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*HaveSumFaith Blog

Well Since My ex-Fiance's Name Is Lisa I Dont Like You.

oh yess. today i went back to school. how exciting. :P its not so bad accept i dont like any of my teachers. i am happy i have a good class, though. but since my class is the algerbra class all the teachers have like, really high axpectations for us. which sux. :( my homeroom teacher is soo annoying. he just randomly pounds on peoples desk. and my other teachers are just so rude and strict. last year i loved all(well almost all)) of my teachers.. and one teacher who i have had since 6th grade, and has had the same like 11 people, still makes us sit in abc order. i mean come on has she not learned our names yett?? :) our vice principal is nice though, i had her for sixth grade. i loovvveee to freak out my teachers. we had to write this about me essay, and im like, yea, i worship vampires. :P so i will see what she thinks about that. well, i think i have officially complained enough today. tomarrow wil be my lovely safe sex blog. so be kind and...err. well dont rewind, just read it. :P

I'm Tennisly Challenged.

i went to play tennis with my family today. big mistake.:( seeing that tennis and i dont mix. im really bad. so i play a little with my dad. and hes like, ok im tired, but he wasnt. he just didnt wanna play with me. so then he asks my mom, to play. she really does get tired, and she tells me to play. i can kinda catch a hint, and new my dad didnt want to play with me. so im like,nope ,my dad is like, i guess i will play with you if you must. now excuse me rudeness. :( so i didnt play, and just sat there for an hour while my family played. funn stuff. :P


I just had to inform you all that, me, the most ungirly black wearing girl in the world, i wearing a skirt. i mean, seriously, its a miracle. i was forced, but that doesnt mean i wont wear it my way. i have on a tight black shirt, and a studded skull belt, so ha!!! :P i feel really weird, cuz the skirt is really short, i had it for like two years. i like the color, its a dark jean color. and last night i wrote my longest review yet. i was so proud. i wrote 312 words. amazing, right. :) it was for an episode of angel called spin the bottle. very cool episode, by the way. well, im gonna go eat my un burnt grilled chease sandwhich with ketchup now. :)

New Banner. My Life Plan. And Such.

Last night i went to another one of those tuesday 2.4 mile races, which was funn. my own fifth grade teacher didnt recognize was really funny. my friends mom even told he who i was, and she didnt know still. its been only three years. i dont take it personally or anything. but i just find it so funny. i stood right in her line of vision for like 10 minutes to see if she noticed me,i guess not. hmmm. i am kinda different. i had long blonde hair, now i have medium lenght brown hair.

Lastly, on a less serious point. i was suffering from lacque of smileys. well. i have my life plan. i am going to attend Stale University. I will study in the course of Gomens. Then when i graduate, I will move to the woods and i will start my six finger salary. well i think my great plan deserves a few good smileys. :) :D :P :) :D :P :) :D :P

and yess, i made a new banner. i know its kinda black, and dark, but i like it. i found the cool pic on the left on iconator and fell in love wiht it. i also have a rose with "happy" purple on the left. :)

Madness and Stabbing Pain and uh Memory Of Ill Deeds I Have Done.

well, not so dramatic, but i dont feel well. i have a bad migrane, i think because of this lotion i used. and my dad is really mad at me. yesterday, i was outside with my brother and he called. he thought i was asleep he got so madd. but i wasnt asleep, and he apoligized. but today, i went back to bed to try and get rid of my headace. my brother called my dad and told on me. so now im in trouble. :( its not like he wouldnt be pkay alone. he is perfectly capable of not getting into trouble for an hour. im watching ice princess, then im gonna watch final destination, and my brother is now wacking me with his binder. urgggg. rudeness. :evil:

Its Just One Of Those Days.

im having a weird day. im a little out of it or something. first i was going to measure myself and i couldnt find the tape measurer. i was looking the fridge. i really didnt even notice for a while. then i go looking for a trashbag in the bog of tea. the very small tea box. and the last weird thing i did was put my brothers food in the freezer to warm it up. :) i really am just so out of it today.

Cuz I Feel Like It.

Yes, im here. hold your applause all. :P i wasnt gone that long was i?? only a day. but i bet a very painful and lonely day for some. lol. :) well, i guess im pretty nervous about going back to school next tuesday. i tend to way over analyze things which does not work well in my favor. but, i am also excited for my wedding the following day. that does brighten my worries a little. :) i know its just a new year and nothings different, but i just cant kick this weird feeling i have about the year. but i think it will all be fine, well at least i hope.

You Will Read this Blog Post, Right??

there is a very nice new user here in our community. she is very kind and interesting. you should track her or pm her, and get to know her. she likes to make friends and she is in the right place. so dont dissapoint me, please track her. oh gosh. i forgot to tell you who it was im stupid sometimes,. her name is vgraceluvsya . well, have a great day everyone. :)