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*frootloop77 Blog

I got this awesome...

"I got this awesome amazing crazy kinda crush on you!"~Nick Jonas

   I love that song! It's by Nick when he was younger! He is so hott! I can't wait to see the Jonas BRothers this summer! YAY! KC is so excited!

It's amazing how much Claire,Ang and I are so much alike the Jonas Brothers! Claire would be Kevin, I would be Joe, and Ang would be Nick. Here's the similarities!

Claire and Kevin

~Both the oldest

~ have a crazy and Normal  side

~ some what mature

~Both have really good voices but don't sing much


Ang and  Nick

~Both the youngest

~Both are the most mature

~Both are the only sane one

~Only normal ones

and last but not least; ME and Joe...

Me and Joe

~Both the middle age

~Both the weirdest

~both the hyperest

~Both the craziest

~Both very amused

~both can sit there and stare at the floor until someone tells us to get ready

~Both take the longest to get ready

~Both the most creative with hair

~Both are the most immature

~Both say things totally random

~both say things before we thing about it 

~both the loudest 

Theres more...but I don't feel like writing.LOL! Ang says we're like the girl version of the Jonas Brothers. Which is right I guess. I mean  we rule! I G2G! Cody was sick today! I missed him!






New News!

ok... we went to a youth group thing.  the kids from St. Francis were just as weird as us from St. Johns! we did this thing and it obviously needed rocket scientist to do and then i got 7 BAGS OF SKITTLES! i was hyperer than anything! then i started chokiing on the skittles and then cody started choking on his from laughing at me! gabby was like "KC BREATHE!" and Danae was like"CODY BREATHE!" it was funny than Gabby dropped me!then we did this face painting thing and one person was bindfolded and then that person had to paint ur face and becca shoved a crayon up my nose! and then i won for the palest face! and then we were eating ice cream and i was telling becca about how i forgot Josh was my brothers and she was laughing and got icecreamon her boob! and then we went to tell ms renison and i got a bowl of sprinkels that becca threwout.


 today aubrey was over and i found out she likes ALEX!!!! and then i went over her house to record some of our songs and we sound pretty good, but most of the tape is us being retarded! we were taling about our lit. grades bc she cant read our lyrics and shes like" i ahve a Bin literature." im like" i havea  A.' and shes like" i hate u!" and then im like'Cody has a C" and sheslike" who cares about Cody?1' and im like'me!' and shes like' thats on the tape smarty!" and im like' OH SH*T!" very entertaing. But Cody and Amani can never hear it. their mentiond aot on the tape!





Afterskool Attitude?

ok....Cody and Kara broke up.(yay!) but he has a new gf!grrr! i was like sad and pissed last night! Her name is Jenna!ugh! but i am gonna have Ang ask him out for me, to see what he says, even tho i know he has a gf. i told Ang and she gonna ask.


Afterskool Attitude? thats my new band! well actually, we're only singing! Its me aubrey,katelyn,and Christine. we decided that scince we can all sing, we're gonna make a band on go on disney Channel. our first band practice in Friday night. YAY! we've written a few songs already!


GATORADE!!!!!!!yummie! lol i brought Lime Gatorade Rain to school today and i went to take it out of my backpack,and Ang was like"OMJ!KC U DONT NEED ANYMORE SUGAR!" and i didnt care.....but she was right, i was mad hyper! and Kate-Lyn was hanging out wiht me since Kayla wasnt at school and she was holding the gatorade and shes like'pain..oh...rain!"my tougne is blue! lol


I am currently running arounf my house with a blanket over my head pretending to be a secret back when i've grown up!


Kate-Lyn:wink wink!lmao!

Kate-Lyn: if he likes her, thn heads are gonna roll!

me:whats that mean?

