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*Lady_Azriel Blog

Happy Birthday Gelly and Laurie ! ! !

A Happy B-day vid! ;)

ps. tell me u didn't have a flashback of the Pilot when Sam grabs Dean by the jacket into the room!!! :lol:

I want to dedicate this blog to my lil' sisters who are celebrating their birthday Gelly today and Laurie tomorrow :)

Ok so here's where the chick-flick moment begins--> Girls, I wish u all the happiness ur hearts can grasp and even more I hope u guys have a wonderful day < chick-flick ends! Thank God!!! :lol:


Ice Cream for my Twin

Here comes the next order of the Laz Ice Cream Truck and its for my twin who asked and i quote: "i'd like something sweet and maybe a lil tough in a "rough around the edges" sort of way... but it should also be sensationally tingly and delctably delicious!!"Ok twin that was a hard one but i decided that since what u asked for was a clear definition of Dean :lol: i just couldn't go wrong if i posted a pic of him.

Enjoy ur Ice Cream! ;)


Pick Up Ur Ice Cream Liz!

The Laz Ice Cream Truck had recently an order and i'm delivering it. I hope its juicy enough for u Lizzie :D


And some Fire Hot so ur tooth desn't hurt! Hey that rhymed! :lol:


Happy First Anniversary Twin ! ! !

Hello Everyone!!!

The reason behind this blog, well actually i got two reasons: first today's is Cally's anniversary!!!

And the second reason is because I'm in an excellent mood! In fact I'm still jumping up and down from excitement!! I'm pretty sure you can guess why...
Yes I got my Season 2 DVD's today!!!! woohoo

So in honor of that and seeing how I'm so hyper I can climb someone right now...


Oh and some Jensen/Dean goodies because my twin and I are totally addcited to him!

So again...Happy 1 year Anniversary Twin!!! and I'm still bouncing off the walls!!! woohoo

Laz Ice Cream Truck Is Back for Pix Bday ! ! ! !

This Blog is dedicated to Pix Bday!!! and because of it Laz Ice Cream Truck Made an Appearance after so long!!! Pix all of them are for u!!!


Ice Cream Truck


Sexy Sam

Sexy Dean

Rock On Bubble Gum

Candy Cane Heaven

Evil Walnut

Scary Caramel


Dazzling Eyes

And two oldies that I absolutely Love!

Scared out of my Nuts

Apple Tied

I hope u enjoyed!!! and again...

Happy Freaking Birthday Pix!!! You're the Best!!! yay

Random Story and a Poem

Let's see i don't have much to say, except that i'm still excited about Chicago!!! and that's about it :lol: Nothing exciting happened in the week, totally boring stuff, like how my brother used the big brother card on me today, he wanted me to go to his house and i was happy in my couch ( see this is where the first question of the last quiz i did fits, you know the one that says "You name with a Y in the end" Lazy, i bet some of u r laughing again :lol: ) so i asked him why i had to leave the comfortness of my couch and he told me "Because you're the lil' sister and i'm the big brother and u do what i tell u" i looked at the phone in shocked and i told him "that's something Dean would totally say" he only said "just get here" but i bet he rolled his eyes at my comment! :D

And another short poem by me! Enjoy! :)


Someone broke your heart once
And it remained in pieces all this time

Your wounds are someone else's doing
But I want to be the one who heals them

Nurse you spirit back to health
For I can show you good exists as well

I shall sew your heart
And leave it as good as new

I promise every stitch I sew
Will be as gentle as a kiss from my lips.

Help Wanted... Looking for Suggestions ! ! !

This is the thing...Lizzie and I have been trying to design the SFU T-Shirtand let me tell you we either are perfecionist or we have issues because we can't come up with a design that meets our expectations! :P Anyways, that's not the point! the point is that we thought it would be cool if each member had a dif quote in their shirt, you see Lizzie has a Dean quotation from the epi The Benders "Demons I get, People are Crazy" and i'm drawing a blank for mine! :cry: I love a lot of quotes especially Dean's because well in my opinion his are the bests! but i can't find one in specifically to put it in my shirt!!!

