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#1 *AshieduNwadiei
Member since 2009 • 101 Posts



Because I'm sick of shelling out money only to be abused by people who hate me.

I could save whenever I want in DOOM. We're not talking about technological hardware limitations, this is the ****ing Playstation 3. If I could save my game at any point on ****ing DOOM, then it is absolutely unacceptable on every level for me to EVER have to spend another second of my time looking for a save point. I have **** to do. I have a job, I go to school, and I'm hoping to soon find a second job. I do NOT want to spend my time forced to play a game longer just to find a save point. I do NOT want to die and lose the time I spent playing a game simply because the game wouldn't let me save until I got to a save point.

I'm not exactly a busy man, but there's a hell of a lot of **** that I should be doing. And if I wasn't single, and had a girlfriend that I needed to spend time with, I'd have even LESS time for tolerating this kind of ****.

No. Just...no. I've wasted more than enough of my life wandering around looking for goddamn save checkpoints. Fallout 3 is on the PS3. Does Fallout 3 make me have to look for save checkpoints? No. Because the makers of Fallout 3 aren't pissy little evil jerks who hate me and want me to suffer.

There's no excuse for save checkpoints in this day and age, and I'm done. I see save checkpoints to be as intolerable as Kryptonite Fog. If developers can't even expend the minimum amount of effort to not piss me off, if they can't even include features that should have been standard industry-wide at least a decade ago, then why should I be bothered to waste my time and money on the game?

Nope. I've had enough. This is a dealbreaker for me. I was looking forward to this game, but **** that. If Fallout 3 could do it...if Doom could do it FIFTEEN YEARS AGO, then I expect this **** to be standard by now. Don't let me stop when I feel like it, then I ain't wasting my time or money on the game.


Wow, that's an amazingly silly, childishand nonsensical comment. Just wow. Being able to save anywhere eliminates all sense of difficulty. If save points go, then it'll be me walking from the gaming industry. And as hakanakumono said, there are save points everywhere.

I hate to break it to you, but savepoints aren't really checkpoints in FFXIII. The difficulty in FFXIII is restricted to each battle, rather than making it about resource drain, which tends to actually subtract from "difficulty" in a game (by replacing "challenge" with grinding).

It seems like you're the only one here who has actually played the game, this discussion is pointless. They're just trying to piss you off. My first RPG was the US FF I, it hooked me from then on out. First western RPG? KOTOR, not very exciting and the graphics were bland, but at least I liked the superficial morality system. It was like they actually let me be what I wanted to be even without much depth. There are clear differences between the genres, but not much. Mainly in how the story is told. I will say, Square may have made a mistake by making characters like Cloud. The characters could have stay blank avatars. Final Fantasy had an opportunity to evolve like games like Mass Effect 2, but they chose a different path.

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#2 *AshieduNwadiei
Member since 2009 • 101 Posts

"Needless wandering" is where a lot of the fun comes from in the first place in an RPG. :|Vandalvideo


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#3 *AshieduNwadiei
Member since 2009 • 101 Posts

Some expected results, others very unexpected. Very unexpected indeed. Especially anything sci-fi or war related. So some of what is said is true, but not all of it.

I've never even met a real woman in person who likes Star Wars, they just pretend they do to get attention from guys like me.

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#4 *AshieduNwadiei
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Gamer chicks are a different breed. That's why I'm asking for anecdotal evidence.

Why don't graphics impress chicks I wonder.

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#5 *AshieduNwadiei
Member since 2009 • 101 Posts

I haven't encountered too many girls/women who were into hardcore gaming, particularly not on the PC.

My girlfriend plays a few games on the Wii from time to time, and some casual, flash-based online card games.


I posted this here actually expecting people to say the women in their live played casual games on PC. Those game existed on DOS. If there were high end graphics cards back then, I don't recall.

I guess I'm trying to figure out if the simplicity really matters to women. She plays Sims and there is always alot going on.

Now that I think of it though, I don't know why my girlfriend doesn't try horror games or even watch them when she loves horror movies. She watches every one that comes out.

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#6 *AshieduNwadiei
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What kinds of games do your mothers, wives, girlfriends, sisters, female teachers and co-workers, etc. play and why?

No matter what I play my girlfriend isn't interested in playing anything besides Mario and Uno Rush, not even music games. She's not impressed whatsoever by next-gen graphics. They still look fake to her.

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#7 *AshieduNwadiei
Member since 2009 • 101 Posts

True. You've gotta realize that with the way Microsoft and Sony forced the next generation, that games were gonna get more expensive right? Liberty City obviously took so much time and money to make, they remade 2 more games to try to get their money's worth out of it.It's gotta give somewhere. Most of the profit comes from the software itself, not inmerchandising.

Games like World of Warcraft rip you off, but no one seems to complain. At least not those that play it.

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#8 *AshieduNwadiei
Member since 2009 • 101 Posts

$24 is a fair price.

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#9 *AshieduNwadiei
Member since 2009 • 101 Posts

I couldn't get Unreal Tournament 3 to play on 64-bit Windows 7 no matter what I've tried, plus Bioshock acted very funny.

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#10 *AshieduNwadiei
Member since 2009 • 101 Posts

I've been gaming since like 1986. Nothing is new anymore, so I can't be a noob, although people will mistake you for one now because of stupid crap like gamerscore or xp. It takes like 15 minutes to get used to a game, but if I have to work I can't spend all my time mastering a game like a kid could.