Okay, so I found this video and thought it was awesome. ENJOY!
*Asylum_Chick Blog
Bad Day at Black Rock
by *Asylum_Chick on Comments
Okay, I have to say this is a pretty funny episode. From the crazy 'Jesus dude' to Sam's bad luck. Brilliant! I have to admit that this was one of the episodes I couldn't wait to see, ever since I saw the promo. *SQUEE*
SPOILERS! BEWARE! Yesh, I'm still a nice person, I warn you. Happyness.
Gordon was back but you barely see him. Thank goodness. I really hate him, I really do.He's the only character, besides Cassie, who I just wanted to smack. (Yesh, I have issues with Cassie.) He's mean to Sam and wants to kill him. You'd think he'd be over that by now, but he's not. He's stuck in jail, plotting on how to kill Sam. He recruits a buddy of his to kill Sam. "Sam Winchester must die." NOOOO! Not gonna happen because I won't let it.
Gordon's friend....let's just say thisguy is kinda weird. He lives in an RV. That has bumperstickers all about Jesus and God. (I'll have to rewatch the episode for like the 5th time to figure out what they say...) His entire RV has Jesus paintings and 'knicknaks', which you don't mess withor touch..."Don't play withmy Jesus." Hahahaha.
The whole plot is about a rabbit's foot. These guys break into a storage unit that John had in Black Rock, inside of which there were a couple of cursed objects, one happens to be the rabbit foot. Anyway, Sam and Dean barge into the thieves' apartment, and Sam gets it back. Thus, Sam ends up with good luck. Dean, being Dean, uses this new good luck and puts it to good use...THE LOTTERY!
The good luck is great....for awhile, until the rabbit's foot is stolen by none other than Bela. This is when the episode is freakin' awesome! Poor Sam, everything goes wrong for him. He trips off of a sidewalk and skins his knees. Then he loses his shoe because it had gum on it, and he tried to scrap it off in a drain. And his shoe ended up falling off...Poor Sammy. "I lost my shoe." He looks so sad when he says that. I love the part where he knocks himself out trying to put out a fire on his arm. Priceless.
So, Dean tries to get the rabbit's foot, to save Sam from killing himself with clumsyness and bad luck. Anyway, he steals it back and gets good luck. He knocks someone out with a TV remote! "I'm Batman!" Such a great scene. And then Sam looks at him like he's stupid. "Yeah, you're Batman." Sam's all like whatever you say, Dean. You're not Batman. All you did was knock out the weirdo with a remote.
And anyway, Bela comes back, and shoots Sam. Which really pisses Dean off, naturally. You can't hurt Sammy. Dean won't allow it. :D And all is good in the end, of course. Except for the small part about her stealing all those winning lottery tickets. Yeah, great way to make Dean really mad. He was up a lot of money.
There are just so many great scenes in this episode. Love the scene where both Sam and Dean check out the 'waitress.' :) Just brilliant.
So, all in all, this was an awesome episode. Definately funny and just plain awesome. Though, that doesn't say much because I haven't found an episode of Supernatural that I didn't like. But AWESOME! Just hate Gordon, he should die a horrible death and rot in Hell. :evil:
Supernatural book
by *Asylum_Chick on Comments
Okay, so I'm only about halfway through the Supernatural book, Nevermore. But so far, it's pretty awesome. Mainly because it deals with Edgar Allen Poe, and I just find his work awesome. In a scary, disturbing way. :D
I know people have complained about the book and how its not the essence of Supernatural, but I find it convincing. Especially some of the brother banter.:P I love the part where Dean is stuck in New York City traffic, during rush hour. Hehe. Okay, well, I better get back to it so I can figure out the whole story. TTFN!
Ways you know your obsessed with Supernatural...CONTINUED!
by *Asylum_Chick on Comments
Okay, here are more ways you know your obsessed with Supernatural. Enjoy!!
