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omg! omg! omg! season 4! *screams*

OMG! I wuz looking on wikipedia (bordomness got the best of me) and guess what I found! We saved Danny! There's gonna be a season 4 (I hope)! Look for urself!

I cannot believe this. If this actually happens, I will be the happiest person ever. *dies of happiness* Let's just hope that Nick doesn't screw this up (again)!

PS: *does happy dance* This is my 100th post! Yayness much!

v-day, snow and shopping

Okay, first off I, personally, I hate V-day cuz of past experiences. No offense to those who love it, but it doesn't really have a point. It's really supposed to celebrate people in a relationship. The reason I hate V-day is because: 1) I've never had a boyfriend during V-day, 2) I've never gotten a valentine since 1st grade (I always gave to my friends; I've might've gotten one or two from a friend, but that's it), 3) Every year, after I've given out mine, I'd just sit at my desk, hoping that this year would be the year that I'd actually get something (from a guy, at least) & 4) I'd always be crushed when I never got any (I stopped caring in fifth grade). I then thought that this might be the year, since I had Jared, who was an amazing boyfriend. But he broke up with me a week after I turned 14. Maybe I have a V-day curse on me or something.

Is it me, or does everyone in America have a snow day today? Cause I've been reading people's blogs and everyone's been saying that they got today off school.  Weird much?

Lastly, I got to go shopping today! I only got to go because I had off today. I found this adorable black halter minidress with a faux diamond gem in the middle. And it was reduced from $159 (and get this) to $29! I couldn't believe it either! I wanted it so badly. I had the money for it, but my mom wouldn't let me buy it. She said that I'm not old enough to wear black and it showed off too much. I'm fourteen! And I have a job! It's my money, I can do what I want with it. About half the other things that I wanted she wouldn't let me buy either. Sometimes I wish that I could just live on my own so I don't have to be with her.

Okay, I'm done ranting.

Anyways, Happy V-day!

Also, quick poll: Which song should I make a DP vid for? A. Bloody Valentine (Good Charlotte) B. Promiscuous (Nelly Furtado) C. Since U Been Gone (Kelly Clarkson) D. Unfaithful (Rihanna) E. I Write Sins Not Tragedies (Panic! At The Disco)

Many thankies and cookies to all who vote!

PS: Sorry for this entry being so long!

ack! scary dream again

omg, i had a dream last night that was so freaking scary, man!

Okay, so I'm in this haunted movie theater thingy with my friends and we're watching a movie. Supposedly, whoever went into the theater never came out alive (which would actually be kinda cool if DP was a real guy, cuz then I'd be a ghost! just lyk Danny!). But me and my friends didn't believe the rumor. So, we're watching this old flick and suddenly, my BFF Rachie disappears. We hear her scream but nothing else. Then one by one, each of my friends disappear. Only heard by their shrieks of terror (ok, that sounded kinda creepy...).

Suddenly, it gets really cold in there. So I grab my stuff and begin to walk out of the theater. When I leave the movie room place thingy (IDK what that room is called!), I scream. On the floor were all my friends, dead and surrounded by blood. Needless to say, I got the hell outta there.

But then I ended up in some random person's house. I hear something moaning and (I was really stupid for doing this) I followed the noise. It came from the upstairs bathroom, so I slowly walked in. The walls were dripping with ooze, and when I looked in the tub (this i where it really gets creepy), I saw a girl with black hair drowning in the bathtub full of blood. When the girl disappeared beneath the blood, I heard a low cackle. I turned around and saw in the mirror, this guy in a long, black cape (like the one Danny wore in CF) and was holding a bloodstained knife. He took off his hood, revealing his ghastly face. I passed out from the sight. When I woke up, I saw myself dangling from a rope, with seven knives in my back (IDK y stuff always ends up on my back).

