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Favorite TV Show Survey

List your six favourite TV shows, (in order for what I'm feeling right now, it always changes ) then answer the questions below.

By the way some of the shows on my list arent really my faves but the ones I wanted to put there you would have never heard of so it wouldn't have been as fun

Grey's Anatomy

2. Heroes 

3. Supernatural
4. Friends
5. The Office
6. Veronica Mars

1. Who is your favorite character from #2?

Peter Petrelli!!!!
2. Who is your least favorite character from #4?


3. What would a crossover between #1 and #5 include?
Michael and Dwight as surgeons!!! LOL!!!!!!!

4. Who is your favorite ship from #6?

Logan and Veronica LoVe

5. If you were to set one person from #3 and one person from #6 on a blind date, who would they be?
Sam on a date with Veronica lol  

6. If you could meet one person from #4 and spend the day with them, who would it be, and what would you do?

Chandler hang out at the coffehouse of course  could it BE any better?

7. If you could change one thing about #2's plotline, what would you change?

I wish Claire got to know Nathan since it's her father plus it might show people that Nathan has a nice side because right now he's a jerk

8. Explain a relationship between two people (not necessarily romantic) from show #5, and why you like the relationship between them.

Jim and Pam!!!! They are just great best friends that both love each other.  JAM FOREVER!

9. If the lead title characters (first names in the credits) from #1 and #3 were both drowning, and you could only save one, who would it be?

What if Meredith has already drowned?  Anyway I would save Meredith but I'm not sure who comes first in Supernatural Dean or Sam?
10. If you could change the title characters' order in the credits for #4, what order would you choose?

Chandler, Monica, Ross, Joey, Rachel and Phoebe

11. If you were able to add a new character, any kind of character you wanted, to the storyline for #6, what would the character be like and what would their role be?
Maybe a guy friend for Wallace Piz is ok but I'm not really sure if they are that good of friends

12. What happened in your favorite episode of show #2?

I dont know whats my favorite episode of Heroes but maybe the one when Peter is saving Claire Homecoming I believe

13. If you could kill off one of the characters of #1, who would it be and how would you do it?

Callie she's so annoying need to kill her in a way the George doesn't go crazy a car accident maybe?  I haven't the slighest clue but she couldnt be killed off

14. If you got the chance to visit the set for either show #3 or show #5, which would you choose?

The Office probably because it would be so funny and Supernatural would look weird without special effects

15. So, I saved the best for last. If you could date anyone from any of these shows, which show and which person?

Hmm ... McDreamy, Peter Petrelli, or Sam which ever one they are all hot

OC cancelled yet creator has great day/Countdown to my B-day and Supernatural

Even if the OC was confirmed to be cancelled yesterday that doesn't make it a bad day for the creator. Two pilots picked up! TWO in one day of one show getting cancelled.  That's so strange I just can't believe it.  That Josh guy must have had one heck of a day yesterday ...


My B-day: 6 days!!!

Supernatural Return: 7 days!!!

8th grade trip to DC: 8 days!!!

Best of 2006- Episode Edition

I've decided to do the whole Best of 2006 series and I think I might do a few worst of 06 also within the next week.

The first edition will be episodes and It was really hard to pick 10 and only 10 for obvisious reasons (theres 11 episodes for Heroes :p plus a lot episodes from other shows)

CONTAINS SPOILERS!!!!!!!!! (For Heroes, Veronica Mars, Gilmore Girls, and Supernatural)

Best of Episodes of 2006:

10. Merry Fisticuffs-Gilmore Girls

This is a favorite for one big reasons.  All the Lorelai/Luke moments.  Then theres another medium one that was more fun to watch then think about the consequences of it.  Luke vs. Chris battle in the towns center.  If you don't like Luke for Lorelai or for anything at all then you probably didn't enjoy this episode since he was just about everywhere.

9. Introducing Lorelai Planetarium-Gilmores Girls

I enjoyed this episode with Luke taking such good care of April showing how good a father he would be.  Then he trusted Lorelai with help on what Luke should do with April.  Lorelai  then turns around and shows up at the hospital to check on them.  What can I say I'm a sucker for true love storylines.

8. Plan B- Veronica Mars

Logan and Veronica share a moment when dancing at a Sadie Hawkin's Dance and look at each other with loving eyes.  It was pure LoVe!

7. Faith- Supernatural

Dean: That fabric softener teddy bear...ooh....I wanna hunt that little b**** down...

