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*HaveSumFaith Blog

Thank God For Loud Music...

my mom talked to my teacher who feels bad for me at the open house. she told my mom im reallty quiet and my moms like, noshes not. oh well. :)my other teacher hated our parents, saying they were just like us. they talked too much, and when she asked for parrticipation. everyone was quiet. but she didnt tell them that. cuz she is evi. :evil: evidentally she just stood at the front of the c l a s s and waited with a mad look on her face.

im going to salem tomarrow. yay!!! so happy.

and one question. yuo know how people randomely sends out pms telling you to read there blogs, well whats the point?? sorry to insult, but... and how do you do it?? though it annoys me. :P

dont pick me lastt pleaz, in a math game. oh yess. bob.

yesterday i was having fun at walmart playing with the music cards. they had such cool songs. ok, this awesome card was like a long time were born. :P and it played the little star wars song. awesomee.

in math my teacher was flipping out, because we took too long to solve a really hard math problem. :roll: but not at me, she feels bad for me, im not the best at math. and when i won at a round of board games, she was so proud of me. :P

In another c l a s s this dude fell asleep. everyone wanted to throw crayons at him. but my teacher woke him up and ruined all our fun. gosh darn. :(

and my mom is at my schools open house right now, so i will tell you guys about that later. i bet you cant wait. :D

SSOA is a very important issue.

dont ask,really. :P in one of my c l a s s e s we were talking about major issues. and the ssoa is a major issue. no one believed me, but it is. ok, gawd. people were talking about penguins and grass but i had it right. :) . and i cant wait to turn in my story for english, my teacher will freak. ha. :P its about this murder, and psycho, and its really awesome. :)

rabbit rabbit.

does anyone actuaully get my title?? its very cool. a tradition for the first of every month. and i got to change my calander today. from august to october. yay!! :)

now that we have established you guys are all cool....(i hope))

i had a good time t his weekend. though i was freezing cuz the heat didnt work. i felt like i was camping. my uncle taught me how to "borrow" a bike. it was pretty fun. we went to this sports bar, and annoyed the waitress. first i didnt like my drink, so i sent it back. then i spilled the new drink. then my uncle complained about his food. it was just so funny. :) and i took a stroll down horror street.

my uncle listens to "that" music, and i was like urgggg. :P i had my ipod though. last night we watched xena and now i love it. its awesome, just like you guys. :)

and omg... one last thing. last night at about 1230 in the morning, it was really dark, and my uncle and i were on the beach on these rocks. and he just freaked me out. he goes, i think theres gonna be a title wave. and he was serious. i was so scared. very tramatic. :P

Dont Read This...Unless Your Awesome And/Or Cool.

me and my friend have lots of fun boycotting thigs. lets see. im boycotting:

high school musical two(wayy overrated)) sorry. :(

this dude matt(annoying and mean)


weird music of today(such as rap and hip hop)

hollister and crap(to expensive, plus everyone wears it)

theres probobly a lot more that im missing. but oh well. :)

anyway, im going to the beach again tonight with my uncle, it should be interesting. i will update you guys ater.

and my teacher read my vampire obsessed paper. she's like, ummm. thats interesting.:P

have a great day. :)

Lisa. xoxoxoxoxo

wow. very ironic.

last blog was about hands as you know. and yesterday in school we had this hand project. we had to trace them(very hard) and decorate them with our interests. i of course included vampires and other things. it looks pretty cool. :)

My What A Lovely Handprint You Have..

the premeires this week were all really good. bones was great with the near kissing moments. and a certain fbi agent was looking very good. house and dr buffer was hilarious. and heroes was really cool. a bit confusing, but still uber cool. and what would make it even more awesome is a touch of niki. :P

and on the cover for house on haunted hill, the remanke, my hand matches the handprint. on the cover, there is a handprint which is my size. how cool, right?? :) i dont really like the movie, but oh well. its all good. :P

Not Another Stupid Story.....

well maybe. today in science we were doing experiments. my friend would not put our glass beaker back. so she put it on a desk next to mine. well, it slid and shattered. and the minute it did she yelled out my name. nice. right?? :P

i got my school pictures and i like mine. i mean im not smiling, but still. everyone said i looked emo, but i dont think so. my first good pic. yay!! :D :D

and im excited about all the shows comming back this week. heroes and himym tonight. :) oh yess. i found a girl in my c l a s s who also loved heroes, which is cool. and another opinion needed, is a movie from 2001 old?? a movie i love from 01 was called old. is that tru??