Suddenly there was a flash of light and I think I had a vision of myself drowning in that bathtub. Except, I don't have black hair. I have dirty-blode. Back on topic, yes, this is an actual nightmare of mine. When I woke up, I was on the floor with my back slumped up against my dresser (which is halfway across my room!) My sister said that she woke up to me screaming in my sleep and then saw me sleepwalk around our room. She also said that I was mumbling something about someone trying to kill me and my family or something like that. Weird much huh?

I'm never going back to sleep AGAIN!! But I have to, seeing that I have the PSSAs tomorrow. *shivers from scary thoughts* Doesn't this sound like one of those old Hollywood horror movies? This was so scary.

broken wrist and a random SB vid

title says most of it. i was playing tennis with Allie, Brit, & Rachie (we played doubles). Haddie, Jol & [Haddie's friend] Gina played [as they call it] "Canidian Tennis" (no offense to those who are Canadian! [how they play it is with 3 players instead of two or four]). Well, we were all playing when I accidently swung my racket wrong and twisted my wrist. I went to the doctor this morning and it turned out that i had a broken wrist. so yeah, i'm typing one handed.

anyways, here's that random SB vid i was talkin bout earlier: 

It's so random and funny!

"Cool! I've always wanted to be called a 'meddling kid'!" ~Tucker "Super. Now you can die happy." ~Sam (this is from L'L [Livin' Large])

yayness! L'L!!

srry i didnt write this up earlier, but oh well. i just saw L'L on LiveVideo. it rocked, except that it was kinda rushed. it all happened too quickly.

also, i'm really starting to hate the fact that Danny's never on anymore. i have to leav @ 6:30 so i can't c the 7am epi. but i do get home @ 3:20, so i could catch the 3:30 epi, but i'm not allowed to watch TV (that sux much). why does my life hav 2 b so hard?

next off, i'm staring 2 make mi AMV for With You. u should expect it online by friday (i hav PSSAs so it'll take me a while to finish it). speaking of PSSAs, i'm so stressed from it. i had 2 write four practice essays for it. i'm usually really good @ this sorta stuff, but just the pressure makes me, well, not--- good.

i think that's about it. bies for now!

"(gives me a piece of Fenton toast) There you go. Don’t want you to miss one day full of happy therapy-inducing memories!" ~Danny "I LIKE THERAPY!!!!!" ~Me

gym, a DP vid and Anna Nicole (no, this isn't some weird joke)

okay, first off, i'm really pissed at my gym teacher cuz i missed, lyk, a whole week of running (about 4 miles i missed). i need to lose weight by May or else i can't go to my friends' pool parties that they always have in the summer. why? cuz i've only been exercising, lyk (IDK y i'm saying 'lyk' so much), once every two months, when i don't have gym. doesn't that suck?

next, i'm thinking of making a vid for either "Out Tonight", "With You" or "Unfaithful". which should i do? also, BTW, if i do "Out Tonight" (from RENT) should it be based on Sam or Paulina? i can't choose!

lastly, if you haven't heard yet, Anna Nicole Smith just died. I, personally, think that she OD'd, like her son. now Daniellynn has no mom. or dad. she's barely five months old! she's gonna have a rough life. also, Anna did go through a lot, i mean, like, with the death of her son, and a bucha other stuff that i can't remember. when i told some of my friends at my dance c.lass about this, a few of them starting crying. i mean, it's so sad, isn't it? think about it. Anna was only 39 years old. and her only son was dead. but she should've have OD'd (or whatever). on the news, it said that she collapsed at a photo shoot or something. here's the link to the article:

Random Quote of the Day: "You're slower than a turtle running through peanut butter." ~Sammi, telling off Jess (she read this on an icon online) "Wait... What?" ~Jess

okay day

i still don't like gym. guess what we get to do tomorrow? we get to go outside in single-digit weather and move tables to the inside gym! (sarcastically) doesn't that sound like fun?! (normal voice) omg, no. not in the slightest. oh! good news! i found my cellie! it was in my granpa's car from when i was there on Friday. i'm just glad to have it back. **phew** also, we did play a game in gym. it was that one where everyone held hands and you have to get a hula-hoop around the circle as fast as you can without breaking the chain. and i was standing next to this guy, Evan (super-cutie!), and i got to hold his hand! *squeals!* i know that it wasn't a real "holding hands thingy", but still! i know that he doesn't like like me, but you get the point. anyways, i think that's about it. happy wednesday!

