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*dannyfentonluvr Blog

omg i SO hate nick, YouTube, & viacom now

I made about 15 vids on YouTube and i worked real hard on them. But when I went onto the site this morning, I had only about two left! I know a lot of people have already addressed this issue, but it still pisses me off! With all my vids combined, they have been watched 1833 times. To me, that's a lot. And now Nick had to go all mental just because they accidently put one of their epi's online instead of waiting for the premire. People have already seen the episode! Except, not in English. And now they have to make us upset because we spent so much of our time making those vids and they just take them down because they didn't want anything to do with it anymore. This sucks so much. If they get rid of anymore of my vids (or anyone's for that matter), I will be seriously pissed off. And you do not like me when I'm pissed (very scary!). One good thing is that I can repost my vids on my MySpace. But since you have to be my friend on MySpace, not everyone can watch it so freely. On YouTube, anyone could watch it. You don't even have to be a member! And I think that's about it for my rant. Now I'm off to gather my angry mob so we can destroy Nick and keep Danny on the air! Bye!

*goes and does that*

i hate my life

 I was supposed to go out on a date tonight, but he stood me up to go out with some slutty cheerleader (sorry for my use of language). My eleven year-old cousin came over to my house and guess what he did. He used Sharpie on my drawings, ate all my good snacks (I like snacks!), & he almost made a fire in the home office (don't ask me how, I just saw steam coming from the desk). Also, now my status bar thingy is going way too slow. I've been on level 11 for a while now and I only have 4%. How does that figure out? What did I do to have a bad day like this? (The only good part of the day was when was the only site not blocked at the Y [we have gym there, but today was free day] and I could look at how many people have read my stories and I could read other people's)


Wow. That was a lot of typing.

dying here of boredomness!!!!!!!!!

I had skool 2day n im mad that lyk every othr skool got off except us. Also, my friends now aren't talking 2 me 4 some reason. I didn't do anything to them! Seriously! Also, any1 who reads my fanfic, i'm not gonna post the next chap of ABD until Mon nite. Srry! Also, my sis, Michal, might be leaving soon for her army duty back in Israel. Zip's already over there. She started in July. I miss her so much. Now I'm gonna be the oldest once Mickie (my sibs' n my nickname for her) leaves. I don't know if I'll have to serve my term because I'd have already lived in the US for more than 11 years. Anyways, that's it.


^_^ (that wuz so random!!!)

lateness much

ok, it's 7:24 here. skool starts @ 8:00. it takes 1 hour & 30 min to get to skool. my bus driver isn't here yet. he's almost an hour late. how late will i be when i get to skool?

PS: does this sound lyk a math problem? LOL

RENT & level 11

hey y'all! im back! i went 2 NYC last nite 2 c RENT!! it was so awesome! it was also really sad though. :'( also, i got the CD so i can listen 2 it newhere! okay that was random. also, im very happy that im finally on level 11! now im tired and must go back 2 sleep. bies y'all!

bi bi

sorry, but i'm not allowed online again until next week. i'm grounded cuz i was really late to synagogue on Saturday, missed curfew twice, & was caught writing my fanfic instead of doing my homework. now my mom is super mad at me. all those things weren't my fault! (okay... some were) anyways, bi guys. i'll miss u all! don't forget me!

scary much

 i had this really scary nightmare last night. ok, so i wuz at my camp, and we were taking a field trip. we went to this museum and then suddenly, these guys burst through the window, shattering the glass. it went everywhere, so of course, we all got hit by it. then, we all ran upstairs to an attic (IDK) and waited there. it sounded like they all had left, so i sighed in relief. i was hiding under a desk for some reason, and i heard someone laughing. i looked next to me and there was this guy sitting next to me with a chain saw and he was like, "This is going to be too easy." i litterally raced out of my hiding spot into the room where everyone else was hiding. to my surprise, all of them were lying there dead. i was really freaked out now. then i heard a gunshot. behind me were about 20 guys with huge guns. they began shooting at me and surprisingly, i didn't die (then again it was a dream). they had already shot me about a hundred times before i fell over and started screaming it pain (IDK y this happened). i woke up and my back was killing me. i got up and looked in the mirror. on my back were about twenty black and blue marks in different spots. scary much?


yup, i got sick yesterday so im home. n i get a four day weekend wahoo! 2moro's report writing so we get off also! i gess yesterday wuz mi last day of my semester. o well. i didn't do too bad in any of my classes. i hope i make the honor roll (if i don't my mom'll be really pissed at me). neway, happy thursday evry1!


 i got an 108 on mi science test (which i didnt study 4) n i mite b gettin mi bellybutton pierced this weekend (it sounds gross but its not)! i alredy hav 2 in mi ears so this mite not b so bad. wish me luck!

good news!

 Ashley woke up yesterday! She just opened her eyes for the first time in a week. But she can't talk because she's on a venelator. Also, i forgot to mention, last week, she had to get up to her left knee amputated. It's really sad to see a girl that young lose her leg. My best friend, Orly, had her leg get run over by a bus (not on purpose) when she was nine. Now she runs around like crazy and is normal again. No one really talks about it anymore because it was so long ago and it might still upset her. She and Ashley are so lucky that they have a lot of friends who love them. :)