That quote is extremely memorable and I absolutely love it.  One of the only reasons I like this episode is this very quote and the good storyline it follows.

6. Collision- Heroes


The start of the famous saying when future Hiro talks to Peter on the subway in New York in stopped time.  Everyone now knows the saying.  Don't you?  I even own a shirt saying it :p

5. The Quick and the Wed- Veronica Mars

Jane: Guess you never know where true love's gonna find you.
Veronica: If it comes looking for me, I'll be over by the espresso machine.
(Logan walks in by the espresso machine)

Another great LoVe moment.  Probably my favorite one since it's so clever and well plotted.  Veronica looked stunned and glad in a way that it was Logan.

4. In My Time of Dying- Supernatural

Ah.  The episode that started my love for Supernatural, Jared and Jensen (especially Jared :p).  I like the whole OBE of Dean and the way Sam ran to Dean.

3. Fallout- Heroes

The fall finale of Heroes.  Peter's vision and the way Claire says Peter is her hero was corny but I loved it anyway.  And for some reason sparked people to want an illegal relationship of Claire and Peter Cleter, Paire or w/e you want to call it... Then it shows up on who should be a couple even though I don't think a show like Heroes would do that to the most innocent characters of the show.

2. Look Who's Stalking- Veronica Mars

Epic.  Just epic.  Logans statement of Veronica/Logan relationship of their relationship being epic is great.  LoVe strikes again! 

1. Homecoming- Heroes

Peter going to Texas to save the cheerleader and then him meeting with Hiro then Claire then Hiro once again.  The line of Peter "By saving you did I save the world" along with Claire's response "I don't know.  I'm just a cheerleader."  I loved the episode to death besides when Peter was being taken away for something Sylar did :'(

That took a long time.  Hope you enjoyed and I will be back tomorrow or later tonigth with another list or just a welcoming of 2007 and a farewell to 2006.

Late Christmas, Early New Years

This is my blog of Christmas and New Years.  Haven't really done much lately but I'll start with the start of Winter Break on December 22nd.

12/22- I made gingerbread cookies with my grandma and my brother for xmas since my grandma was having Christmas Day this year. 

12/23- The next day my uncle, aunt and cousin came in and my uncle broke his ankle so we didn't do much of anything. Oh we got pizza and my grandma came over to my house for the pizza. 

12/24-The next day was Christmas Eve and we had Sweat Pants Christmas which turned into Pajama Christmas which was really fun because we played it in the dark and my cousins are really funny.

12/250 Christmas!!!!!!!!  I woke up at 3:41 but fell back to sleep at 5 to wake up at 8 and opened a ton of presents!

I got: 

  • Save the Cheerleader Save the World shirt
  • iPod docking/clock
  • 2 shirts from about snow
  • $25 gift card for Sports Authority (so I can get a new winter coat)
  • snowboarding lessons
  • MTX: Mototrax PS2 video game
  • controller for PS2
  • Supernatural Season 1
  • Veronica Mars Season 2
  • Cal zipper sweatshirt
  • 2 books by Hemingway
  • $25 for Best Buy

Wow I didn't relize how much I got for Christmas.  I'm really greatful for it and I'm going to Washington DC in like 2 weeks which wasn't exactly cheap :/ and I'm getting a digital camera soon which I should probably look at soon.

12/26- Ok so now were at the day after Christmas.  I don't remember much but I'm guessing I watched Veronica Mars and played my video game

12/27- Same as the day before.  Nothing really happened

12/28- My cousin, uncle and aunt showed up at our house at 9:15 right when I woke up even though they weren't suppose to come until 10.  Anyway played video games with my cousin and played a ton of knock out and basketball games for like a hour.  Then we went bowling which was a diaster because the alley was really full when we came so we had to wait for 30 minutes with nothing to do in a loud place.  We went out to lunch at this one place which was really good and but my uncle and dad had to eat really quickly since my uncle had to go see a doctor to check out his foot to see if he could get a boat and get out of crutches.  Don't really remember what happened after that ...

12/29- Uncle, aunt, cousin and grandma came over after they went out for breakfast so we did the usual ... basketball, football, and video games ... my cousin is crazy for sports hopefully he grows out of it becauses its scaring my family and he has a lot to live up to because he's the "chosen one" of the family since my cousins latest ... I'm not even sure no one will tell me but he's not going back to Harvard and my parents said he probably won't ever go back to that school.  We celebrated Haunkah at my house since my cousin who is Jewish wasn't in town then and we always do it every year.