So i'm looking for suggestions! Feel free to help me out in my quest! Actually...please help me out! :) What quote would fit me?

What's Another Felony?

ateI stole this from my twin, who stole it from Suze but let's be honest i think everybody already answered it.

1. Your name with a y on the end? My nickname does and if u put one in my codename u'll get Lazy! :lol:

2. Two feelings at the moment? Anxious and bored

3. What are you listening to right now? "Save Yourself" Stabbing Westward

4. A part of a song lyric that's in your mind? "I can not save you, I can't even save myself, So just save yourself"

5. Describe where you are right now? In the couch of my house...

6. The highlight of your week? Hmm...I guess the news of a family trip in a couple of months

7. What are you wanting right now? For Creation Entertainment to finally announce the price of the tickets to the Con

8. Who was the last person you went out to eat with? My housemate

9. What are you scared of? SPIDERS ! ! ! ! ! (embarrassing fact about it...I scream and cry like a baby when I see one :cry: )

10. Last Movie you watched? With who? War ... with the StalkerG :?

11. Are you thinking of someone right now? I'm always thinking f Jensen

12. Britney Spears is a skank. Agree or disagree? She's in serious need of help

13. What is the last thing you downloaded onto your computer? A sn video

16. Who was the last person you visited in the hospital? Wow I seriously don't remember

18. Name a friend whose name starts with "L"? Lenis

19. Do you have to work tomorrow? nope

20. Do you have a crush on a girl? I think I do have one with Kate Beckinsale :oops:

21. How many houses have you lived in? the same one since I was 3 months old

22. For or against same sex marriage? For, I don't see anything wrong with 2 ppl who love each other andtheir desireto unite their lives forever,wehter they're from the same sex or notdoesn't matter to me

23. Last friend you talked to online? Last time I was online was on Tuesday and I was talking to lizzie, engel, em, mac, cally, and belle :D

24. Who was the last person to text message you? StalkerG

25. What did it say? Movie on Monday?

26. Where was the last place you went besides your house? Lab

27. Has anyone ever said you looked like a celebrity? I was told a few times that I look like Jennifer Lopez but I don't know

28. Do you speak any other language other than English? Si español, I tried learning german but it's a bit difficult

29. If you were working on a pirate ship, what would you say the most? Aye Aye Capitan! lets scracht that because i'm not really a rule follwer but a rule breaker!

30. Last thing you watched on TV? The Simpsons and they had the song Bad Company in the epi :D

Are you..

1. A cuddler? Depends on the mood

2. A morning person? Not really but coffee has the power to transform me into one :lol:

3. Are you a perfectionist? Sometimes

5. Religious? Not at all

6. In your pajamas? Not yet but in about 5 hrs

7. Left handed? Nope but if I'm bored enough I write with my left hand :lol:


1. The weather is? Slightly hot like yesterday and the day before and the day before...

2. Was today better than yesterday? SSDD except that today is Friday so I'm home with my baby :) (meaning Keube of course! )

3. Today is: Friday

4. Got any plans? Lot of hrs in the internet


1. Number? 5

2. Color? purple and black

3. Season? Winter...although here all the seasons are pretty much the same :lol:


1. Missing? Supernatural

2. Needing? Supernatural

3. Wanting? Jensen!

Details of my So-Not-Date... with U know Who

I promise Engel i would give her the details of my so-not-date with the sort-of-stalker-guy and even though it wasn't that much i'm keeping my word. Besides i'm sure i couple of u wanted to know about it too! :lol:I went to the university in my torn up jean, my black shirt and my beloved boots, pretty much my every day outfit (note that i wasn't thrilled about it) I went to the library where i can use the internet with the comodity of a desk and a/c :D and not an hour later he calls me up asking me where am i...i told him i was in the library and he tells me that he happens to be there (coinscidense? i think not!) he asks me where exactly and i only said that i was in the third floor...can u believe that he actually found me?!!! (of course u can!!! this is the sort-of-stalker guy we're talking about and just so u know the library ain't small) The he wants to cut his cla$$ and go to the mall with me before we go to the movies...i told him to go to his cla$$ that i was going to stay using the internet for a lil while more (i was in the sfu thread talking to laurie and rocio and talking on the msn with gelly :D ) so he reluntacly agreed.

