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*Lady_Azriel Blog

An Update on Hunter's Health

Well the doc said that Hunter needs a hard drive transplant so as long as he gets it things will be back closer to normal. :( I say closer because there's no chance of recovery... i lost all of my data but hey is my fault i should've been prepared and have a back up. :cry: I don't know when he'll be back but i guess its gonna be in a couple of days.

Cally i think Hunter got jealous of Erick's prank and he wanted to pull one on me only it didn't quite turn out how he wanted.

Lizzie, no its not weird that we name our laptops with Sn related names. It's totally normal well not normal because normal is boring but it isn't wrong. It's just different and unique! :D

Oh and since Suze has ask me a couple of times about my long-made-up name, I decided to share it. Actually i'm just gonna share my nickname :P You know the one that Sam thought it was weird but i think it isn't :lol: So here it is:People call meNilsy because its a short form of my name ;)

ps. my name has 5 more letters! :P

Bad Day for Laz and Hunter : (

Like most of you know, Hunter is my Lappy and he got hurt in his last hunt! Ok it was a rookie mistake, he slipped and fell! And now i think he's in a coma because he won't do anything!!! I'm freaking out!!! This is a disaster!!! How am I gonna survive my holidays vacation without a computer?! How?! I'm glued to that thing, you don't see one without the other!!! :cry:

Sorry my drama queen moment is almost done, anyways i wanted to let you guys know in case you're wondering why i'm not around when i said i would. This Sucks Out Loud!!! I have Faith that the comp doc who's taking care of him can do miracles because I need my Hunter back and I don't have money to buy a new laptop nor I'll get one for xmas. I'll pop in from time to time from my brother's laptop but that's only when i go visit him (i'm going to be an awesome lil sister just so i can use it :D ) I hope I can get Hunter back soon and in better health :(

Who Wants To See Jensen And Me?! I Do! You Just Want To See Jensen I Know

Ok so I promised Pix I would show her my pic with Jensen. I'm sure that those of you who read my previous and ancient blog know that i'm talking about my pic with him from the Chicago Con and how i found my voice to ask him to hold a lil flag of my country. When you see the pic, which btw is a pic from the real pic, you're going to say "What's she doing so far away from him?" I know people! is driving me nuts already! but the man intimidated the bejesus out of me! I was in shock just by seeing him so close and while i was on the line i kept thinking "Don't jump him! Whaever you do don't jump him!" And I didn't as a matter of fact i barely touched him!

Jensen and Me

Oh and another con story i forgot to tell you about was that when Sam (Samantha Ferris) was doing the autographs she asked me where i was from and for my name and i of course told her very proud that i was from Puerto Rico and then i told her my name then she looked at me and she asked me to spell it for her. I laughed and of course did. For those of you who don't know i have a long made-up name and even when i usually go by my nickname, its still uncommon. Which is why she said i had a weird but cool name. Then at the Dessert Party when she was in our table and she asked us where we were from and I said Puerto Rico she said excited "You're the girl with the weird name!" and i smiled. I was like wow Samantha Ferris remembered me and then i was like she called you the girl with the weird name but hey she still remembered you! Btw she said our table was the international one because there were people from all over. Engel from Canada, Mac from Australia, Lizzie from France, a woman who was from soma place far too and me from Puerto Rico. Cool, huh? Oh and I forgot to say! I'M GOING TO CHICAGO NEXT YEAR TOO! :D

I'm Back!

Hey Guys! I'm back I'm sorry i haven't been here before when u escape from school for a weekend to attent a Supernatural Convention and meet the man of your dreams, well there are consequences: lots of schoolwork to catcht up with. I'm not going to give you details from the Con because well it seems that the girls have said everything there is to say :D Jensen is hotter in person and i've never been so intimidated before i felt like i couldn't say anything to him but nevertheless i asked him to hold a lil flag of my country for the picture and...HE DID! :oops: he said that it was cool! My god i was so close to melting! :lol: and Jared is the sweetes guy on Earth! very charming too! I'm a hardcore Dean/Jensen girl but i have to say that as of now (well as of the convention) i'm a Jared's girl too!

