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How COULD They?

The writers on Passions have completely lost their heads.  They've gone and made Alistair the monk behind the whole Passions Vendetta thing.  This is completely asinine.  It's such a letdown to a great storyline.  Sure, they could have had Al orchestrating the whole thing, but WHY DID THEY HAVE TO MAKE HIM THE MONK?  They should have had someone like Whitney's REAL half-brother be the monk, or I don't know, HANK or someone else.  But Alistair?  Whatever.  That's cheap.  What were they thinking?

I just don't understand. 

Current Music:  "Lullaby" by Dixie Chicks 

Is Chad stupid or what?

Today, on Passions, Chad continued to look for Whitney, who we know has fallen off the side a building and, unfortunately, not died.  Anyway, as he's looking for her, Chad stumbles upon a skeleton wearing the same necklace he gave Whitney before they found out they were bro and sis (ew).  So, since Chad is so STUPID, he naturally thinks that the skeleton MUST be Whitney. 

Obviously, one of three things is happening here:

1.) Chad is stupid.

2.) Chad is an idiot.

3.) The Whitney the audience saw this episode is really a dummy (ha! no change there!), Whitney has indeed been stabbed, then the killer SKINNED HER AND WIPED UP ALL THE MESSY BLOOD.  Then, for good measure, the killer covered her skeleton in Gorilla Glue and poured dirt all over it.  Because, let's face it, Gorilla Glue is just WAAY better than stuipd super glue.

Come ON.  I know this is just a soap and everything, but do they have to make this character out to be so BRAINLESS?  Don't get me wrong - I love my Passions, but lately they've really been going for that "willful suspension of disbelief" thing.

PS - Is anyone else getting sick of Siren?  At frist, her well-practiced bad acting (as in, the actress can act well, but she also knows how to act badly) was funny, but now it's just hella annoying. 

Current Music:  "Je Ferais Tout" by Wilfred le Bouthillier

Emeril's Live food

Well, Passions went off today, and as I don't normally watch Montel (because he's just a little crazy), I channel surfed for a bit.  I turned it to Food Network and saw that Emeril was doing Tartare stuff.  I thought, "Well, this should be more interesting than some crazy transvestite saying that s/he can see ghosts."  So, I tuned in.

I wish I hadn't.  I thought that Emeril would at least cook the steak a little, but to my horror, all he did was grind it up.  How absoulutely DISGUSTING.  To make it even worse, he scored the raw-meat patty, made a little well in the middle and, ladies and gentlemen I kid you not, put a raw egg yolk in the well.  No, seriously, that's what he did.  Then he garnished it with some Dijon mustard, some kind of greens, chopped parsley, red onion and capers.  As if all that was supposed to make the raw meat look any better.  RAW MEAT.  How incredibly gross. 

One thing I noticed that was a bit FUNNY is that Emeril did NOT take a bite of anything of this tartare crap.  I don't know if that's customary for him to not take bites of his food, but I noticed that he didn't touch it after he was done presenting it. 

It's not how Emeril's looked exactly - the only difference is that Emeril's RAW EGG YOLK wasn't as big. 

Still, nasty.

Current Music:  "Mon Chercheur d'Or" by Patricia Kaas 

TAR, new TV.com format, and other random stuff

I really like the new format here at TV.com. And look at the icons I have now! I'm no longer a loser with only one! Haha! And I can make stuff different fonts! Ok, I'm done with the excitement.

Anyway, I haven't posted on TAR yet, so here's my post for it. How lucky did BJ and Tyler get? Well, it probably wasn't luck as much as it was sheer good timing. Had they been last a couple weeks ago, which they were in danger of being, they'd have been done for. But, lucky them, they came in last on a non-elimination leg. Sure, they lost all their money and stuff, but they can do it. I have faith in them. I really liked Ray and Yolanda - until Tuesday's episode, and now I just like Yolanda. I have problems when people call their significant others names, and Ray just turned me off when he called Yolanda a b*tch. That's not cool.

On a lighter note, Fran and Barry came in first! I was so happy for them, since I believe they're the oldest people to get this far in the race (Jamison, if I'm wrong, tell me). MoJo shouild have been happier that they placed second. That's better than they've been doing for most of the race. And they beat out effing E&J (the douchebag frat boys that I can't stand)! They should be HAPPY. Anyway, I'm just procrastinating here, so I guess I'll go. I can't wait for this semester to be OVER.




