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*frootloop77 Blog

Jessie's Grad Party

I was "getting ready for school" when i looked at Chanel's latest blog. It broguht back so0o0o0o many memories from my sister Jessie's High School Graduation Party 2 years ago. It was soo0o fun. It was also a memorial day party. She had all her friends there. They had a cake fight! interesting time trying to get pictures of that!! i also ended up in cake. Then they thought my mom was drunk so they took a bottle of beer( it was the colored kind and this one was orange) and filled it with orange soda and told me to walk by drinking it. My mom was apparently not drunk and flipped at me and my sister. Then we switched the Labels on the coolers and confused everybody! well i  g2g to school!




Favorite Song?

Me and Ang were talking about Cody when he sleeps on her bus, he looks REALLY cute. then shes like "He's not as cute as Nick(Jonas) or as old as Kevin or as crazy as Joe or as Frankie" im like""

 Im still trying to get over the grossness of Aubrey crushing on Josh!

Claire's finally back from Florida! 

Whats your favorite song? 




I wanna Sit....Tomorrow's Leno's birthday!!!!

"I wanna Sit...tOmorrow's Leno's bithday!!!"- Me talking to Ang before school, randomnesss!


OMJ! I had another game today and both of our goalies got hurt!Me and Amanda both got injured. She played goalie for most of the game till she got kicked in the ahnd really  hard. Then i was sent in and with 2 mins left i got hurt. 2 players were running and one had the ball and i ran out and slid to get the ball and  both girls fell on me and one of them kicked me in the ear!!! i havea massive headache now. I was just sitting on the ground and i got up and was kinda dizzy and had to blink and shake my head a lil to get to ee straight again and not be so dizzy. i was about to kcik the ball and the reffs like"HEy wait! are u ok?" i sed yea but Laura saw i wasnt really and after i kicked the ball shes like "u sure?" i sed  'its only 2 mins' i so dont feel good. I went to my cousins house for her confirmation party n i didnt even go swimming! i just sat there the wholetime drinking mt. dew. 


 what  do u always eat/drink that makes u feel better whenur sad or hurt? i drink Mt. Dew or vault and  eat pie. U?






OMJ!! its KC and Aubrey!!

heyyyy!!!!!!! KC and Aubrey are hereeee!! hehehehehe!!! :roll: "IM FEIRCE*LICKS PAWS* RAWWWR!" haha, KC IS JUST THAT AWESOME!!! FIRRE!:cry: hahaha!!! OMJ!!! Aubreys job is putting random smileys!!! RAANDOM 8) BLOG!!!!!!!!!!! muahahhahahaha!! we went on a slip and slide today and it was funnnnnnn!! cause the water was COLD and :shock: our MAth teacher drove by! we're like "HI MRS R!!!!" she:| waved to usss! then some dude drove by and was like"Slip and Slide...nice!" and its like "YEA DUDE" we didnt say that but we shoulda!!:twisted: hahah! i had socccer game and we lost so sad so true(JB QUOTE! PUS!):arrow: my lil cousins are her and theyre adorahbleee!!!!! hehe! OMJ!! ewww!! Aubrey likes my BRO!! :oops: YUCKYYY!!!! Josh and Aubrey....akward!! hehahaha!!  i like pieeee!!!!!!:x omj! i ditched in a fell!! hahaha!!:x:arrow: :roll::o:twisted: aubreys smiley finalleee!!! i dont know how to spell finalee tho8) hehehe!!  gotta secret...hehe...hahaha!! WHEN THE FCK DID WE GET ICE CREEAM?!??!:lol: *dances...dances some moree!!* lalalaallaaaaaaaaaaa:|;) OK BUH BYEEE!! haha no!! OMJ!! I have many reasons to love Joe Jonas and the rest of JB!!! i willl list only a few :idea: bc my list could go on and on and on!! 1) hes really talented 2) hes very hott! and 3) hes not afraid to be a dork(or himself) in public even though hes famouse!



Mastiffs are Massive!

"Mastiffs are Massive!"-Ang during english using her vocab words.

Mrs Clarks response?"WOW!! you've been hanging out with KC alot lately!" Yea that makes me feel real good!lol!


