Well, they've finally brought TC back on to Passions. He's gone and gotten drunk and pretty much killed himself. Now he's just barely hanging onto life, ready to kick th bucket any second now. And, to that, I say a big "That's too bad! Darn it!" Let's face it - TC needs to be off of that show. What else is there for him? He's lost Eve, his dreams for his daughters have been dashed, and he's grandfather to a baby born of incest. No wonder he got plastered! Life right now sucks the big one for him, and if I were him, I'd go and kill myself too. Now, go along and leave us TC. We'll be all right without you.
Actually, today's episode of Passions impressed me, as surprised as I am to admit it. We finally saw some decent acting from Fox and Miguel (even though Miguel definitely said something like "I can't help it if Kay wants to get it on", which made me laugh really hard). Siren seems to have some murderous temptations - hopefully she'll turn back into a mermaid and become cat food for Fluffy so that I won't have to look at her anymore. Eve and Julian were on today, which I always enjoy. AND WE GOT A MONTAGE! Seriously, how long had it been since we had a good montage, complete with a sappy song from some singer we've never heard of? I just hope that when TC wakes up, he catches Eve and Julian in a big wet liplock. That'll be fun to watch!
How fast did Theresa talk today? "I'vegottogetGwenandJTbecauseforsurehe'sgottheproofthatit-wasGwenandRebeccawhosenttheinformationtothetabloidsand-uncoveredEthan'struepaternitytherebycrushingallhishopesthathe-hadasaCraneandhe'llfinallyseethatIdidallthatI'veeverdone-becauseIlovehimandhe'llfinallybeafamilywithmeandLittleEthan-andJanejustlikefateintended." Honestly, she could be one of the people on commercials that say the fine print crap. Like I said on AlanShore's blog, I propose that all of us who are of drinking age should play a drinking game with this: Each time Theresa says "tabloids," "paternity" or "fate," we'll take a shot of whatever-liquor-you-have-lying-around. Every time Gwen lets that vein in her neck get too big from anger, we'll take 3 sips of a Martimmy. And, every time Ethan makes a huge hand gesture, we'll chug a can of beer. Can you imagine? Within an hour, we'd pass out.
Can't wait to see tomorrow's episode!
Current Music: "Poor Fool, He Makes Me Laugh" (How apropos whilst speaking about Ethan!) from The Phantom of the Opera
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