Really, something must be done about the quality of pictures at Photobucket.  That's my cousin Cierrah after our Easter egg hunt.  Isn't she adorable?

Current music: "Waiting Room" by No Doubt

Way to go, Sherry-don

Seriously, how big a bia is Sheridan right now? Luis is back, and she's staying with Chris? Whatever. I was conviced that they wouldn't use McKenzie's pregnancy to their advantage, but the writers just HAD to make Sheridan preggers. AND WITH CHRIS'S BABY FOR GOD'S SAKE. That, my friends, is unjust. I still like this Passions Vendetta thing, although it's getting very complicated. For one, exactly who is involved in it now? We've got the monk, Paloma, Simone and Whitney - they're the obvious ones. But What's-her-face-that's-terrorizing-Noah-and-Maya is in on it too? Or was I just seeing things? I'm talking about the woman who cut Whitney's hair today. BTW, who woudln't recognize Whitney? Harmony must have something in the water that makes people stupid. I wish Miguel would just leave. He doesn't deserve Kay, and guilting her into being with him isn't fair to her. She waited for him and he never came back. He was waay too busy looking for stupid Charity, and she moved on. She deserves to be with someone who is going to be there for her and Maria, not some deadbeat who, upon Charity's imminent return to Harmony, would leave her in a second. Whew, that was a long Passions post! Current music: "Bubble Pop Electric" by Gwen Stefani PS - I made Dean's List again.

Lake and Michelle OUT!

Finally! Lake and Michelle were ousted last night on TAR. If I had to hear Lake yell at Michelle one more time, or hear him call her **** or hear her whine, I was gonna pull some hair. Last night's episode actually held my attention - TAR's kind of faltered a bit the last couple times. However, I was hooked last night when BJ and Tyler ran into some bad luck and got lost. I know I've been rooting for them the whole way, but it makes the race more interesting, I admit, when your favorites are in danger of losing! BTW, what were Lake and Michelle wearing on their chests in the beginning of the episode? Someone should have told Michelle that women probably shouldn't wear whatever-it-was like that! Current music: "Landslide" from the Dixie Chicks

It's getting a little personal

Wow, Passions was great today. I'm starting to really like Chris, but I think it's only because I don't think he's going to be around much longer. And Passions Vendetta is getting REALLY good. But, I'm a little concerned with how stupid Paloma, Simone and Jessica seem to be - well maybe not Jessica so much as the other two. Hello - the symbol, you dummies, is the Omega, which, depending on who's using it, can either be good or bad. Christ said "I am the Alpha and the Omega" - and yet, it's had ties to some satanic cults and other baddie groups. But overall, I can't wait to see what happens next. Which brings me to the "personal" that was in the title of this post. I have to have an MRI tomorrow afternoon for my left eye. Saturday, I noticed that it started acting a little funny, but it didn't really bother me. Sunday, it hurt a bit and my vision was a little blurry, but I put my glasses on and that seemed to help it. However, yesterday, it hurt a lot and I really couldn't see very well, so I went to the optometrist. They did all kinds of tests, and luckily it's nothing really to do with my eyes themselves - I don't have any retinal tearing or anything like that. However, that means that something else is causing my loss of vision. They did a peripheral vision test, and that came back kidn of funny - when they tested my left eye, I couldn't see anything on the right. So, I went to my family doctor so he could order an MRI for me. I'm starting to think it might be my blood pressure, which sucks. I've been VERY stressed out lately and I've not been in the best of health. Alas, I have that MRI tomorrow and then, next Monday, I have to go to a neural opthamologist (I think that's what he is) on the north side of town. Which means I have to miss my Spanish comp class - which I'm not too concerned about. So there's my lament for today. It's taken me about half an hour to write this entry, because I have to keep backspacing and stuff. Forgive any spelling mistakes, please. Current Music: "L'aigle Noir" by Patricia Kaas RANDOM PICTURE