16. Someone comes up behind you during the scene in Children Shouldn't Play With Dead Things, and calls Dean a total wuss for crying, and you end up yelling at them for half an hour, defending Dean and his sexyness. Your rant includes his backstory, how he's had a hard life, and that its Dean and Dean doesn't cry EVER. This, in turn leaves the person speechless and a little afraid of you.
17. You're forced to play Barbies with a little girl who's father is a co-worker of your own and she makes you play the 'boy barbies'. You end up making it a Supernatural thing and are deeply saddened when you have to go because the story wasn't finished....
18. You're incredibly happy that you share the same birthday as Jensen Ackles. (You're just miffed that he's 12 years older than you.)
19. You scare your dad because he was messing with the internet and the homemade TiVo, and you ended up missing an episode of Supernatural. And when you tried to go on the internet to find it, the internet was down. (Actually, pitched a fit, which I hadn't done in years.)
20. You tell your friends about a big discussion you had on the Supernatural forums, and you refer to 'we', and they say, "We? Who's we?" You instanly blush, and say..."My supernatural friends online." And your friends get that knowing look of pity.
21. You watch the bad horror movies done by the boys just to here them curse, and for some reason find it incredibly sexy. And you giggle uncontrollably everytime they curse, because deep down inside your still twelve and find it hilarious.
22. You suddenly have the need to watch all of the seasons of Dark Angel because it has Jensen in it. And you get extremely miffed when no one in your grade has it so you can borrow it.
23. Your entire bedroom wall is covered in pictures of Jensen and Jared.
24. After seeing the pictures of Dean looking like Bond, you suddenly have daydreams of Dean as a special agent in a suit. :oops:
25. Someone tells you they have a brother named Dean and that he's single, and you start having daydreams about him being the Dean from Supernatural. And of you two being togther. This is before you realize he's a huge dork and obsessed with D&D.
26. You get all squeee-ish when your guy friend hands you a Winchester gun to look at. You giggle at the thought of holding a Winchester....:D
27. You freaked out when you saw an old car, and you ended up being disappointed because it wasn't an Impala.
28. Your lamp flickers and you grabbed your pocket knife, not realizing that the lightbulb was just on its last leg of life and need to be changed. You thought it was the YED or a regular demon coming to possess you.
Ways you know your obsessed with Supernatural
by *Asylum_Chick on Comments
Just a list I made about the obsession of Supernatural. Enjoy, I'll put more up later.
1. Every thing anyone says is somehow related to Supernatural.
2. You're dream car is now the Metallicar...squeeky doors and all!
3. You have a special playlist for all the music on Supernatural, and listen to it before you go to bed every night.
4. You spend every boring english lesson writing notes to your friend and they end up being quote pages for the boys. And you end up putting random quotes...even the lame ones.
5. You bring your brand new laptop school just to watch Season Two during your free periods. And you get mad if someone interrupts to ask a question about the English oral.
6. You check the forum: Supernatural pics every day just to see if someone posted new pics of Dean, because he is just so hot and you can't get enough of him.And your disappointed if no one posts.:D
7. You and your best friend now imitate Sam and Dean's 'B*****...." "Jerk." moments. (I'm Sam in these moments....cuz I'm taller...and nerdier.)
8. You watch Supernatural even when you're supposed to be doing homework...
9. You suddenly want to stock up on rock salt and gasoline.
10. You bought a pocket knife and keep it under your pillow....just in case.
11. You watch your Dad's video iPod in the car because it's got Supernatural on it, and you're glad it took an hour to get to school, just so you could finish the episode that you downloaded free off of iTunes. :D
12. You look for Supernatural posters and you're life nearly ends because you can't find any. :(
13. You keep looking for new pictures of Dean, just to have a new background picture for your laptop.
14. You start to use Dean-isms when doing a formal oral. (Yeah....not a good idea... Saying 'Dude' and 'awesome' and such words....)