Kate-Lyn:*twitch twitch!*




OMJ!OMJ!OMJ!yippeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I cant wait for august 9th!!!! IM GOING TO A jonAS brothErS COnCeRT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!KaRa is bringing me as my brithday present! my bday is August 12th and the  concert is 3 days before it! i cannot beleive i will be seeing Nick,Kevin,and Joe IN PERSON!!! and u know the first thing Claire said when i told her was?"OMG!IS FRANKIE GONNA BE THERE?!?!?!?"it is gonna be the best day ever!!PPL going:me,Kara.Kate-Lyn,Claire,Amanda,Rebecca,Tricia!

Cody news: he says so many things that will get him in trouble wiht Kara(different from whose bringing me  to see JB) like: we were talking about how we wanted another dance CAUSE the last one sucked, and im like"and i wanna dance with a guy b4 8th grade!' and hes like "PICKmE!PICKME!'' and he says that "Mandy"describes us....and he knows the song even though he claims to hate JB and he wanted to know my favorite song was.he has also taken an interest in Lion KIng!he knows Hakuna Matata! we also got separated in literaute! im sad:( we were talking about who we missed from last year and im like'U know who i miss?"


Me-"NO! I see u everyday!why would i miss u?!''

Cody-"cuz u love me!'

 me:haha!no. i LIKE u! theres a difference between LIKE and LOve!


me:im sorrry!

cody;u love me?!


cody:u miss me? 


cody:then why did u say ur sorry?



its very funny!lol and im Pissed at Sarah! she thinks that in order for me to get into Novel than they will have to lower th grade pint average to a C!ugh!







ok...i admit to have some pretty Blonde REALLY BAD!lol heres some!

 Me and Ang were sitting at Illianos and we were taking about who we saw Happy Feet with, and I'm like"I saw it with Joey Josh and my brother." and Ang was just sitting there staring at me for like 30 seconds and finally I'm like"OHHH! JOSH IS MY BROTHER!!!!" and she's like there ya KC  

 Me, Claire, Jen and Alex are at the movies seeing Night At the Museum and of they send me to go get more popcorn and im walking down the stairs and i fall down the stairs and im like'IM oK!!" and then walking back im walking up stairs and i fell up them!and then i went to go get another soda because claire drank all mine and im walking down the stairs and i fell again!

 Me Christie and Kayla are at the movies and they hand me the popcorn n all of sudden i do a face plant and throw the popcorn like 10 feet away from me allover the place!

 Me nd Angela were talking about all the times she tricked me and shes like  " KC i thought u woulda figured those out! ' and im like "but im dumb!" and shes like"i heard Jonas Brothers like smarties!' and im like "ok im smart! SMRT!...wait! SMART!'

 Ang tells me that she wont read during recess and hour later."HEY! ITS A HALF DAY!!!!!'

  In free period singing Glamorous...Aubrey:What song is this?' and im like "Glamorous!G-L-A-M-O-U-S! WAIT THERES AND R IN THERE SOMEWHERE IJUT DONT KNOW WHERE YET!!!!!!!!"


 and those are just a few.i could go on and on!





OMJ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Cody is gonna dance with me at the dance!he basically went out ans said it! i was like

me;i cant wait for the dance! CUTEGUYS YAY!!!

cody:like me! Yay!

me:haha! no!

cody:well u think so!

me:well so what? there will be other guys at the dance ...without girlfriends!unlike u!

cody:maybe i'll be free

me:ummmm ur going out with Kara!


me;OK KC IS REALLY CONFUZZLED!can u explain...plz?

cody:nope!u'll find out at the dance!

when i read tht( we were on AIM!)i was like OMJ! and it was too late to call Ang and tell i had to contain my! but then like yester days like

cody:im gonna hang out with u at the dance. is that ok?

me:umm sure?

he likes "girlfriend"too! that is like my favorite song!but its weird... when im around him i act totally normal,but then when im with Angela,i act so excited bout it! OH! today is my dance and i am going to angelas after school so im on her bus and Cody is on that bus an i told him and hes like"greeeaaaat!"Yesterda during Science i got a drink and he was walking down stairs to art ands hes like"caaaasssseeey!!" and im like"coooddddyyyy" and i walked back in nd to Angela im like"well that was weirdd!" he also found out that i liked him and has been flirting so much more(andkara has been watching me more)like now its like he can finally act like he likes me around me b.c. he knowsi like him. he thinks im a "motherf***ing princess like the song! and i was telling him how my friend said the with eyeliner i look like a brunette version of avril lavigne and hes like 'avril lavigne is hot and yea i guess u do.' like yea!ok i g2g to school!




