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Puppy pictures! I need help!

Does anyone know how to upload pictures from a KODAK CD on to photobucket?! I am tired of not being able to do anything on this computer  !
I am seriously about to  !!!!!!!

I'm Sorry. This is just so aggravating.:( If you know how, please post or PM me. Thankyou.

Top Female Shooter

Would you all believe that got Top Female Shooter at my post this morning?;) Today we got to go out to the shooting range and fire some rounds and I, yes, Miss Near-Sided here got top female shooter:D. There are only 3 of us girls anyway, but there was like, what, 6 guys? The shy new guy got top Male Shooter. His mom works there I think He seemed like a sweet guy.:) The deputy who was teaching all the safelty, what and when you are legally allowed to fire and stuff, was my shooting counselor. He was awesome, and kinda cute. But he's married so, yeah.:P When I had my competition in January, we had a indoor firing simulator we got to practice on and we competed on that as well. I got like 17 while everyone else got....67 and above.:|:oops: Yeah, I stunk on that.:lol: I even got to fire a semi-automatic. He handed me amo and I was like ":|:?...uh." I was the last one to go and he was like "Come on Ballerina!" Everyone laughed and I just went "Come on!" I was smiling of course. That thing doesn't have a kick back, but it does like to make you shoot up. I was waiting to have a heart attack. Anyway, I'm hoping to come up with a quiz to post. Ya know, to pick at your brain and what not.:P Have a nice week!:D

It' My BiRtHdAy!!!!!!

Hooray! Today's my birthday! The interesting, fanciful, dramatic, confusing, yet beautiful year of being 14 ended at 12:00 midnight last night. yes, I was born on May 25, at 12:01 AM. What are the odds of that?:P Tonight, I am taking my brother and my best friend to see Pirate's 3 with me. It might have started showing last night at 8:00, but I told all of them that I was seeing this movie on my birthday.:) If they want to go see it Thursday, that's fine with me. But I am seeing it on my birthday as my birthday present.:) So yeah. Don't ask me about getting my permit, because I am probably gonna wait until I'm like 17 'til I start driving:(. There are crazy people out there:?, and they seem to all be in Augusta.:P Happy Friday and Arg! for my fellow pirate goers!  And CSI watchers too!:D


Tis summer!!!!

'Tis summer! Yay! No school! No homework! No bedtime (not like I have one) No waking up at 5:00 in the morning!!!!

Time for Icecream--- swimming--- tanning---sunburning--- reruns:cry:---beach vacationing---sunblocking---sweating (eww)---and being lazy!!!! Yay! (especially on that last part) I am taking the summer off of ballet cause I am Burnt out. So yes, I am taking my own sabbatical.;) I might be taking African dance or something. That is definitley going to be a site to see. LOL. 

Thus ends my lamest post ever, Hey, it was for a good cause!:lol::lol::lol: 
I like popsicles!!!:D

I have a question

Does anyone know how to upload a video from iDVD onto I wanted to share videos from my past performance, but I don't want to do it on youtube, (just in case anyone from my company finds it I don't want my butt kicked:P). If anyone knows how please tell me.:) Thanks!

Reason for absence

I am probably going to be MIA for the next 2 weeks since finales are around and seasons are coming to a close. I am attempting to remain Spoiler- Free for the CSI: Crime Scene Investigation (Las Vegas) finale, but some people are being very careless about Spoilers. For example- they put the actual spoiler in the topic title :roll:. Part of the finale has already been ruined for me and from what I can tell it doesn't look that good.:? But I still want to be surprised and I know others do as well. (for instance, Aussie:)) I am not spoiler free for CSI:NY or CSI:Miami, though. I might pop up in the SMacked club every now and then.:) Anyway, now ya know. Be careful w/ spoilers and I'll see you all in 2 weeks. Happy finaleing!!!:D

We got a new puppy! (pictures coming soon)

I gotta puppy!
We named it Mac. Yes, ya'll won.:P:lol: He is currently sleeping on my lap (and I have to type with one hand). He's like 3x smaller than Jack, but ever as cute.:) We got him from the same breeder we got Jack from. There were four other puppies but I liked this one the best. The part that really got me was when my mom said "You should have gotten a girl too and named it stella!" I was like ":lol::lol::lol::lol:! Where have I heard that?:P" But then a cat showed up at my backporch door, so I named her Stella. (She belongs to someone but the collar doesn't have a tag) Very friendly cat.

So now Mac is running around, chewing on everything, jumping on couches. He has slept with me the past 2 nights but tonight, no, my dad is going to.:P He is gonna be a hunting dog, but to do that we have to crate train him and he does not like being held in that crate. he wines and cries and barks and after a while your like "Screw it! Put 'im on the couch.":? So yeah. PICTURES COMING SOON!!!

Jack is gone, so we are getting a new puppy

Hey guys! Everyone who prayed for my dog Jack, well, I'm sorry to say but we had to put him down Friday:(. There was nothing else we could do for him.:( I mean we did everything for him. it had gotten to the point where he couldn't stand up any more and he was peeing on himself:(:cry:. He would cry when he would attempt to crawl back on his bed, and he was skin and bones:?:cry:. So Friday morning after I left for co-op (I gave him a measily good-bye because my ride came before I could) and my siblings were at school, my parents took him to vet up the street and let him go:(:cry::cry::cry::cry:. My mom says it was peaceful. Which, I guess is good.:?

So now we are planning to get a new puppy.
The plan is to go up tp VA next weekend to pick one out from a breeder/ The same breeder where we got Jack. But of course we have to think of some names. I thought that maybe you guys could give me some ideas. If you need to look at a picture of a Brittany, scroll down.;) Okay.

Brittany Puppy name ideas:
-Mac (my favorite)
and a really tempting one----Carmine!:D

So, which one do you think?:)

I should have posted this earlier.....

I know Easter was Sunday, but I didn't find this 'til Monday or Tuesday. Now I'm not kidding when I say this is amazing. I showed this to my mom this morning and she was staring at the screen for quite a while after it ended. I seriously thought she was gonna start crying. I haven't seen the Passion, so the ending took me by surprise. It is very moving and it is one of those few things that there are no words for. It deeply touched me. (and these words coming from a 14 year old) And it's on YouTube! Trust me, you will enjoy this. 
~Jesus- Mary did you know~

Watch this, and I'll promise I will get back to my corny, hilarious life.:P Up next, performance pictures! Maybe.:P