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*dannyfentonluvr Blog


I'm 15 && I'm at level 15. Weird much? I think so.

Also, my birthday apparently always suck.

I don't have a boyfriend anymore (we broke up), no one said"happy bday" to me (besides my fam), && basically everyone I know hates me.

Wow, great way to start off 2008.

Random Quote of the Day: "What's 4 + 4? Jell-o!" --Idunt remember

i cant believe it...

I turn 15 in less than 9 hrs!!! Well, about 14 hrs back home... =[

In other news, I dyed my hair blonde (again) and it came out red. Why can't hair dyes ever come out the color they're supposed to?? (Well, for me at least...)

Also, if anybody here is on LiveVideo && watches my videos, I know I said I would upload a few new ones, but my laptop (yeah, my mom gave it to me to use while I'm here in the UK) deleted all my videos && episodes && other stuff. **silence** Yeah.

Quote of the Day (Yeah, I'm doing it again...): "Stupid dumb coma...coulda been British." --Bender

i cant believe...

...i fell asleep right through New Year's. i hate this. every time something cool happens to me, i always get sick or fall asleep right before it--- thus making me miss it. && im just sick of it. im tired of falling asleep through something && no one waking me up for them. im just really tired of it. it's just been too long.

oh mi gawd

I was just reading Butch Hartman's official blog thing, and I found the weirdest things about DP in the making. NOTE: THIS MIGHT NOT BE COMPLETELY ACCURATE BUT THIS IS ALL FROM HIS WEBSITE.

Pic 1

Pic 2

Fact #1: Danny oringally would ride a motercycle and have a pet owl sidekick.

Fact #2: He started out at 16 instead of 14.

Fact #3: Vlad was going to be a vampire.

Fact #4: Danny first looked like a "Cosmo-ghost".

Fact #5: His names was supposed to be Johnny.

Fact #6: Danny used to have the traditional superhero underwear-on-the-outside look.

Fact #7: "Spooky the Owl" was his original sidekick.

Weird, huh?

Things HSM 2 Has Taugh Us (Part 9)

231. College kids keep beating you out for jobs; Yet your whole class is hired at an upscale country club.

232. If your high school is known for basketball, then basketballs can magically appear for any musical number.

234. When youre angry at your friend for being a jerk its acceptable to start eating someone's sandwich.

235. You can call some by just opening your phone without dialing or voice dialing.

236. Country clubs always have 5 pianos.

237. The talent show sign up sheet is conveniently located at the fingertips of the pianist.

238. Wearing shoes without socks is perfectly acceptable at a fancy dinner.

239. It is worth risking your relationship with your friends and girlfriend for a college that closed down in 1986.

240. Carrying around a baskettball every single day in every single classroom is totally normal as long as you're Corbin Bleu.

241. If you're Sharpay Evans, its totally cool if you spell 'fabulous' wrong on your license plate.

242. It's perfectly normal to call your child ducky.

243. It's perfectly normal for 30 teenagers to break out in song in the kitchen and have no one notice.

244. It's perfectly normal to go to locker to get stuff to go home and leave it there.

245. If you are Zac Efron, it is perfectly fine to touch the young children playing golf in questionable places.

246. You must always have a drum playing when you leave a room.

247. Even though you gave your boyfriend the necklace he gave you back, doesnt mean you cant break into his house and wear it when you sing with him.

248. Country clubs are often found in the middle of nowhere.

249. It is normal for pianos to be in the water while you are singing, but disapear when you slip and fall into the pool.

250. At East high their is something in that water that makes all of the students unbelievably good looking and amazing singers and dancers.

251. Forget about math and science, major in something important, like vacation.

252. Even though you're pitching against him, it's cool to want your opponent to hit the ball out of the park.

253. In order to score a run in baseball, you have to do a flip or some other gymnastic move, you can't just step on home plate.

254. You can be as mean as you want over and over again; everyone will love you and even sing a few songs with you.

255. Coral blue is a color. Even though coral is pink.

256. Miley Cyrus can randomly appear at any given summer resort at any given time.

257. Its perfectly normal to be given a golfcart and clubs and clothes, when you have a summer job in high school.

258. It is normal to have a mini castle with your name on it (cough sharpay cough) to spy on your crush and his girlfriend.

259. Apparently it is now cool for teenagers to wear a one piece instead of a bikini at the pool.

260.It's normal to kiss your teacher that you hate just because it is summer.

I KNEW There Was A Catch!!

I knew it! There's no way my six-month-pregnant sister would fly halfway cross the world just forfive days, without wanting something. I don't know if my life sucks now, or is cool. Oh, right. You still don't know what the hell I'm talking about. My 'rents are sending me back to England with Zip. They think that she can talk some sense into me. I've already gained four pounds (I weigh 95 lbs now) sincetwo weeks ago(I was 91 lbs two Fridays ago)! I don't need to go to the UK for that (I'm not offending English people, okay?)! Also, seeing that I don't really get along with other people, I'm going to be homeschooled by my sister, and then by her fiancé once Zip has her baby. I'm to leave in three days. Also, in some way, moving to England might be good for me. Seeing that most of my friends don't really talk to me anymore (& I know it's not because of school or boyfriends!), and basically everyone at my school hates me (they think I'm a sarcastic little fat-@$$ rich b!tch; which i'm not). So... yeah. I probably won't be around much until after New Years (and then it'll almost be my birthday again!!), and I probably will still be adjusting to the time zone. ::sighs:: I'm gonna miss the US...

