Secret 10: I've told about twenty people (not including you guys on!), about my secret (or not so secret!) obsession with Danny Phantom. I only told them because I trusted them. I instantly regretted it when they started making fun of me. Even my best friend, who I've known since we were six months old, laughed at me. Now whenever I'm around them and they bring it up, I deny my obsession. I hate that I have to deny it. Why can't they just accept that I love the show and move on with their lives?! Only one friend who I've told, didn't laugh at me (I showed her PP =] ), instead, she too became a fan of the show. I was so thrilled to hear that (When I try to get other people to give it a try, they watch two seconds of it and say "Miles, that's just retarded." I'm like, "Dude! You didn't even watch five seconds of it!" Then we start fighting.). LOL
*dannyfentonluvr Blog
Day 9
by *dannyfentonluvr on Comments
Also, if anyone here uses a Mac, can you tell me how to upload vids to LiveVideo? That'd be really great. Thanks in advance!! =]
Day 8
by *dannyfentonluvr on Comments
Day 7
by *dannyfentonluvr on Comments
Secret 7: I'm almost in high school, and I'm not even 5' yet. (okay, that wasnt a secret. more of a fact. but still...) This is where it's really scary: some fourth graders are taller than me. Fourth graders! I'm almost in 9th grade! Ugh. I need to grow at least another five inches to be the "normal" average height for a 14-year-old. =[
Day 6
by *dannyfentonluvr on Comments
Day 5
by *dannyfentonluvr on Comments
Secret 5: I "accdently" got drunk five times. 1. My cousin's bar mitzvah (I accidently drank my dad's beer that looked like Sprite) 2. On New Year's 2006 (Too much Champange) 3. My boyfriend's bar mitzvah (I had two appletinis) 4. On vacation (I had a small Cosmo, Bellini, and Pina Colada) 5. Last weekend (It was Shabbos, so technically, I wasn't underage drinking [I had twelve shots of wine. Ugh, hangover much]) That last one I just forgot about cuz I was trying to forget about it LOL
Now I'm not gonna drink again for a while. Ugh. =]
Day 4
by *dannyfentonluvr on Comments
Aren't I awful? =[
Day 3
by *dannyfentonluvr on Comments
Day 2
by *dannyfentonluvr on Comments
Secret 2: I used to be anorexic. And I tried to be it again in sixth and seventh grade. When I was in fourth grade, I weighed only 53 pounds because of it.
60 Secrets
by *dannyfentonluvr on Comments
Secret 1: I'm a Internetaholic.
Okay, that wasn't really a secret, but I just wanted to get started. So... yeah. Happy Monday everyone!!
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