Today was Friendship Day at my school. the 5,6,7,8, graders are buddied up with the younger kids. My grade had the 3rd Graders. I was Buddied with Brandon and Tyler. We got along great. We all loved the POTC movies! we each had 2 sugar cookies. im like 'This is all we need, 2 hyper 3rd graders and a hyper 7th grader!!" Then they left and the top floor was outside. Me and Ang we sitting on the curb and got up to go hang out with Becca and i got up and tripped over the curb and into a ditch and slidd!! I sat there cracking up with my whole grde and DR!! U know somethings funny when Dr laughs has hard as he did. I was getting up nd im like "ANG!! I ditched in a fell! WAIT! i mean i fell in a ditch!!" my whole side was covrd in dirt! SMOOTH KC SMOOTH!!


I also broke 2 toes! i Kicked a teather ball pole!!



That was interesting! Today at recess we were sharing an air head and Meghan gave Cody apiece and omeones like"thats cuse u love him!" and shes like"yea, im gonna steal him from my big sis!" and then hugged him. when she did thati went into A  transe. My eyes went glazed, i stopped talking and fighting Lauren for my batman sign,and stopped kiicking her. to people that dont really know me it loked like i was depressed but to Ang, it looked like i was pissed! I didn't know i did it until Ang told me. I don't know if Cody saw me, i think he might hve. then he pulled me off the roof we were sitting on and i landed with one knee on the ground and my hands on the groud. i landed and hurt my ankle. :(


Cody wrote on my folder today. iN literature he wrote'Cody is awesome and KC knows it!!!!!!" im like"yea,,,sure!'


My skit today was the bomb diggity!! in english, we had to do skits for our vocab  words and my skit included batman(me),Both Spidermans(andrew-bad,Matt-good)flash(matt), hulk(matt) and PIE!!!!!! yummmm!lol. I got a batman symbol off line and wore it. until lauren and cody ripped it!


 yesterday walking in from recess, he was hitting my with his sweatshirt and i grabbed it and we were fighting with it and hes like"seriously KC let go!" and im like"why?!" and hes like"cause its my brothers!" and im like"idc!" anhes like" actually, neither do i!" and i let go and then he kept hitting me and i looked up to see kara behind him and i looked at the ground and he kept hitting me wondering why i stopped and then he turned around and saw her and was like  'oooo" adn then sam was like" omg! cody! stop flirting with KC! u have a gf!" i lookd up and kara gave me this loook and im like' OH SNAP!" and ran in next to ang and dragged her in a dif direction!





holy flippen snap!!!

OMJ!!! i just found out that i used to write backwards!!!!!!!!!!!! We were sitting there at myy Grandpa's house for memorial day and we were talking about writing backwards.(BTW:my fam is very random) So i got a piece of paper and pencil wrote my name forwards and then underit i wrote it backwards easily. my moms likr'Oh! That's because in second grade you used to write your words backwards!"i was like so confused!!!!!!! You know how lil kids write like 'd's and 'b's backwards? well i wrote whole words! its so weird! in 2nd grade our spelling tests were the word and then we had to copyit on the other half on the sheet of paper! so if it said"shiney' on one half, i would write "yenihs" but with the letters backwards too. the techers would mark it wrong until it had dropped my grade way down and it they realized  i spelled it right so it should count. they did these tests on my periodically to see if i grew out oof it. they would draw a cow and if the bubble was facing -> this way i would write "moo' but if it were facibg this way

"Did You just sniff my muffins?!?!"

"Did you just sniff my muffins?!?!''-Sarah after seeing Nick snif the muffin she gave him for poisen!

i love having Ang as a BFF! even thoughwe have dif literature and novel groups we get to hear funny stories afterwards!

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- and cody got in a huge fight. mainly cause he wanted to ask Kara out again.he told me he was single, i sorta asked him out he sed he didnt know and then he told me to call meghan to tell kara to turn on her phone. then it connected!  im like"u tell me tht ur single so i will asku out, then u tell me to tell kara to turn  on her phone so u can ask her out and tell me no!?!?!" we like flipped out at eachother! i felt really bad. but we're cool now! u can def. tell...he  laughed when i got a rock in my, i trieddoing a cartwheel at recess and i landaed and there was  rock in my hand. after i got a bandaid i went and was hanging out with Becca,Cody,Cece,Meghan,Ang...etc and we were trying to see who could get on the  wall fastest. it was like a 5 ft wall. iwon. im the tallest,strongest and youngest. he pulled me off the wall and luckly becca caught me.


