the people in this topic telling him to be super pissed, grow up, seriously. I would add you all to my super-douche list, but there's just not room. SPHYNXA
Yeah I completely agree...
Just don't assume things... Call in the morning. talk to the manager... IF AND WHEN he doesn't do something, then you go further... But if he's happy to help you, compensate you, and help you through your troubles, then no pain. No use in being a jerk to them, if all the manager did was train his employees.
Remember, if it was anyones fault, it was probably the employees fault, not the manager. Why would the manager want to screw over his own business? Employees, like Jeff said, don't really care usually.
I disagree. You're pretty nieve Jeff_Boldt to say that "employee's are under-experianced younger guys who don't know exactly what they're doing". To say that all employee's (you do realize that an employee is anyone who works under the command, or is employed, by another individual... don't you?) are under-experience younger guys who "don't know exactly what they're doing" is pretty immature. Are you sue that you're not one of those "10 year olds [that] love to jump in here and dole out advice like they're life experts" that you talk about?
If not, you could have fooled me.The AVERAGE of employees at hourly wages would be high school or college students trying to get a job, or... naturally, dropouts... and such. So, usually at GAMESTOP or EB GAMES, you will USUALLY find teenagers working, or maybe 20 year olds just because they are the MAJORITY of people working there... The reason why, is that the MAJORITY of people that play games, are that age.. And EB GAMES and GAMESTOP don't want to hire people (usually) who aren't experiences in that sort of thing.
And most of the time, whether you are 15, 25, or 49 and working for an employer, you USUALLY don't really care about the store, or the manager... The reason is is because no matter what you do, you do not see most of anything if the store does well, or really bad. You USUALLY get paid the same whether or not the store is making more and more profit... Unless the company bribes all of their employees with some nice shinny object for an increase in production or business.
We are of course going by averages and majorities here... There will ALWAYS be exceptions no matter what you are talking about... But the bottom line, and the most important thing is... That usually it is not the manager or businesses fault... Usually if there is an open package, bad service, or something of that nature... It usually is because of the employees, NOT the management. There is no point in freaking out at the manager, and ruining his day, and sueing his store, and ruining his life... And making him suffere for what one of his dumbass employees did.
It's always better to not all of a sudden assume that that is what EB games in general wanted to do, and it was a terrible thing.
If he calls, and the manager basically tells him to screw off, THEN I would agree to take legal action, or further... But, if they are nice, try and fix the problem, and compensate for his trouble... There is no reason to make a bigger deal out of it.
Bigfoot, thanks's for the support bro.
Sphynxa, That was a pretty dumb response, you knew darn well what I was trying to say, it was clearly outlined and you tried to shaft me on semantics. Not only that but you misrepresented what I said entirely, you even called me nieve... wtf is nieve by the way? Is it something like "naive"? because if you're going to call me a name of some sort I'd really appreciate you spelling it properly. Maybe next time when you want to critique someone's advice you should try having something worth saying.
You have got to be kidding me. I misrepresented what you said? Did you not say "man, I love how the 10 year olds love to jump in here and dole out advice like they're life experts "OMFG KILL DEM ALLLLLL!"?
Did you not say "employee's are under-experianced younger guys who don't know exactly what they're doing, in some cases they're their for the sole purpose of picking up a pay-cheque and they couldn't care less about what's going on in there store"?
Those are direct quotes my friend, so don't pull that garbage. And to say that my comment is completely unjustified and wrong because I spelt the word "naive" wrong? Is that how things work for you, in that if someone spells a word wrong than their arguement is completely false, Mr. "Under-Experianced"[sic]?
So don't criticize me on going against the opinion that all employee's are "under-experianced younger guys who don't know exactly what they're doing". He also spelled "vehemently" wrong.Â
And it's in his sig.
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