I had a great time with the girls...I'm sorry for being a lil' too shy! but meeting u girls was a great experience! I had tons of fun!My twinwas great, too bad we didn't get to spend more time together! Mac was cool, Lizzie was really fun to hang out with, i swear Kimmy never stopped laughing, Engel really is addicted to coffee andEm was the popular one since she knew other ppl there.

Well i have to get back to my research paper, my Poe presentation and my Math test. I can't wait for holiday vacations! ps. a lil pic ;)


Upcoming Adventures and Stolen Quiz

I don't have much to say besides that I'm leaving for Florida tomorrow night and I'll be spending there a few days. It's sort of a family vacation, u see i'm going there to attend a muscle car autoshow that me and my brother always go to but since he's bringing my mom along we might go other places too. I know is during school time but I have it all planned out. My friend (who i got so addicted to Supernatural that he recently joined the SFU, i'll believe u might know him as Joe ;) ) its going to keep me up to date in 2 cl@ss and my roommate will keep me up to date in the other two and well one I'll be hanging but that's ok because I'll only miss like one day in that one. Also paid a doctor to get a medic certificate so I'll be legally excused. I think I'm channeling Dean here! :lol:

Anyways after that I get back to Puerto Rico only to leave again for Chicago where I can honestly say I can't wait!!! Not only to attend the convention but also meet my fellow SFU members! ;) especially my Twin and Lizzie! Now that I mentioned my twin I stole this quiz from her! :D

1. Are you taller than your best friend? - Yeah, but by an inch though :P
2. Do you have a favorite type of pen? - I use gel ones usually and they tend to be purple :)
3. Look at your planner for October 27, what are you doing? - Even though it passed already I was in my brother's house all day decorating for the holloween party they had that night and at night of course having fun!
4. What color are your toenails usually? - I usually paint them in a those clear nail polish that have like a rose tone.
5. What was the last thing you highlighted? - the copies I had from the play Titus Andronicus
6. What color are the curtains in your bedroom? - soft orange...I didn't choose them and I totally don't like them but I'm currently broke so I can't buy new ones :lol:
7. What color are the seats in your car? - Black
8. Have you ever had a black and white cat? - Nope, never even had a cat.
9. What is the last thing you put a stamp on? - An envelope for something I bought from ebay :D
10. Do you know anyone who lives in Wyoming? - Nope
11. Why did you withdraw cash from the ATM the last time? - To get food on the cafeteria...I had no cash available
12. Who is the last baby that you held? - My friend's baby Luis Oscar
13. Can you spell well? - I try to although not always succeed :lol:
14. Do you like Cinnamon toothpaste? - Haven't taste it and honestly I'm not eager to.
15. What kind of car were you driving 2 years ago? None
16. Pick one: Miami Hurricanes or Florida Gators? - No clue
17. Last time you went to Six Flags? - Haven't visit it.
18. What was the last thing you bought? - Shampoo and Conditioner :lol: That must sound silly!
19. Closest thing to you that is yellow? - Does the guy sitting in the table next to mine count? He does have a yellow shirt on. :D
20. Last person you gave a business card? - I don't have business cards...I don't even have a business!
21. Who is the last person you wrote a check to and why? - I've never written a check
22. Closest framed picture to you? - None because I'm sitting in the student center, no frame pictures around
23. Last time you had someone cook for you? - Probably my mom on Sunday
26. Last time you received flowers? - I would have to say last Valentine's Day and the sad thing is that they were from my friend since we have this tradition of exchanging flowers.
28. Do you play air guitar? - Nope
29. Has anyone ever proposed to you? - Nope
30. Do you take anything in your coffee? - Most of the time cream and sugar
31. Do you have any Willow Tree figurines? - Nope
32. What is/was your high school's mascot? - My high school didn't have a mascot
33. Last person you spoke to from high school?
my roommate and i went to high school together so her i guess (twin vibe here! :) )
34. Last time you used hand sanitizer? - an hour ago :P
35. Would you like to learn to play the drums?
Hell yeah! *clears throat* I mean of course who wouldn't?!
36. What color are the blinds in your living room? - No blinds
38. Last thing you read in the newspaper? - How my town volleyball team went up to the 2nd position in the standings
39. What was the last pageant you attended?
pageant? never been ( same as my twin)
40. What is the last place you bought pizza from?
41. Have you ever worn a crown? - wow I don't remember...must be a no then :lol:
42. What is the last thing you stapled? - My last midterm the professor gave us 3 separate papers and I stapled them so he wouldn't lose them ;)
43. Did you ever drink clear Pepsi? - Nope, I don't think that made it to Puerto Rico
44. Are you ticklish? - Only if u find the right spot
45. Last time you saw fireworks? - I think it was in January in a town celebration.
46. Last time you had a Krispy Kreme doughnut? - Haven't tried it.
47. Who is the last person that left you a message & you actually returned? - My brother
48. Last time you parked under a carport? - I have no idea what that is.
49. Do you have a black dog? - Yes, my bay Keubone is mainly black
51. Are you an aunt or uncle? - I'm a half - aunt :lol: Let me explain I have four half brother and since they live in Germany I don't get to see them often and one of them has 3 kids which I've seen 4 times in my life.
52. Who has the prettiest eyes that you know of? - That would be my friend Kenneth, he has this sort of hazel eyes but they look green most of the time and they're really expressive.
53. Last time you saw a semi truck? - traffic.

Ok this quiz was umm weird and I think I said Nope like 5 times!

Laz Ice Cream Truck

Before i show the new flavors i have to say ... SEASON 3 ROCKS ! ! ! Awesome Epis although is it me or are the deaths getting a lil umm gruesome? Anywaysthey're still great! :D Also I hope nobody hates me for saying this but i like Bela...I like her a lot! In fact i'm looking forward to see Dean and her annoying the hell out of each other!

So Here We Go!For those of you missing my Ice Cream (meaning Pix) :)

Laz Ice Crean Truck

Choose the flavor of your liking, don't ask for spoons if u've been around the Laz Ice Cream Truck before u know by now that the best way of eating these special ice creams is to well get messy! :lol:

Which reminds me to do a lil Warning...Beware of the Brain Freeze!!! Eat it Slow or else it'll be bad if you don't believe me Just ask Dean how bad it can get! :D:lol:

Brain freeze


Brownie Alamode
Brownie Alamode

Gummy Bookworm
Gummy Bookworm

Orange Sorbet
Orange Sorbet

Wicked Dolly Cream
Wicked Dolly Cream

Blueberry Mohawk
Blueberry Mokawk

What The Fudge ! ! !
What The Fudge ! ! !

Double Mint Twins
DubleMint Twins

Chocolate Chip Light
Chocolate Chip Light

And Just Because I'm Awesome I'm Have A Mystery Flavor! :D

[spoiler] Monkey Business
Monkey Business [/spoiler]

Haha! I thought that was cool! I'm sorry if i was being Bad Laz!

I'm Not Good At Thinking Blog Titles

Hey, again i probably wont be online much because school is still being a pain in my rear end. I got three tests coming up soon (one of them being tomorrow) and lots and lots to read (no i don't mean fanfics even if that's the only thing i want to read :P )

Other than that my big bro's laptop died so i'm being a good lil' sister and i'm lending him Hunter so he can use for a couple of days (of course the reason behind this being that if i don't have Hunter with me that means i can't get online meaning i can actually use my time to studying urggg! I sound like a geek! Ok so i do have my geeky days... that's completely umm ok...i know i'm a geek! i just don't like being call that...i'm gonna shut up now... I have issues :roll: ) What else can itell you...


Oh Right! I can't wait to watch Supernatural tomorrow!!! If you think i'm not gonna watch it because i have a test You.Cannot.Be.More.Wrong. :D I'm gonna leave some Jensen/Dean goodies here i'm sure u'll appreaciate it! ;)


Ps. Twin I feel like i haven't talk to u in ages! I miss u! Plus i gotta know how the convo about Chicago with ur parentals went! Lizzie even though I haven't talk to u in a couple of days I miss u too! I hope u and ur friend are having fun!

