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*Asylum_Chick Blog

Random things.

In this blog today:

  • Update on my reviews.
  • Stardust!
  • Charile Cox
  • Countdown to March 1st.

Okay, so I'm still in the middle of all my reviews. Halfway done with Fresh Blood. I'm just going to release them all once I have them all done. With the delay in episodes until April, I shall get them posted! Also, I started to work on my Firefly review. Halfway through the episode. So, never fear. They are on their way.

Okay, so I just saw Stardust. It's such a great movie. I loved it! It's my new favorite movie. I loved Prince Septimus. He was evil and well, that entire dead brother ghost storyline thingy was funny. I liked the guy with the smooshed face. :D Robert DiNiro was funny as a whoopsie. Hehehehe. Yeah, just a great, funny movie with adventure and a bit of romance.

The bloopers were funnier than hell. Especially the part where Tristan is doing the "Arrrrrrr' to the pirates. *snickers*

Just watch the bloopers.

Charlie Cox. He is kinda cute. He played in Stardust as Tristan! Anywho, here are a few pictures of him. :D

So there he is. Yup. He's a cute guy. :D

Onto more important matters! My birthday (And Jensen's) is in.....


Official Countdown

So, I've decided that since it's less than two weeks till my eighteenth birthday, I'm gonna do a countdown. goes.



I know, I didn't put them up. But....I got sidetracked. I've got orals coming up, but I will get to them. I promise!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Four weeks!!!

Four weeks until my eighteenth birthday! Yay!! Stupid leap year, I have to wait an extra day to be a legal adult. Bleh.

Oooh, just got good news. Supernatural is coming on TV this Sunday. Yay. I can now watch it with my mom. Wooooooooooot. Speaking of supernatural. I saw the latest episode. Yuck, the beginning was gross and a little scary. I once had a dream my teeth fell out like that, only I didn't die. Okay, let me just say this, I know it happens at the very end, but I'm depressed now! Dean can't be saved? What what what WHAT?! Screw Ruby.....making me all depressed.

And I know I haven't been doing reviews, I have a four day weekend. I'm trying to catch up!!!! Sooo, they'll be done soon. If they're not, you have permission to shoot me or something. :D

I got my poster!

Yay, happy for me! I know have a...supernatural poster. It's soo sexy.

Isn't it sexy?! *squeels* I'm happy now. Yay for my best friend who realized how obsessed I am. :D

Happy New Year!!!

It's midnight!!! So....HAPPY NEW YEAR!

It's now officially three months till I turn eighteen. Yay!!! Well, there's plenty of fireworks going off. I doubt I'll be able to sleep for awhile. But it's okay!!

So, it wasn't the best New Years, but that's okay. I was sick in bed with a cold, plus jet-lag is still here. But it's okay, I still had a good time. I got to watch plenty of Jensen and Jared. :D:DOH,and HSM 2.

Um... I don't really know what my New Year's resoulution is. Hmm, how about to keep my grades up so I can get into UAF. Yeah that's a good one. Okay, hope your new year is filled with happiness and good things!

I'm back!

Okay, so I'm finally back from Alaska. Phew! The plane rides on the way back to Germany were all super bumpy..meh. And then in Newark, just as we were landing the little kid right across from me threw up, and then continued to scream about it as we taxied to the gate. Okay, I have this thing were I don't like the sight of people throwing up, it makes me feel extremely. So, yeah, that just wasn't fun.

Seattle Airport is really nice. They have lots of good places to eat on Christmas day. Yup. Didn't get to do much looking around though. Our layover was like an hour, so yeah.

Newarks was nice too. They had a Ron Jon Surf shop, which was sweeet! They don't have those in Germany so I was realllly happy. I bought a shirt there. We had a super long layover there. Like 5 hours. Lucky for me, my dad put the entire second season of Supernatural on my iPod. :D

Um, well I should have my pictures up in a few days, I'm having trouble getting them off my dad's computer without everything freezing up on me. Damn technology sometimes. But to keep you entertained I shall do my pet blog.

My pets

Okay, so I have two cats. Both of them are a bit old. My baby, who is extremely annoying and very attached to me is Gadget. She is about 9 years old. We found her on Christmas Eve locked in our neighbor's porch. They were away and had two white cats so she wasn't theirs. Anyway, we took her inside for the night and she's never left.

Isn't she so cute? I got her just as she was cleaning her feet and her tummy.

Her favorite perch used to be on our computer monitor, but now we have flat screens, so she just sits on the desks now.

She loves the camera. She always tries to eat the lense. Silly kitty.

She's just so cute, I wanna snuggle her!

And here's a close up.

And here's Cruiser. He's about seventeen years old. He's pretty old, but still cute. He's most likely to be found in my parents' bed, snuggled under the covers. Or if it's a sunny day, sprawled out in the sun. Also he thinks he's a lion at night and howls for like half an hour before bed. He also snores. Which is freakin' funny.

Here he is. The adorable lazy cat.

He's got this gorgeous blue eyes.

He's really ferocious when he wants to be.

And really just plain cute the rest of the time.

Okay, Merry late Christmas everyone and Happy New Year!

Trip to Alaska

Sooo, right now I'm in New York and sooon, I'm getting onto a plane to Seattle. WOoot. But yeah, I hate flying but the flight from Frankfurt wasn't that bad. There were just a whole lot of Texans on board. Like about twenty five of them! Right more later! Ciao!

Sick. *cries* Is ded. Hehehe

Yesh, I'm sick. I have a cold.:cry: :cry: :cry: It realllly sucks. I mean, two days before I'm going back to the states and I GET FREAKIN' SICK. Yesh, I'm angry....because....I don't wanna be sick. :cry: At least, I escaped the nasty flu virus that's going around. Yuck, that would really suck to have on an airplane.

EDIT:Upcoming Blogs


1.) Fresh Blood Review

2.) A pet blog - another request from Suze. :D :D :D :D

3.) Firefly episode review - The Message (Gonna be awhile till this one.)

All these shall be coming up in the next couple of days, hopefully. However,the Firefly one won't be for a while. Ookies, I'm done now. Lol.