Random Quote of the Day: "Oreos taste better with Pepsi!" ~my friend, Nikki, while me & her were on a sugar rush of Chips Ahoy & Diet Coke (BIG FUN!!!)

can this week get any worse??

*rips hair out from fustration* i guess life doesn't like me cuz i'm really sick of this week. and it's only tuesday! first, i slept through my alarm and was late for my bus.

second, i forgot my CD case at home, so i ended up having to listen 2 my RENT CD all day. lemme tell you, it gets stuck in your head after the seventh time around.

then, in science, i got back my quiz from last week. it was a 70! i'm an almost straight-A student! how could that happen? i studied for it and everything!

now, i'm really staring to get ticked off from our new gym teacher. again, we didn't do anything! all we did was an exercise to help us "get to know each other better". how stupid is that? it's february! there's only 25 of us and we all talk everyday! how much better can we know each other? so, when he asked if anyone had swam in two or more oceans. of course, i raise my hand. he asked me to stand up and say which ones i swam in. i said atlantic & mediterranean. after i said that, about six different people started saying "that's a sea! not an ocean, you retard who are they saying i'm a retard i know that it's a sea. but to me, an ocean is big, has salt in it, and people swim in it. and that's not even the last bit of my day! because we're not doing any exercising, i can't work out. which means that i won't be able to slim up for bathing suit season. also, my friends agree with me (yeah, they're talking to me again, dunno why they weren't though). they also work out with me, and they said that the work that he made us do was pointless. we go to gym class to play, not do work.

alright, i'm almost done ranting. okay, this isn't so bad, except it just ticked me off. i was the first person to the car today, so i sat in the back right-side seat. i usually sat on the left side, but i thought it didn't matter. then paige & jess (the girls i ride with) came outside. they yelled at me for sitting in their spot, and said that i can't sit there because i'm "too big". how rude is that? so i had to move to the front seat so they could have their seats. they are the two biggest b*tches (pardon my french) i've ever met. then, about ten minutes into the ride, my iPod died. so for the rest of the ride, i had to listen to them singing (poorly, BTW) and the driver's gospel music. he's been listening to that same CD ever since he started driving us. no offense to those who like gospel music, but now i can't stand it. okay. i'm done ranting. i sure hope my week gets better!

oh, i almost forgot. now we have to take the writing portion of the PSSA's all next week (it's a test to see how we do in english class). two years ago it was the ERB's. last year it was the CityWides. in a few years it'll be the SAT's. whoever came up with all these tests is out of their mind! (JK! i just don't like tests! LOL)

good news N bad news

good news 1st: i just saw EfaE, IR, BUF, L'L, FP, GNO, ToT, & FM (again!!) in English!! *does happy dance* also, i'm just finishing up chappie 2 of ABD (if u read mi fanfictions). Now I need to find my happy place so i can break out the bad news.

bad news: i can't find mi cellie (wahhhh!!:cry::cry::cry::cry::cry: ), i can't go 2 Lexi's party this weekend cuz mi mom doesn't lyk her (i wanna go so bad!), all mi frends aren't answering mi calls or IMs or messages on MySpace, & i missed working out 2day (which i lyk), to get 2 noe our new gym teacher. all we did was sit around and do the work that he gave us. and then, get this, he gave us homework! that's rite. homework. who gets hw for gym class? that's beat. also, if i don't find mi cell, lemme just say bies now. *waves goodbye @ evry1 on*

PS: other good news! i made honor roll! *yayness!!* so i got 2 miss math and eat the honor roll breakfast! *more yayness!!* i think that's about it.