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*Lady_Azriel Blog

It Feels Nice To Rant About Nothing in Particular

What'd you I am with another random blog :P Ok so...not much going on. Graduation is on June 12th. After that i have no idea what i'm gonna do with myself. Still no job. I have a beautiful baby niece who was born on Feb 11. Her name is Carolina but i call her CeCe.(Her middle name starts w/ a C) On the fiction world...God I love Dean but i'm having issues w/ the whole Winchester Gospel sounds very weird in my ears. And i felt insulted by Kripke in that epi... we're passionate fans! not obssessed to the point of believing Supernatural to be out religion and we certainly don't bow to you (Kripke) as our god! So we're not a cult ! ! ! Ok maybe just don't call us that is sounds so dark :lol: Now in the epi 'on the head of a pin' totally enjoyed the hurt Dean...almost drooled and all you can ask Lizzie :D (i forgot to mention, Liz it was great to watch for the first time a Supernatural epi w/ u and how awesome was that it had our fav thing hurt Dean *hugs*) And talking about hurt i'm jumping out of my skin waiting for the new epi of Numb3rs in which my Don gets stabbed ! ! ! Five years waiting for him to get hurt and never happens, needless to say i felt cheated in that 'arrow of time' epi. Like always miss u all! lots of hugs for everyone! (Pix, Liz gave the thingy u made for us and i love u for it, it was beautiful thank u so much!)


Is it a shock to anyone? I'm alive and well... fudging pissed that i couldn't make it to Chicago since I was hoping to meet all u wonderful girls but oh well nothing i can do about it now. :P I hope you are all doing well and I just wanted to pop for a sec to see if the whole creating a blog worked for me this time. If you're reading this YES! finally i succeeded! Take Care Everybody I Miss You All ! ! ! *hugs*

My Long Day in a Short Blog

I'm glad that you guys found amusing my spider tale, I thought of patching up my jeans but they look better like they are now ;)

Moving on to resent developments yesterday was my first day of c l a s s but it was also my trial. I don't want to get into details but after a minor car accident the other part (a stupid son of a b!tch that has nothing better to do than screw my life around) decided to sue me. The judge didn't say much and the DA suggested waiting for the decision of the insurance co. before continuing with the trial. Meaning it got postponed and I had to pay for the suspension of it. Now I have to wait 'til Sept for the outcome and hopefully I'll get clear of charges and the greedy bastard won't get a penny.

After I was done with that I drove to my uni and took my c l a s s e s. My seminar is going to be a pain in my rear end and I don't mean to be mean but my profe looks like Apu's mom (The Simpsons) she talks fast like we follow her completely which makes her accent thicker and hard to understand and we already have assignments to do. The other two c l a s s e s were extremely boring to the point that I almost fell asleep (ok that also had to do with the fact that I went to bed after 3 am and got up at 7) I could feel my eyes about to crossed each other. By the time I made it home I was exhausted and was in dreamland before my head hit the pillow.

Ok so that's my lil' update

Til'next time!

Its a Long Story that Has no Real Purpose but to Make me Look Pathetic

This is going to be the stupidest blog you have ever read but if you try to imagine it I think you might find yourself laughing at my expense. Because my mom did and so did I after I recovered from my panic. I'm arachnophobic and I don't mean that I start screaming like a lil' girl when I see a spider...I mean I cry so hard you would think my mother died, my heart wants to beat out of my chest, my body starts to shake and of course...I start screaming like my life depends on it.

Here I was minding my own business, reading a Numb3rs fic with Don whumping, my favorite kind of course, when I see something move next to the tv...sure the wall is a good 10 ft away from me and I wear glasses plus its 11pm so I get up to check it hoping that is a roach or something those I can deal with but no it had to be a 8 legs freak. Of course the first thing that runs through my mind is to wake up my mother so she can kill it and I think I broke a speed record for that one. By the time my mom got over the initial shock of having a hysterical daughter waking her up at 11pm and thinking a tragedy had happen (which to me it was as close to the truth as it would get) she got up and followed and I pointed in the direction where I had seen it and the son of a gun had hidden, making my mother a very pissed off woman. Of course who wouldn't be in her shoes having a 22 year old daughter waking her up late at night to kill a spider that wasn't there.