Things HSM 2 Taught Us (Part 8)

Yes... It's back.

201. Teenage girls clearly have more influence than club managers and owners.

202. College teams love plaing basketball with high school students, but only if they also sing and play golf.

203. Every guy has to do their own 'thang'.

204. Maine is no longer part of the U.S. Therefore, turkey is imported now, not shipped.

205. You can now import things that are from the same country.

206. It's not necessary for a life guard to wear anything to identify them, as long as you wear a cute red halter swim suit everyone will just figure it out.

207. You can be a total b!tch, but as long as you let other people *gasp* sing in your talent show, you're considered Mother Teresa.

208. You should always dance when you're singing a song called I DONT DANCE.

209. Being a high school basketball star who is 5 feet tall compared to the college players makes you twenty times better than them. By far.

210. Apparently when you work at a country club you are there from sun up to sun down and have time to sing & dance even though you shuold be working.

211. Your boss allows everyone to have time to learn a new dance for a talent show, because aparently no work needs to be done then.

212. After chanting summer for 2 minutes to show your extreme excitement to leave school, you might as well just stay sitting at your desk and sing for a few minutes after the bell rings.

213. If while lifeguarding, you leave the pool unguarded to see you boyfriend and your boss yells at you, then he is obviously evil and you should be offended, not ashamed.

214. Big pointy rocks can disapper randomly.

215. Singing a song with someone other than your boyfriend/girlfriend is considered the highest form of cheating.

216. If u have never heard a song before, when the music turns on u will automatically know every word and dance move.

217. Of course you mysteriously get the necklace back which you handed to your boyfriend when you broke up.

218. It's ok if you date someone for 1 whole year and never KISS until the last scene of the last movie.

219. Its ok if you have a REALLY annoying giggle, Zac efron will still love you.

220. Being Best-friends and dressing like your brother, makes you become popular.

221. The Sprinklers always come on, at the right time in a song with your boyfriend.

222. No choreographer? No problem. Everyone at your highschool is a professional dancer.

223. If your girlfriends spends any time with another boy it means shes cheating on you, even if the boy is probably gay.

224. Even if you are the most typical gay stereotype if you are a wildcat you are definitely straight.

225. It is possible to have no lifeguard training and still be hired, because you can totally get a license to lifeguard overnight.

226. It is possible to leave a kiss mark on a yearbook without putting lipstick on first.

227. You can breakdance in the middle of a hallway intersection and not get run over.

228. It IS possible to fit a hat over corbin bleu's giant hair!

229. It is totally normal to try skipping first base and going straight to second with your girlfriend after dating for an entire semester.

230. The lockers in everyhigh schoolare perfectly clean and new.

What's Up

Diary Of An Anorexic Teen

That's the blog that I'm supposed to write. It's supposed to show people the consequences of anorexia. So, every night, between 6 PM EST and 10 PM EST, I have to weigh myself, and then write on the blog about what happened that day. The details can get pretty graphic, so if you don't want to read it, you don't have to. I hope that I'll be better by the time Zip has her baby. I really don't want him (yes, it's a boy) to be born and his aunt is in rehab, basically dying from starving herself in an attempt to be thin. I hope no one else takes the same path I took. It's just not worth it.

I'm Horrible

I'm in the hospital right now. The only way I wrote this was because I'm on the computer there. This is my only time that I'm allowed on it during my stay. I was diagnosed with melancholic depression and anorexia nervosa. The reason why I was taken to the hospital was because my parents thought I was way too skinny and wasn't eating enough. When I told them I had swalled about six capsules of Tylenol, they rushed me over to have my stomach pumped. I don't know why I did it. I really don't. My therapist says that it maybe was from the depression. No one really knows for sure. When they weighed me at the hospital, I was only about 93 pounds. About 15 pounds lighter than I should be. I got that way from barely eating the past seven weeks. Something kept telling me that the only way I'd be liked, was if I was skinny and pretty. I tried not listening to it, but at the same time, I couldn't not listen to it. Now I have to take a lot of medicine in the morning, and be watched at all times, except if I'm in the bathroom or changing. My door can't be closed and I'm being forced to eat at least 500 calories three to four times a day, to help me gain back weight. I can't believe it all came down to this. Me, having to sit in a hospital bed for two weeks being forced to eat and take medicine. I wish all of this never happened.

I'm Sorry

But I won't be online again until next Friday. I can't tell you why yet, but surely by next week I will be able to. Have a merry Christmas everyone!