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*Ofieliaz Blog

Barnmorskorna - the Midwives

We have this wonderful, but a bit intimidating show on SVT, Swedish television, it's called Barnmorskorna, the Midwives. During eight episodes we get to follow the midwives on a big university hospital south of Stockholm. In every episode we are allowed into the privacy of two couples and is a part of the birth of their child.

My mother have always says that when I was born there was a lot of cords and machines, but in this series I've seen that nowadays they only use machines if it's something special about the delivery. In almost every delivery they use laughing gas, not spinal anaesthesia like thought, and I've used laughing gas on another occasion, and in my opinion it's a wonderful pain relief! When I used it I know I was in a lot of pain, but I don't remember the pain, or how serious it was...

I've always wanted to have children, not right now, but in the next four or five years or so, and this doesn't scare me at all, it is a bit intimidating, but the joy that the parents show afterwords is priceless, and almost every new mother seems to forget the pain when the get the baby.

One Tree Hill + Gossip Girl

Now I've seen both Gossip Girl and One Tree Hill, the episodes that aired in the US Monday.

I don't have the energy to say that much about the episodes, as I said before I'm really tired, and I want to re watch them when I have a fresh mind!

But in my tired opinion:

OTH - really good episode, I loved that Lindsey gave Peyton the Comet book. And interpreted the last scene with Peyton like she now understands why Lindsey left Lucas... And that he still loves here like she loves him (and I've seen the promo for next week too) But I'm a devoted Lucas/Peyton fan, so I have to admit that am a bit partial

GG - everyone had already figured out that Eric was the one who was going to be gay I don't really read spoilers, but I'd heard that someone would get out of the closet. But that it was Jenny's boyfriend who would be the one to be outed with him, I didn't see that one coming!

And I really dislike Georgina. I guess I understand where she comes from, wanting her friend back. But blackmail?? That is just to low. And Serena killed someone?? WTF??

so tired...

I don't get why I'm so tired. I was in school today, and we had lunch as a part of the lesson, but during the meal I just zoned out. I forgot to listen and my mind flew away to some other less school like place...

And I don't know why I'm so tired, I had a plan, to watch OTH and GG today after work, but I think I have to wait until tomorrow... and that's sad, I want to know what happened!!!

my thoughts on Sarah Conner Chronicles

OK... I just saw the first episode of the Sarah Connor Chronicles

  • it was a bit confusing, until the like 35th minute
  • the storyline has immense capacity
  • the guy who plays John, Thomas Dekker, is really cute :oops:
  • I'm gonna watch the next episode, for sure, (it's at a great time too, 10pm on Mondays)

I'm gonna make a review of the show when I've seen a few more episodes...

the Sarah Connor chronicles!

Today the series Terminator: the Sarah Connor Chronicles has it's premiere here in Sweden. I'm not so into the genre, but I'm gonna give it a chance!

I don't really know what to expect, but I will give a more detailed review when I've seen the first episode, in like 56 minutes :D

Hopefully I will find something new to watch!

9/11 on 5/5

I'm a bit annoyed! I'm watching the Oprah show (it's commercial right now) it's an episode about 9/11, the six year remembrance of the day. And they are airing it today, may 5th 2008´, and it's so obvious that it's supposed to be aired 9/11 - 2007, six years after. And swedish tv3 don't have enough respect to air it at least in a week from the day...

how important is my hair, really??

I have an interesting thought...
I've never been obsessed by my appearance, until now, or not obsessed, but now I really care. When I was younger I had really long hair, but I just washed it and then let air dry and nothing more. I'm not so much into make up, I never used it except when I'm going out, but now I've begun to use make up almost all the time...
And then there is the clothes. I love clothes, but I was to lazy to give it any thought, I was more like, what's closest I wear... but now I have real clothing problems... This is a bad way I'm on, but in same time I love to be looked at and admired, and I love cute dresses, and flowers in the hair.. so I am a bit divided...

1st of May

Yesterday I participated in two demonstrations.. one where I live, about 180 people, and later in the afternoon we listened to our party's chairwoman, Mona Sahlin

I'm a member of the social democratic party, the biggest party in Sweden, but we are in opposition right now, and the government is ruining the country. Selling the government own companies, like our pharmacies and the state-controlled company for the sale of alcoholic beverages, Systembolaget. They have an ideological motive for everything and doesnt seem to have any bigger perspective...
It was a good speech. She talked about our municipality own apartments (that they also want to sell to the capital)
But I was supposed to let the first of may go...

You can listen to some music, music free from political opinions!
It's my younger brothers band Costa del Sol, I would call it rock n' roll!


My brain is drained...

I've been on a culture festival for teens this weekend. I came along as a coach and all our participants did excellent!

From my municipality, Tjörn
Apeglaze. http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=user.viewprofile&friendid=177604491
We also had a monologue by Isabel Evers who also exhibited two photos and Jessica Pettersson had two charcoal drawings.

and we were there together with Stenungsund
Monkey Fiction

and my favourite from Orust
Krama hit mig!

From Friday night 8pm to Sunday 5pm we saw 82 different things on stage and saw about 30 different types of art in the gallery.
My brain is a bit drained...

But now I'm back!!

Whats with the fear of being alone?

I have an examination tomorrow, psychology.
And I can't think about anything else... There are different kinds of stress. Good stress, which makes you perform better and get an edge. The good stress is triggered by the stress hormones adrenaline and noradrenaline. But the bad stress, the kind we all suffers from, has apart from adrenaline and noradrenaline, cortisol, which breaks down our bodies, and even makes the hippo-campus shrink and thorough that counteract out memory.

Now, when I've read this, I got an epiphany. This is why I moved from Stockholm. This is why I can't handle all the unnecessary stress. Why do one run to the subway when the next one comes in five minutes? Why is the tempo so exaggerated? Why do you always have to obey to other people, and their need to be social?
I don't get it. Of course, I like to meed my friends, and go out, and all that stuff. But I'm also comfortable by myself. I don't have the need to be around other people all the time. And I value that ability!
I'm happy just sitting at home and draw or work on a painting!
I can write lyrics and then compose a song, just give me a guitar!
Sit in my sofa and read a nice novel, I love Harry Potter and have just read them in English...
I like to play the Sims 2 and the whole socialisation drama that comes with that.

I don't get why people don't want to be alone. There's a big difference in being alone and being lonely.
Why the fear of going out for dinner by yourself?
Why do you have to have a friend with you, to go to the movies?´

I like my own company!