So here I was at midnight playing hide and seek with my worse enemy because there was no way I would go back to my reading or my bed for that matter when that thing was running around in my territory without my permission. Then finally at 2am it made an appearance but this time I was waiting for the little devil so I was more in control of myself, my mom refused to get up and told me to kill it myself...cruel woman! So I armed myself with the broom and charged I was screaming like a little girl and a hysterical one at that when it jumped to the floor...I twisted my hand while trying to hit it and screamed at the same was running and then it stopped I swear it was challenging me...waiting for me to make the first move...I could almost listen the old western tune in the back of my head ...looked around and couldn't see any shoes laying forgotten around...the broom wasn't going to do the I went to my mom's room, the closer one to me and got one of her sandals...the son of a gun was still waiting for me, in the same after some hesitation I charged it falling on my knees (with more force than necessary I might add) for a better reach and of course I started saying all kinds of curses because I'm not of the prayer kind. I closed my eyes every time the sandal hit the floor and the damn thing kept backing until I finally got it!

By that time I started screaming again thinking I had come too close to it...stupid I know but haven't u been paying attention? The whole thing is pathetic! To top it all I noticed my mom and my dog sitting on the couch watching me winning my battle against the big and scary spider (If you ask my mom she'll say it didn't even reach an inch to me it looked bigger) Since I have a funny mom (when she wants to be) she congratulated me for being a big girl and killing a spider for the first time in my 22 years of life with very few tears shed after that she went back to bed saying how much she would enjoy telling the neighbors about it when they asked her why they heard screams. Cruel I'm telling you.

Now I'm sporting bruised knees and a ripped pair of jeans as my battle wounds! If you're laughing at this nonsense tale... I'm glad. If you're thinking she wrote this a$$ long blog all because she killed a spider...I'm sorry.

Happy Birthday Girl ! ! !

I just had to make a blog for the occasion.

Liz I wanted to wish u a happy birthday for like the 10th time

And in like the 3rd website :lol:

Sorry the party is a lil dead but the important thing is the intentions, right? :P


I gotta warn u... stay away from certain beverages... they can be the death of you :twisted:


And with that in mind I decided to


Don't take my word for it but I suggest u pick something more bubbly...


after all its ur bday ;) and...


Before im done just wanted to say again...

sn bday

love u girl hope u have an awesome day

My day so far...

My day started horrible...I think i got like 4 hrs of sleep but i was awake between midnight and 5 am I had to get up at 6 am to get ready and made breakfast because i knew i was going to be out most of the day... the stupid cheese of my sandwich melted to the point that when i took a bite it fell in my hand and fudging burned me!!!

I got to my uni at 7:30 am and waited in a office 'til 10 so they would tell me where i was going to work for the period of my summer c l a s s which while being for 4 weeks i only get to work 40 hrs out of those 4 weeks! Meaning i get paid $260 of which i owe $170 to my bro... not really a win situation!

My job is working in the English Dept of my uni and even though i gotta be there in 20 mins to actually begin my hrs i already know (since its my dept and i've been around for a while) that i'll most likely be their slave sending messages from dept to dept...running their errands... buying their lunch... i'm sure u get the picture.

My c l a s s is ok its a hybrid course meaning: 3 days online 2 days in the c l a s s room but since my laptop doesn't have a microphone i have to buy one for tomorrow ! I guess they really don't care that i'm broke :(

I was in the process of researching an idea for a new fanfic but that is on hold.

Well I gotta go if i want to make it to work in time...guess i'll check in tomorrow to let u know if the description of my job is the real one or just my paranoid brain and sleep depraved body one came true and if my day ended in a positive note or not.

Take Care Everybody
I Miss U All

It's Been a Long Time!

Well hello everybody!!!

Sorry for taking my sweet time coming back. Schoolwork and finals were a headache but thank Kripke i'm done and i came through with flying colors. My mom couldn't believe it...i guess i proved her that i can go on trips out of the country (on school days) to meet my gals and enjoy the cons and still get good grades ;)

On other news some son of a gun decided to hack my email account and send all of my contacts emails like it was me saying that i was on a trip in Africa and needed money...if i ever find out who it was i'm going to whoop his/her a$$ and if the person wanted to more credible should have said i was in a convention :lol: ok Laz don't give hackers ideas! Anyways if u were in that contact list i apologize. I created a new email obviously so if u want to add me again...or just add me for the first time to ur messenger my email is easy, right? ;)

Let's see what else...oh yeah i got a job for the month of June still don't know what it is but they'll tell me on the 4th its in my uni so they'll probably just stuff me in an office for the whole month...which i don't mind because i need money to keep going to the cons...since selling myself is not a option i got to fill out a lot of applications to get me a more stable job, so i'll let u know how that turns out.