Exactly an hour later he comes back and asked me what were we going to do i said i didn't know (can u sense how much i wanted to go? :lol: ) Well then he began convo and i remember engel's advice and since i was already on the site, I started talking Supernatural, SFU, Fanfics and all u can imagine that goes with the SN obsession!!! I showed him the site i told him about my sisters and my firends about or jobs and the craziness that sorrounds us but instead the guy sort of liked it!!!!! :cry:he said that it was cool how we bonded and that it was great how it broughts us together! I agree with him but that wasn't my goal! He even wanted me to lend him the dvd's of season 1 and i told him that they were precious to me and that nobody touched them but me! (which is almost true) So another hour goes by he asked me if i ate i told him i had dinner in my apt before i left, then he asked me if i wanted to go for a cup of coffee in Borders which i said no but thanks (in my head i was screaming yes! coffee! take the coffee!!! ) So then he finally asked me if i wanted to leave for the movie i said ok but that i brought Alli (my car that my twin helped me named her :) Thanks Twin! ) and he said too bad because he wanted to see where i lived which i only smiled politely but didn't reply. So he went on about how i should invite him to my apt and that he would bring a bottle of wine (romantic on his part but creeping me out)I told him i was somewhat a loner, i didn't have much friends and definitely didn't enjoy having ppl at my apt ( i'm not that hardcore but i do enjoy my alone time) he said that he understood. So we met in the movie teather where we would watch War the movie of Jet Li and Jason Statham that btw i totally loved!!! Anyways back to the story Laz...where was i? oh yes, the movie teather well once inside we talked a bit about the previews and the my friend Kenneth (the one i tld u guys that he's like my lil' bro) appears out of nowhere (just so u know i'm being totally sarcastic since plan a didn't work i had to put in action plan b. I actually called Kenny while driving and told him the movie i was going to watch and in what movie teather :lol: ) and sits next to me! He talked to me through the whole movie!!! which i didn't really mind knowing the situation i was in :) The guy was left completely ignored in my other side while i kept on discussing the movie with Kenny! :lol: :lol: I'm evil I know! The movie ended he said his goodbyes to me and he "I'll see you later" to which i reply "yeah, maybe on tuesdays and thursday when i'll go to the library (where he works) to use the internet" He smiled and i smiled back. Of course today is tuesday and i chose another place in the uni to use the internet!

I hope he finally gets the hint and forgets about my existence! I also hope i didn't bored u with my story if i did I'm Sorry!!! and if i didn't What'd u think? :D

Meet my Baby!

I want to introduce to u guys my baby...his name is Keubone :), he's a cocker spaniel with the colors of a rottweiler. He was born on December 1st, 2000 and he's been with me since that very same day. His mom's name is Moty and she's going to be 11 years old in November, even when she belongs to my bro i've always seen her as my first dog, she gave birth to five puppies, 3 males and 2 females. She was so protective of them that she refused to eat or leave them out of her sight she would bark furiously at us if we got close to them :(well to the rest of my family at least not me. I had to feed her by hand until she learned to let go of them. Keubone was the second one to be born and the only one to remain with us. When my bro married he took Moty with him and Keube stayed with me. When he was a puppy he used to sleep on my pillow on top of my head now...well he's a bit big for that so he just lays wherever he finds himself comfortable! Everytime i go to my apt he stays in the porch of my housewaiting for me to return and his appetite changes or so my mom tells me,but we're so close to each other that i believe her.

He's my baby so i tend to spoiled him whenever i can, you know buy him dog treats like bacon and t-bones, i even bought him ice cream for dogs...yep he'sone happy dog! :lol: He enjoys playing with his toys and hiding my socks!! And I have a habit of brushing his teeth so he has nice white teeth and zero bad breath ;) This dog is everything to me! He doesn't like strangers and he can get a lil' angry at them (ok so i'm putting it lighter than he is but i gotta lie for my baby) that's why my friends call him Demon but honestly to me he's just a fluffy bundle of love! What'd u think? :D