I'm Alive ! ! !

I'm alive, even though it doesn't look like it but i think seeing Dean brought me back! :) Ok so after a week of tests from hell that i couldn't exorcise, i drove home today to watch the season premier and Oh My God! ! ! It was so totally worth the trip I mean Supernatural is always worth the trip, watching Dean is always worth the trip but Man The Epi Was Great ! ! !

Unfortunately, like informed in my last blog my week was really stressful and that kept me from been here and reading fan fics ( i did print a couple literally just two and read them I mean i'm human and can't stay away from fanfics my addiction is too far progressed for that :lol: ) I'm actually going to drive back to my university tomorrow because i have my last test of the week tomorrow morning meaning i have to get up at 5 am to actually make it on time...It Sucks Out Loud ! ! ! but that's the price we pay for getting an education, actually that's not true the price is higher but since what matters right now is SN we'll leave it there! :D

I gotta go now, gotta review material before the test! I Missed U Guys! ! ! I'll be online tomorrow ! ! ! BTW I just wanted to tell thosewho are going to Chicago that I got my plane ticket! ;)

The Rubela Drinking Game, Alcohol Poisoning Edition

Before i show u the Rubela Drinking Game, Alcohol Poisoning Edition which btw was a creation of Ridley C. James some of u might know her from and the amazing Supernatural AU she created (she's a freakin' genius!) ;)

Anyways my professors decided to be a huge pain in my a$$ and give midterms and partial exams this coming week. So, instead of having a light week, i have 4 tests and a paper but to make matters worse 3 of them are between thursday and friday!!! :x Yup, now they officially hate me!!! of all the weeks or days to give tests they decided to do it when Supernatural Season 3 Premiers ! ! ! This means i won't be here until Thursday, because if u thought i was gonna miss the season premiers u're seriouslywrong! I'm still gonna drive home to watch it and wake up really early on friday to drive back to my university and take my last test. Yes, I'm that hardcore! :D

Ok now on with:

The Rubela Drinking Game, Alcohol Poisoning Edition

Inventors of this game waive any liability in regards to alcoholism, inebriation, blackouts, or vomiting. All blame rightfully goes to Ruby and Bela, so called "kick ass" hunters, and their creators. Shots of tequila, whiskey or vodka are recommended, but not necessary, just enough to make you forget that the female hunters exist.

Drink when one of the girls engages in a gratuitous display of "toughgirlery". Meaning, knife twirling, knife throwing, gun play, or any other weapons handling at a time when not necessary and/or not actively engaging in a fight with evil. (gun/weapon maintenance doesn't count because a well kept gun is just good sense)

Drink when one of the girls uses a form of martial arts or regular street fighting. Or gymnastics.

Drink when one of the girls out-drives, out-drinks, out-fights or out-shoots the boys.

Drink when one of the girls out-snarks or out-cons the boys.

Drink when one of the girls knows something about the myth/monster that the boys don't know (historical or technical information i.e. what it is or what kills it, etc.).

Drink when one of the boys calls one of the girls for help. Basically, any time they call one of the girls when in the past they'd call or go to Bobby (or even Ellen. I.e. Sammy goes missing again and Dean calls them for help).

Drink when one of the girls is used as bait on a job.Double it if she is hurt and one of the boys tends to her wounds.

Drink when one of the girls uses their feminine wiles to gain access someplace and/or to get out of a sticky situation or just generally uses their femininity to their advantage (i.e. preying upon Sam or Dean's gentlemanly nature, i.e. punching one knowing they wouldn't hit back, etc.).

Drink when one of the girls just happens to be hunting for the same thing as the boys at the same time. Take two drinks when one brother goes off to work the job with one girl and the other is left to do research or something boring like that. (Basically, plan on taking two drinks whenever one of them show up in an episode once their introductory episode is out of the way)

Make a friend take a drink when your friend expresses frustration over one of the girls (includes anything similar to "I can't believe this!").