I still haven't watch the last 2 epis of SN but i'll get right on it. Its hard to keep away from the talk and i don't want to be spoiled. So if something else pops in my mind i'll cme back and edit this thing now i'm out but not before saying....


My EyeCon Photo Ops ! ! !

Well since Hike asked so nicely about posting my Photo Ops I decided to go and take pics of them so I could post them ;)

Let's begin with me and Jared! And as you can see he autographed it! :D

Me & Jared

Next is me and Jim! :oops:

Me & Jim

Me and Chad! 8)

Me & Chad

And Last but not Least Me and Gabe!!! Ok so I'll show the first pic we took together, remember
the story about how he was frustrated with his smile, if you don't remember go back to my previous blog ;) Anyways you can see how he signed it :lol:

Me & Gabe 1

And then this is the re-shoot :P

Me & Gabe 2

There are two others but Lizzie has one and I have the other so maybe i'll show it to u guys some other time :)

Back From EyeCon ! ! !

Well U guys know i don't talk much about what happens in the i'll just say that i had the wildest week-end of my life! (Don't ask why) I had lots of fun with the girls and of course people from there. We partied a lot! (Don't ask about this)

Had amazing moments like when i gave Gabe (Andy) our pic for him to sign and he got so frustrated with his smile (because we were talking when the photographer took it) that he signed it "i'm so sorry about this smile" and drew an arrow to his face!!! :lol: He even showed it to Sandy and was like "Do you want to see the most horrible smile a human being can do?" and he showed it to her and she was like "Oh but it looks cute!" and then she giggled! :lol::lol: which didn't really help him feel less frustrated so he talked to the photographer and got him to take another pic of us! :D

Really embarrassing moments (Don't ask about this either) and just loads and loads of fun.

TIH was a great movie, Priestly was super funny not only because of his lines but his facial expressions. I was really surprised to see John Doe was in the movie and that guy is just amazing! Btw Elvis is Alive!!! :P Oh and i almost died getting to end of the movie...Jensen is so hot not that u hadn't noticed just ... u know :lol:

What else? I don't know... Some pics?

Laz & Liz

Me and Liz at the mall in front of a poster of the Con 8)

Me and Gabe

Me huging Gabe! I didn't want to let go! :P

Jim Beaver

Jim Beaver in his Q & A

Sam, Chad & Alona

Sam, Chad and Alona in their Q & A


Sandy in her Q & A


Jared signing pics


And that's me leaving the hotel to get to the airport...Kimmy is the one in the back trying to read something :D

And that's all folks!

Can't think Of a Title so Let's call It... Random thoughts About... love?

I'm bored, the blog i prepared got deleted because of my stupid internet so here u go...don't take me seriosuly i'm simply rambling here...


What a wonderful meeting
We shall have tonight
But first let's choose our place
So the story of our love
My mind can unfold

Oh yes, unexpectedly seeing you
Having some drinks with the guys
While I'm having a ladies night
Wishing we could share the spotlight
In a dance while everyone's in the dark

Every night the excitement remains unchanged
All the passions running uncontrolled
Like the rush of blood through my veins
The temperature rises and I can feel the heat
Your kiss leaves a burning fire on my lips

While those eyes of yours
Play the love song
That keeps the embers of my heart
Alive in each encounter
Waiting for more

Or perhaps it was the moist
Of your hot breath against my neck
While I go down the road
I've always dreamed
Feeling you lips caressing my skin

Your manly scent is fading
That's when the sweetest dreams
Turned into the bitterest nightmare
For the daylight breaks through my eyelids
Announcing the end of my nights desire

September 6, 2006


I got a profe that says that love is gas he says if u see someone and automatically ur chest feels like its going to burst up then burp and u'll feel better and he says that if u feel like u have butterflies in ur stomach... guess what? he says if u go to the bathroom u'll feel much better if that doesn't work then he recomends u to take some pepto bismo :lol:

Well i say that if love really exist then it's a trickster and enjoys our misery. No i'm not having bf troubles because i have no bf because i don't need see i believe fairy tales only screw with lil' girls minds...i just wish there was a new guy around for a while if u catch my drift ;):D

Anyways Eyecon is around the corner, packing is done, Jim, Jared, Sam, Alona, Gabriel and Chad wait for us there, i can't think of words to describe how excited i am to get the oportunity to actually watch Ten Inch Hero!!!

Liz, Engel and Kimmy i'll see u girls on Friday!

Jo feel free to spam, away! :lol: