"Did you just sniff my muffins?!?!''-Sarah after seeing Nick snif the muffin she gave him for poisen!
i love having Ang as a BFF! even thoughwe have dif literature and novel groups we get to hear funny stories afterwards!
ok...me and cody got in a huge fight. mainly cause he wanted to ask Kara out again.he told me he was single, i sorta asked him out he sed he didnt know and then he told me to call meghan to tell kara to turn on her phone. then it connected! im like"u tell me tht ur single so i will asku out, then u tell me to tell kara to turn on her phone so u can ask her out and tell me no!?!?!" we like flipped out at eachother! i felt really bad. but we're cool now! u can def. tell...he laughed when i got a rock in my hand...lol, i trieddoing a cartwheel at recess and i landaed and there was rock in my hand. after i got a bandaid i went and was hanging out with Becca,Cody,Cece,Meghan,Ang...etc and we were trying to see who could get on the wall fastest. it was like a 5 ft wall. iwon. im the tallest,strongest and youngest. he pulled me off the wall and luckly becca caught me.
Me,Meghan,Matt,Claire,amanda and olvia saw Pirates 3 on friday and after, claire,manda and liv slept over. we attempted to make pancakes at 11.45..pm. the after liv went to sleep, we decided to call ppls in Manda's cell and she had Cody's number from his away message and she called him!!!!!! we had it on speaker and while it was ringing, we were throwing her phone at eachother bc neither of us wanted to talk to him. when the answering thing pickedup mandas like"leave a message...KC!!" im like'no! wait this is a message!" and claire saved us and was like"omg...hey cody is claire kc and amanda..were bored at 1 am...yea..hi!" and im like "Manda got ur number from ur away message!' mada's like"THANKS!!" and all o a sudden im likea"BYE CODY!!!!" AND HUNG UP. he called us back butt we were sleeping.hehe...oh god hes gonna kill me at school on tuesday!!
my pie minions!!!!!!!!!!
ME and Rosalie= Pie minion leaders
Ang and liv=vice leaders
ryan,Kate-Lyn,Meghan,Em,Shane,Terrance,Ross,Tricia,Becca,Amani,Christie and Kayla are just my minions. and Cody was forced against his will to be a minion.
OMJ! at holiday hill Cody sang 'Sexy Back' by Justin Timberlake...disturbing images!!!!!!
oh snap! i was talking to cody about which High School he was going to andhes like
Cody:same as ur bro
me:oh...well u do qualify for mine and Ang's standards.
Cody:and what are those?
me:Cute, you have to be cute...ur cute!!
Cody:i'm not cute...im sexy!!!
it was pretty funny, but me and Ang now have the "S" List. the sexy list. its the list of things a sexy guy has to have. Cody only has about 1/2. Only Myla and Meghan know what the "S'' means...besides me and Ang.
UGH!!!!!!!!!! Cody is going out with Kara again! i am so0o0o not happy!all my friends are pissed at him too.!Only 8 more days untill his last day of school! :(
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