Take two drinks if one of the girls mentions knowing another hunter (three drinks if it was John).

Take two drinks when, after a fight, the girls are very clean except for carefully placed blood or dirt smears (and the boys look like crap).

Drink if one of the girls is wearing an outfit where she is baring her midriff. Two drinks if either actress is sporting a belly ring or a tattoo (most likely on the small of her back, just above her lowrise jeans).

Drink if they are wearing some sort of weapon (knives, guns), hidden or exposed. [Two drinks if they use aerosol hairspray as a weapon.

Drink if the girls are wearing any rough-edge jewelry similar to the boys (ex: rings, bracelets, pendants).

One drink if either of the girls comes on to either of the Winchesters.

Three drinks if one of the girls kiss either of the Winchesters (or Bobby.)

Use your own discretion if one of the girls actually beds one of the Winchesters (or Bobby).

Call 911

Rubella Drinking Game...check it out!

Ok so i was reading some fanfics over at and one of my fav authors instead of posting the new chapter like i was hoping she posted this. I thought u guys might enjoy reading it ;)

Just to make clear this isn't my idea it belongs to Tidia, Mog, Ridley, Gatorpez, and Lo over at

The Rubella Drinking Game

Inventors of this game waive any liability in regards to alcoholism, inebriation, blackouts, or vomiting.

All blame rightfully goes to Ruby and Bela, so called "kick ass" hunters, and their creators.

Shots of tequila, whiskey or vodka are recommended, but not necessary, just enough to make you forget that the female hunters exist.

Drink when one of the girls engages in a gratuitous display of toughgirlery. Meaning, knife twirling, knife throwing, gun play, or any other weapons handling at a time when not necessary and/or not actively engaging in a fight with evil. (gun/weapon maintenance doesn't count because a well kept gun is just good sense)

Drink when one of the girls uses a form of martial arts or regular street fighting.

Drink when one of the girls out-drives, out-drinks, out-fights or out-shoots the boys.

Drink when one of the girls out-snarks or out-cons the boys.

Drink when one of the girls knows something about the myth/monster that the boys don't know (historical or technical information i.e. what it is or what kills it, etc.).

Drink when one of the boys calls one of the girls for help. Basically, any time they call one of the girls when in the past they'd call or go to Bobby (or even Ellen. I.e. Sammy goes missing again and Dean calls them for help).

Drink when one of the girls is used as bait on a job.

Drink when one of the girls uses their feminine wiles to gain access someplace and/or to get out of a sticky situation

Drink when one of the girls just happens to be hunting for the same thing as the boys at the same time.

Take two drinks when one brother goes off to work the job with one girl and the other is left to do research or something boring like that. (Basically, plan on taking two drinks whenever one of them show up in an episode once their introductory episode is out of the way)

Make a friend take a drink when your friend expresses frustration over one of the girls (includes anything similar to "I can't believe this!").

Take two drinks if one of the girls mentions knowing another hunter (three drinks if it was John).

Take two drinks when, after a fight, the girls are very clean except for carefully placed blood or dirt smears (and the boys look like crap).

Drink if one of the girls is wearing an outfit where she is baring her midriff.

Two drinks if either actress is sporting a belly ring or a tattoo (most likely on the small of her back, just above her lowrise jeans).

Drink if they are wearing some sort of weapon (knives, guns), hidden or exposed. [Two drinks if they use aerosol hairspray as a weapon.

Drink if the girls are wearing any rough-edge jewelry similar to the boys (ex: rings, bracelets, pendants).

One drink if either of the girls comes on to either of the Winchesters.

Three drinks if one of the girls kiss either of the Winchesters (or Bobby.)

Use your own discretion if one of the girls actually beds one of the Winchesters (or Bobby).

ps. i have nothing against Rubella (liar) who said that?! ok maybe Ruby is still on my bad side but Bela is growing on me! - Laz