sorry 'bout my last blog post. i had just gotten home from school and i was changing out of my uniform and i couldnt find my pants!I have news on cody! he knows i like him!! Myla wouldnt stop bugging me about it so i said 'yea i like him a little" then that daya t recess i see her and Jess talking o karaand jess pointing and jess pointing at me. then kara went and talked to Cody and codywalked away saying damn. thenall the people that kara hung out withwould not stop staring at me!then that night i was talking to Cody as Claire and i asked him and he sed tht thats what they tld her and i was pissed! but he cared about it. he sed he would never make fun of me for liking hm and he basically cares about me. when "claire" sed i was upset he felt bad and tryed to make me laugh. He asked who the guy in step up was and i sed CHANNING TATUM!it was really nice of him! e stolemy cupcake and and bit, and then gave it back! he seriously like me! and i asked him as claire if he and kara to break up, if  asked him out what would he say? and he sed he would say yes! yay! omj! omly 2 days till the dance with St.Sebs and St.Marys! ive gotten 6 notes saying that cody will ask me to dance and im like"NO! Kara would kill me!" and if he does, ill obviously say yes, like dur! and i might aslo ask andrew to dance. 



Here's the 411

OK! Seth is out of the hospital! He was discharged Saturday afternoon. It's weird b/c I hada socer game on Sat. and my mom took me and my friend Amanda to go see him righ before our game.Right when we were leaving he finally asked for food!YAY! i also hurt my wrist! it ws stepped on during sccer!ugh!Spring Break=AWEsOME!!!!I'm havin so0o0o much fun!Sarah came over on tuesday to work on our Jonas Brothers contest entries...mines shiney!!!lol! Ok, I figured it out....the way me and Cody at toward eachother...its a love/hate thing! Like we Like eachother and yet at the same time we hate eachother! Smart Friends RULE!!(Ang told me tht)lol! OMJ! Cody, he'll ask to talk to Claire on AIM, and if I say no, he'll flip out and ask ?'s! so the other day he asked to talk to Claire and She wasn't over my house yet(she hadn't even got outta school), so i had to pretend to beClaire, and talk to him! I asked him if he Liked me just as friends and he sed one of the few 7th graders he likes. but I had to make sure b.c. im scared if the guys in the older grades are nice to me b/c Josh's ****were jerks to me and always tried to set things up to make me look stupid. Cody sed "thts sad, but if somthing were going on i wuld tell KC, I like her"aww!! but then when ever he talks to'Claire'(i have to fake her somtimes) he just signs off with out saying bye to me,only Claire...b/c im supposably not there.(i would be pretending to be her) but this time he said"i gtg, tell KC ttyl" when i read tht, i was like so surprised!but i had to pretend to give him info from my diary as claire so i just made stuff up and the next morning at school he did the funniest thing!

me:*walks over to angela talking*

Cody:*takes a breath, points his finger at me...walks away*

me;ok that was weird but funny.


Cody:*walks back over with his finger still pointing at me*

me:can i help u?

Cody:*still finger poinnting*ugh, idk how to say this.....

me:spit it out u loser!

cody:*really fast* Cllaire wasreadingurdiary to me me!

me:tht lil bioch( i was jk)now go away!

Cody:*walks away*

me:haha! tht me giving him false info!

haha! tht kid is so cute!lol!he hasnt been on at all during sad! but he so likes positive!lol! Mackenzie got a pupy named Charlie!g2g! OMJ! 'Girlfriend" by Avril Lavine is a very addicting song! and it describes the situation between me cody and kara!I would be like Avril singing, cody would be the guy and kara would be his gf tht i don't like!lol!