 Me,Meghan,Matt,Claire,amanda and olvia saw Pirates 3 on friday and after, claire,manda and liv slept over. we attempted to make pancakes at the after liv went to sleep, we decided to call ppls in Manda's cell and she had Cody's number from his away message and she called him!!!!!! we had it on speaker and while it was ringing, we were throwing her phone at eachother bc neither of us wanted to talk to him. when the answering thing pickedup mandas like"leave a message...KC!!" im like'no! wait this is a message!" and claire saved us and was like"omg...hey cody is claire kc and amanda..were bored at 1 am...yea..hi!" and im like "Manda got ur number from ur away message!' mada's like"THANKS!!" and all o a sudden im likea"BYE CODY!!!!" AND HUNG UP. he called us back butt we were sleeping.hehe...oh god hes gonna kill me at school on tuesday!!


my pie minions!!!!!!!!!!

ME and Rosalie= Pie minion leaders

Ang and liv=vice leaders


ryan,Kate-Lyn,Meghan,Em,Shane,Terrance,Ross,Tricia,Becca,Amani,Christie and Kayla are just my minions. and Cody was forced against his will to be a minion.


OMJ! at holiday hill Cody sang 'Sexy Back' by Justin Timberlake...disturbing images!!!!!!


oh snap! i was talking to cody about which High School he was going to andhes like

Cody:same as ur bro

me:oh...well u do qualify for mine and Ang's standards.

Cody:and what are those?

me:Cute, you have to be cute...ur cute!!

Cody:i'm not sexy!!!!!

it was pretty funny, but me and Ang now have the "S" List. the sexy list. its the list of things a sexy guy has to have. Cody only has about 1/2. Only Myla and Meghan know what  the "S'' means...besides me and Ang.


 UGH!!!!!!!!!! Cody is going out with Kara again! i am so0o0o not happy!all my friends are pissed at him too.!Only 8 more days untill  his last day of school! :(






KC is oh so very Happy!!!!!!!/wicked

OK, I've never seen the play or read the book Wicked. But the music is so0o0o goood! My favorite songs are "Popular" and 'Loathing". Have any of you guys seen the play or read the book?


Awesome weekend with Amanda and Olivia!! On Friday, We went and saw 'Shrek the 3rd' and it was funnay! then we slept over Liv's house and it was fun. the next day we watched House and i was talking to Liv and she was about 10 ftway from me on her laptop and we were talking on AiM. and heres prt of our Convo...

me: HAHA, Im gonna get u!

Liv:NO PLEASE! i havea box!

me:*jumps on box* haha! no more box for u!

then they came over my house and it was Joshie's 15th bday and there was a 45 minute wait at Olive Garden and my dad said we could gofor a walk and we begged to go to Toys R us! We ran across like 4 parking lots screaming'WE'RE GOING TO TOYS R US!!!!' we have to be the most immature 13 and 12 year olds EVER! we have a video of us dancing to "My shiney teeth and me from" Fairly Odd Parents. Its our song man!


OK THIS IS THE BESSST PART!!! THIS IS WHY KC IIS SO HAPPY!!! ok i was talking toCody earlier and i was also talking to Amanda online nd me and Cosy were talking about girlfriend and me and Manda were talking about why we don't want the school year to end and i SAID "Cody will be gone and i like wont see him again!" and then i accidently click codys screen and im like"and i wont see him like again, and i'll miss him'' and he read it and hes like whos that about?" and im like"OH SNAP NOT SUPPosED TO GO TO U!" and to sum it up, He sed he thouht i was pretty and he liked me and when we both were in highschool he would go out with me. Thats 2 yyears away! if u want the ull convo, PM me and i'll show u! I was so happy! I still am! But today in Literature, i was getting a dictionAry and i was walking to my seet and he was just stared at me an i saw him and i stare back for like 3 seconds but it was so wierd! ahhh, im gonna miss him. Only 12 more days.





