Sorry, this isn't the best way to say hi after being gone for so long. My mom took away my effin keyboard. The only way I could still type online was to copy & paste. Ugh. Anyways, I really am pissed off right now. Why? Because my teacher took away my writing notebook (with all of my DP stories in it =O) durring SSR. I was done all my work and I was finished with the 20 books (we have 2 read 20 each year; i finished in January), and she just took it away! Then she said that I have to work on my Social Studies project. I was already working on it at home, and had a good chunk of it done! Why did I also have to work on it in school? I'm guessing you'll all be thinking, "So, you'll get it done quicker... Duh!" Well, I really didn't want to work on it yesterday. It wasn't because I didn't want to do it; no, it was because I had a frappachino from Starbucks (has anyone else here tried the Orange Creme Frappachino?), and I got sick from it. I thought it'd be yummy (I love Orange and Creme flavor), so I bought a Grande. My mistake. I just wasted 4 bucks. Ugh. Also, before I stop ranting, I think I had 2 panic attacks yesterday during two of my c lasses. I seriously couldn't breathe, I was sweating and I almost passed out! :shock::shock::shock::shock: I know, right? But I think I'm okay now. **Phew**!! Anyways, that's it. See y'all later!! =]
PS: I'm sorry, but I am effin sick of people saying about how late they get out of school (like the 14th). Grow up. My school has the longest effin year (we get out the 24th. Ugh). I'm not pointing the direction at anyone here, but I'm just saying to people in general (I'm not trying to be mean, though). Also, is it me, or did anyone else notice that a lot of kids got out of school before Memorial Day? Just a thing I noticed. =]
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