ateI stole this from my twin, who stole it from Suze but let's be honest i think everybody already answered it.
1. Your name with a y on the end? My nickname does and if u put one in my codename u'll get Lazy! :lol:
2. Two feelings at the moment? Anxious and bored
3. What are you listening to right now? "Save Yourself" Stabbing Westward
4. A part of a song lyric that's in your mind? "I can not save you, I can't even save myself, So just save yourself"
5. Describe where you are right now? In the couch of my house...
6. The highlight of your week? Hmm...I guess the news of a family trip in a couple of months
7. What are you wanting right now? For Creation Entertainment to finally announce the price of the tickets to the Con
8. Who was the last person you went out to eat with? My housemate
9. What are you scared of? SPIDERS ! ! ! ! ! (embarrassing fact about it...I scream and cry like a baby when I see one :cry: )
10. Last Movie you watched? With who? War ... with the StalkerG :?
11. Are you thinking of someone right now? I'm always thinking f Jensen
12. Britney Spears is a skank. Agree or disagree? She's in serious need of help
13. What is the last thing you downloaded onto your computer? A sn video
16. Who was the last person you visited in the hospital? Wow I seriously don't remember
18. Name a friend whose name starts with "L"? Lenis
19. Do you have to work tomorrow? nope
20. Do you have a crush on a girl? I think I do have one with Kate Beckinsale :oops:
21. How many houses have you lived in? the same one since I was 3 months old
22. For or against same sex marriage? For, I don't see anything wrong with 2 ppl who love each other andtheir desireto unite their lives forever,wehter they're from the same sex or notdoesn't matter to me
23. Last friend you talked to online? Last time I was online was on Tuesday and I was talking to lizzie, engel, em, mac, cally, and belle :D
24. Who was the last person to text message you? StalkerG
25. What did it say? Movie on Monday?
26. Where was the last place you went besides your house? Lab
27. Has anyone ever said you looked like a celebrity? I was told a few times that I look like Jennifer Lopez but I don't know
28. Do you speak any other language other than English? Si español, I tried learning german but it's a bit difficult
29. If you were working on a pirate ship, what would you say the most? Aye Aye Capitan! lets scracht that because i'm not really a rule follwer but a rule breaker!
30. Last thing you watched on TV? The Simpsons and they had the song Bad Company in the epi :D
Are you..
1. A cuddler? Depends on the mood
2. A morning person? Not really but coffee has the power to transform me into one :lol:
3. Are you a perfectionist? Sometimes
5. Religious? Not at all
6. In your pajamas? Not yet but in about 5 hrs
7. Left handed? Nope but if I'm bored enough I write with my left hand :lol:
1. The weather is? Slightly hot like yesterday and the day before and the day before...
2. Was today better than yesterday? SSDD except that today is Friday so I'm home with my baby :) (meaning Keube of course! )
3. Today is: Friday
4. Got any plans? Lot of hrs in the internet
1. Number? 5
2. Color? purple and black
3. Season? Winter...although here all the seasons are pretty much the same :lol:
1. Missing? Supernatural
2. Needing? Supernatural
3. Wanting? Jensen!
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