Stupid, stupid Chris

Now, more than ever, I wish Chris weren't on Passions. Why? Well, a fresly-shaven Luis called in a justice-of-the-peace to marry him and Sheridan. But, oh no, they can't get married because SHE'S EFFING MARRIED TO CHRIS. Oh man, I loathe that character. We got our (I assume) first peek at this Passions Vendetta thing today. It seems, actually, pretty good. I think it'll be much more interesting than Passions Red. With Red, everyone knew who she was two seconds into the gimmick. With this one, I think it's Whitney's real half-brother (because Chad's not really her bro), but really, it's a toss-up! Man, there's really been nothing good on TV lately. CSI wasn't on this week because of the Gonzaga-UCLA game, TAR was already on, and I've only watched two episodes of Passions this week. Plus, no new Charmed. That's ok though - I have more important stuff to be doing, i.e. my French paper, my Spanish essay and reading Crime and Punishment. All due by Monday. Think I can do it? I'll let you know. Current Music: "New Friend" by No Doubt

Shoot me, I'm bored

If I miss the next new episode of CSI, I might just go off on someone. RANDOMLY. I fell asleep during TAR last night. I got to see the BMW thing, and then the Road Block, which for some reason was HELLA EASY. I don't get it. Why have all the other tasks been hard, but for that one they only had to look for a stupid gnome? I've learned that Eric and Jeremy, the bane of my tv-watching, got 1st and that Wanda and Desiree, whom I wanted to come in second at the final, were booted. Remember when I told Phil that he'd better have made this episode a doozy? WELL HE DIDN'T. He didn't hold up his end of the bargain. I'm officially boycotting Eric and Jeremy now. I hope they lose! Plus, I missed Passions yesterday and apparently Gwen slapped Theresa, which is always fun to see. Except I DIDN'T GET TO SEE IT. I always miss the good days and watch on the bad days. Story of my life. Truly. Do you KNOW how bored I am? I had a meeting here at school at 8:30 this morning, and I don't have class until 2:30 this afternoon. For some reason, I decided to stay on campus the entire time, in the hopes of getting a lot of work done. But what am I doing instead? Oh yeah, I'm on here, doing blog posts and obsessively checking Facebook. So much for productivity. Current music: I'm having a hard time deciding. For now, it's "His Name is Lancelot" from SPAMALOT, but it might change here in a second. It's not doing anything for me. I need to update my MP3 player.

Hella long - I can't help myself

i've kissed someone... 01. [x] on the cheek. 02. [x] on the lips. 03. [x] french style 03. [x] on their hands or fingers. 04. [x] in my room. 05. [x] in their room. 06. [x] of the opposite sex. 07. [x] of the same sex 08. [x] a little younger than me. 09. [x] a little older than me. 10. [x] with black hair. 11. [x] with blonde hair 12. [x] with brown hair 13. [ ] with red hair 14. [x] with straight hair. 15. [x] shorter than me. 16. [x] with a tongue ring. 17. [x] with a lip ring. 18. [x] who i truly love/loved. 19. [x] who was drunk. 20. [x] who was high. 21. [x] in the morning. 22. [x] right after waking up. 23. [x] just before bed. 24. [x] late at night. 25. [] on a hill. 26. [x] who I really didn't want to kiss. 27. [x] just talking not dating. 28. [x] on a bed. 29. [] in a graveyard. 30. [] at school. 31. [x] against a wall. 32. [x] as a joke. 33. [] at the beach 34. [x] at a concert. 35. [] on a trampoline. 36. [x] in a pool 37. [] who was/is a good boyfriend/girlfriend (I've never had a good boyfriend/girlfriend. They've all been bad!) 38. [x] in the rain. 39. [] with an STD. 40. [x] in the shower. 41. [x] in a car/taxi/bus. 42. [x]in the movies. 43. [x] in a bathroom/laundry room 44. [x] in the dark 45. [] on a roof top. 46. [] under water 47. [x] while driving 48. [x] a stranger 49. [x] more than one person at once. 50. [x] crying 51. [] goodbye forever. (pretty much). 52. [x] when i was drunk 53. [x] truth or dare. 54. [] in a hot tub 55. [x] when you were cold. 56. [x] when you were bored. 57. [x] in a garage. 58. [x] unexpectedly. Man, I'm a kissing slut. Current music: "Defying Gravity" from WICKED