If you actually read this far congratz because it's probably really boring even to me.

12/30 (today)- Woke up at 5 because my cousin, uncle and aunt left for the airport at 5:30 which was really sad and I felt like I was going to cry since I never see them only for Christmas and I'm really close with my cousin.  I almost cried then went went downstairs where I was sleeping since my uncle and aunt and cousin were staying with us.  I watched Dawson's Creek since it was on and was really excited since it was Joey and Pacey's first kiss even if it wasn't the first kiss when Pacey loved Joey but in Season 1.  I guess she just found the right guy in the words of Pacey.  Watched some Supernatural then some more with my neighbor then played DDR at her house.  And now were here where I think I actually will do some homework since I have a huge project to do ...

I'm going to add pictures and stuff since it's all text then add more so stay tuned.

Im so physic!

Like a week ago I woke up at I remember seeing Jared in my head then it flashed to white and red ... like in a promo.  I thought yeah right like Supernatural is ever going to do a promo red since it's always blue... Look at the new promo 3rd second

I know this sounds crazy and I would be like "Yeah right" if it was anyone else but I swear this happened.

Haven't posted inawhile ... so ... heres a post!

To start off this will be a short post considering I have to write like 10 pages tonight for my LA short story first draft due tomorrow then a reading response on a book I haven't finished quite yet.  Oh!  I also have a S.S. test on Tuesday! Joy!  This week will most likely go by in a jif because its only 2 days and we have every block which makes the day go by so fast. 

Today TomKat is getting married in Rome.  Isn't that such a great name?  And Suri's name is TomKittenn lmao!

^how do you like them apples? :p I didn't actually get thay score I just thought it would be cool to try and trick my friend into believing it's true.

Well I'll be off now!  Adios mis amigos!

Top 7 Couples

Heres the list of Top 7 Couples:

7. Ross and Rachel (Friends)

6. Lorelai and Luke (Gilmore Girls)

5. Holly and Vince (What I Like About You)

Hallo Holly - Kuss mit Vince

4. Cory and Topanga (Boy Meets World)

3. Monica and Chandler (Friends)

2.Joey and Pacey (Dawson's Creek)

1. Logan and Veronica (Veronica Mars)

^Couldn't resist puting this picture up it's just Logan was hilarious in this picture

It was really hard to pick the order!  If you have a different order post it!

Sick .. well ...

I'm "sick".  I didn't well good when I woke up this morning but everything seems to be clearing up.  I tried making a big cookie but were out of eggs so I had to find a recipe without eggs.  It didn't turn out that well without the eggs.  Couldn't make them into cookies because it was really dry.  I then added water but it turned into too much and the whole thing was a diaster after that. 

I'm gonna go see if I can get my PS2 to work so I can either watch Friends or play Road Rage Bye!

EDIT: I'm gonna start making list somewhere between 5-10 and I'll make one tonight Top Couples

Shuffle Survey

Will it be ok? 
I So Hate Consequences

How are you feeling today?

One-Eighty By Summer

How do your friends see you? 
We're All In This Together 

Will you get married? 

Cute Without An E that's not a good sign ....

What is your best friend’s theme song?

Attention Attention lmao

What is the story of your life?
Boulevard of Broken Songs (not dreams SONGS)

What was high school like? 
Swing, Swing

How can you get ahead in life?
Why Georgia 

What is the best thing about your friends?
Move Along

What is tonight going to be like?
F.C.P.R.E.M.I.X. wow that doesn't make one bit of sense at all

What is in store for the remainder of this weekend?
Chemicals Reacts

What song describes you?
I Wonder it's describes me like a year ago just as the girl not the boy lmao

To describe your grandparents? 
Dark Blue

How is your life going?
Mexican Wine lmao

What song will they play at your funeral? 
Let It All Out makes sense at a funeral i guess

How does the world see you?
I'll Be There for You (The Friends Theme Song)

Will you have a happy life?
I Don't Wanna Wait (Dawson's Creek Theme Song)

What do your friends really think of you? 
Bitter Sweet Symphony

Do people secretly lust after you?
Grand Theft Auto

How can I make myself happy?
Real World

What should you do with your life?

Will you ever have children? 

Be My Escape

That was fun I wish there were more surveys like these