15. You made Back in Black your ringtone and won't answer your phone until it plays at least once.
The Kids Are Alright
by *Asylum_Chick on Comments
Wow, just wow. I loved it!!! And I just have to say, thank goodness for youtube. Love that site.
May contain some spoilers. Just warnin' ya! But not very big ones. Come on, I wouldn't ruin the episode that bad for you. I'm a nice person. :D
Now back to our former discussion. The second episode was awesome, as usual. Loved the little boy. He was soo like a minature Dean, it was cute. Good to know that he's a AC/DC fan.:D The beginning was creepy, there is a reason I don't like power saws....they might turn on automatically and....kill you!! Sam was so cute at the beginning of this episode. "Yeah, oh yeah, just really felt like pizza, ya know?" Hehehe, so cute. And Dean....*jumps up and down like a maniac* Gosh, they're just both great. I wish I could take them home.:D
My favorite quote from this episode has to be the one that Dean says in the Diner at the beginning of the episode. "Come on, smile, Sam. God knows I'm going to be smiling after 24 hours with Gumby girl.Gumby Girl... does that make me Pokey?" Well, that was one of the many quotes that were great. But that's the one that stuck out for me, and that I can remember...:)
Okay, the kids did freak me out. They were all....NICE! And just freaky. I never was that affectionate towards my mom, and I was an attached kid. But I guess that's what changlings do. They latch onto the moms. But hey, they were just plain freaky, if ya ask me.
And Ruby! Ah, she's a demon! Gah, so weird. But she says she's good, well kind of, she implies that she's good. And she did kill three of the seven deadly sins and saved Sam's ass, so I guess that counts for something.
Okay, that's it for now. I'm done rambling on about my obsession. I'm just glad I got to watch the episode. This is one of the ones I really wanted to see because of the whole Dean having a kid thing. Yay! Happy now. *happy dance*
Awesome video!
by *Asylum_Chick on Comments
Okay, so I found this on youtube, and I thought it was freakin' awesome!!!! Just awesome. I love the ending, the very end. Mmmmmmm, Dean.
Things you notice the second (or third) time you watch 'The Magnificent Seven.'
by *Asylum_Chick on Comments
Okay, so I just rewatched 'The Magnificent Seven' again.Here's a few things I noticed or I have to comment on.
1. If your trash cans are moving like freaky weird things, would you really go over to them and check them out? The correst answer is no you would not, you'd run into your house as fast as you could. Not wait until the last moment when you see the black smoke cloud thingies! Obviously, the trash cans know more than you do. You should heed their warnings.
2. What is up with the license plate number? I know it changed but...I miss the original one. Sure, they probably had to change it because of the whole, being hunted down by the evil FBI agent, Henricksen still on their trail. But KAZ - 2Y5 is the licence plate for the Metallicar! Not CNK 8003. Grrrrrrrr.
3. All the gore. Personally, I like it. Sure, its a little gross at times. But it was all good in the end. I actually thought the part with Envy was awesome and funny. "I want those shoes." Mwahahaha. Awesome. Killing people for shoes!
4. The whole empending death of Dean. I thought all his jokes about it were funny. Yet, I still have a slight complaint. They brought it up way too much, and the jokes kind of ruined some of the moments. I think that if there is more angst it will be a little more believable. I understand that Dean deals with serious issues with humor, but I think with something as important as his death(which won't happen until he's old and wrinkly and grey) he would be a bit more serious than with other issues. This is just my thinking though, you might not think the same as me.
by *Asylum_Chick on Comments
by *Asylum_Chick on Comments
Okay, so I just watched Devour. Am I the only person who thought that movie was a little...lame?Well, compared to otherscary movies like...Silent Hill. It wasn't even scary. And the whole Satan mom thing....and who that ended up being! Talk about major grossness. The only good thing about the movie was JENSEN! :oops: Hehe, that whole chair sex scene was hilarious. Yet, strangely sexy, which is probably only because it's Jensen and I can't get enough of him. ((I'm not obsessed....I swear! :D))
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