Sometimes, I don't understand the people I am surrounded by. I love my youth group, in fact I adore my youth group.:) They are the most precious family to me. But sometimes, it's like...I'm a total outsider. Actually, it's not the kids. It's the adults! Especially one mom. (I hate ranting on people like this, but I have to get it out.) She stays completely ignorant of some things. Like events for strictly teenagers and she makes her eldest son (a.k.a. the guy who took me to prom who won't stop stalking me now) bring him along. The youth ministers son told her it was for teens only and she was like 'Oh I didn't know.":roll: And it's not like she isn't involved in anything. She is involved in practically everything. There are moments that she is my 2nd mother, but other moments where I have to walk in the opposite direction. One night, after my friends senior piano recital, the youth group went another youth member's house (who I happen to have a crush on :oops:) and my mom was talking with her and a few of the other moms in the kitchen. Now my mom can be completely random on some stuff, but there have been moments where she has made others feel stupid because of her intelligence.:P She mentioned how I said that normal guys now'adays have suiped up cars, at least girlfriends, and have a secret porn collection. One mom asked "Where did get that?" and this mom says "Probably from television.":o
A TOTAL slap in the face.:evil:
And there have been more incidents.
Yes, she judged me because I watch CSI. Whenever she talks about 'the world' (bad television), she is directing it at me. She looks in my direction all the time. "You shouldn't be watching shows with gore, bad language, sinful things that could corrupt your mind...":roll: Hello? I don't watch VH1 here. Ya think things like this only appear on television? She has such a naive view on the world. The world is not innocent! You can go to the local bowling rink and you can see that!:roll:
Everyone knows I watch CSI. Do people have a problem with law enforcement? The lady hasn't even watched it! The youth minister is a ATF officer and you don't have a problem with him! He has the middle school playing inner-tube sumo wrestling on the church lawn on Wednesdays! I'm in a law-enforcement post! And you treat me like I came from a crisis pregnancy center! I am NEVER going to try drugs, NEVER going to have sex before I'm married, NEVER going to cheat on my husband, and NEVER kill anyone without a pefectly good reason BECAUSE of CSI. And practically half the moms treat me like I've been high. "Oh you shouldn't do that." "Well, you shouldn't be watching that." You can talk to my mom about that if you have a problem.[ranting on random people now, and this lady]
I'm homeschooled! I AM going to learn to defend myself, because this world is evil. Don't go all 'teacher union on me here.' I know what I am going to face in life BECAUSE of CSI. So don't you go telling me that I'll never encounter sex, drugs, rapist, drug users, and dang evil people! YOU HAVE NO IDEA WHAT IS OUT THERE! Guns! Drugs! And no it is not in little things. The world is not black or white. It is not an innocent place. The kids have to beat up the public streets just to be entertained. Yes, I am going to tie everyone to a chair and make them watch Fannysmackin' just so they can get an idea in their head.
I don't wear black for no reason. I refuse to wear pink for a very good reason. I want to be femine but not prissy. I'm not going to be weak because I kow what happens to 'weak' girls. They get kidnapped, picked on and occasionally raped. The monsters out there usually go for the weaker targets. If you assume I'm 18 and your 19 year old daughter was assumed to be 14, well, that just goes to show. I go shooting. I got top female shooter. You have a problem, come tell me.
Islam is the fastest growing religion, because us Christians don't share our faith. Well ya know what? I try. I come home and cry every night in my room because of Christ's death for me, my family, my friends and everyone else. And yet, these women stay in their little church clique preaching on how we go and spread the Word. You don't even invite my autistic brother over to pplay with your son. "Oh, we don't ever have people over :)." Do you have any idea how many times your daughter has turned down shopping dates because you all were cleaning the house for company? And here you are, preachin'. Well, this is what i'm doing. My L.E. Post is made up of kids who go to church in jeans and a T-shirt and swear everyother word and I have been showing them my dedication to Christ w/o shoving the gospel down their throat.:( Now show me what you have done. Nothing?:roll: Oh, shared with other believers. How is that going to help? Yes, it is good to fellowship with other believers but there are others who haven't even heard the word Jesus. Yes, you will be persecuted, but so was Christ. But I will not settle for an early death unless it is in the name of Yeshua (Jesus).
I sing the resurrection song from the Passion to myself everyday. It is so beautiful.:) And if you are a christian, you know the feeling when you know as a fact that your God gave his life for you while these other 'gods' ask that you sacrifice your family, kill yourself and others just for 'honor.' :(
You will have wonderful gifts in heaven if you humble yourself. I give my time to the young kids, cleaning, little things. And I have gained the respect I always hoped for. Maybe not from everyone, but enough that I feel the support of my church.
How many religions can you claim your God as your best friend? "Now go to the ends of the earth and preach the Good news to all creation."
What do you all think?:| (Sorry for the loooooong rant.)
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