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*kellers1543 Blog

CW Sunday and Monday switch?

Why would they switch?  I don't even watch the CW on those days but it's just strange to think of 7th Heaven on Sundays.  I'm unsure why but it doesn't seem right to me for that to be ....

I think I have to go finish my English homework now

Halloween and Level Up

Well today I got my halloween stuff and I'm going to be a Wolf with my friends because they are gonna be the three little pigs.  I'm gonna be a doctor at the same time too.  It then struck me.  Isn't Dr. Wolf something?  Like from some TV show or maybe something else.  I leveled up to level 6 and I haven't really done much since Monday when I was practicially glued to the computer.  I think I might watch Supernatural tonight not really sure if I'm going to.

I'm downloading Relient K right now after seeing the BEST video on YouTube about Anti-Joey and Dawson.  I don't have the link and I'm a little tired right now so it's called My Girl's Ex-Boyfriend.  You might find it under that I'm not really sure.

Well that's it for now, it's time to watch Everwood =)

GIlmore Girls and The Nine

Last night Gilmore Girls episode was good and bad at the same time.  If you haven't watched yet I advise you don't look past this point.  I'm warning you if your eyes are unaware about what I'm gonna say don't look.

I couldn't believe how willing Luke was to go and punch Chris.  I'm really starting to like Chris right now especially after that run into Lorelai on the street!  Can you say JERK!!!!!?  You know your obsessed with Gilmore Girls when your eyes stinged and your head filled up with anger when Luke was talking to Lorelai at the very end in the grocier store.  I think what he said but he was saying something about how him and Lorelai weren't ever meant to be together and stuff like that.  Lane is pregent *yawn* like I didn't see that one coming.  I'm kinda glad a little more indifference to all of it.

I'm thinking about watching The Nine tonight at 9.  Nothing else is really on so it seems like a good idea to me.

Gilmore Girl Survey (Tuesday Schedule)

Survey for all Gilmore Girls fans
( i didnt make it up) I got it from
I'd love to read your answers, so feel free to put this in your blogs, if you can be bothered

Random Questions

Do you watch Gilmore Girls daily? YEAH!                           

Do you think Rory should be with dean? No                         

Do you love the whole small town thing? Yes

Are you into music like Lane? Yeah some at least not all

Max, Chris, Alex or Luke for Lorelai? Luke or Chris

What do you think of Luke? He has his days                    

Dean, Jess or Logan for Rory?Logan ATM

Do you like the theme song? Yes!

Who's your favourite character? Lorelai

Which one?

Lorelai or Rory? Lorelai

Dean or Jess? Jess                                                                 

Chris or Max? Chris

Babette or Miss Patty? neither

Taylor or Kirk? Kirk!                                                         

Luke or Alex? Luke.... who's Alex?

Sookie or Michel? Michel                                                   

Liz or T.J.? Liz

Emily or Richard? Emily

Stars Hollow or Hartford? Stars Hollow

Lane or Mrs Kim? Lane                                                         

Paris or Doyle?PARIS!

Logan or Marty? I like Marty!

More Random Questions

What was the first episode you saw? Pilot                           

What is your favourite episode? I like a lot of them          

What is your least favourite episode? Not sure there are a lot

of them I think are just basicially boring and nothing    

Have you seen them all so far? not at all! Most of a lot of

season but not at all

Who is your favourite character? Lorelai                            

Who is your least favourite character? Taylor I think       

What is your favourite Lorelai/Rory moment? Too many

What is your favourite season? 6 I liked what I saw of it 

What is your least favourite season? don't know

What is your favourite relationship? Lorelai/Luke and Lorelai/

Chris I like Luke and all but hes such a jerk! I know Chris

is too                                                                                    

Do you tape the episodes or collect the DVDs? tape

I don't remember who originally posted it but I'd like to

give credit to them.

I think I'm just gonna watch Gimore Girls today ... nothing else is really on.  If you have ideas send them!


I LOVE Mondays!  They are great I mean how can you not like it when Heroes and Studio 60 On The Sunset Strip are on.  So this is most likely my TV schedule for tonight while doing all my pointless English homework.

6/5 central


Channel: ABC Family

-Decided to give the show a chance since it's going to be before Gilmore Girls comes on on ABC Family 

7/6 central

Gilmore Girls

Channel: ABC Family

- I wonder why I would watch my favorite show.  I started watching 5 months so I haven't seen season 60 very much.  I'm excited and not excited.  The episodes I've seen Luke has been a complete jerk.

8/7 central

Deal Or No Deal

Channel: NBC

-I love this show a lot and I always watch it.  The show is just amazing but I'm not sure if I'm going to watch it but most likely.

9/8 central

Heroes (!!!!!!!!)

Channel: NBC

- I absoultley love this show.  The storyline is amazing and if you haven't watched it yet ... WATCH IT! 

10/9 central

Studio 60 On The Sunset Strip

Channel: NBC

- One name.  Matthew Perry. He was great in Friends so I followed him over to this show.  I also heard that Lauren Graham is going to be in 2 episodes.  Does anyone know when that will be?

Well that's my Monday schedule.  Be sure to watch some of those shows!


Another 11 Reviewed

Just finished another 11 reviews of Friends and I'm almost done with season 1.


21 out of 236

8.9% completed!

Just another 215 episodes :P


Taking A Break

I know I just posted but I have decided I'm not done with yet today just gonna take the rest of the night of from reviewing the other 226 episodes of Friends.  I have a long time it's no race or anything.  So what should I do?  I was thinking about checking out all the boards for my shows and seeing what's going on and then maybe I'll review some people because I just noticed I have only review Matthew Perry and Lauren Graham which is just 2 people of 100s that I should review.  Well bye now probably think of something to post in 5 minutes or tomorrow or I might just forget to post but I'm kinda doubting that.

24 Hours!

24 MORE HOURS!!!!!!!!  I just can't wait!!!  It shows up that it's gonna be on TV already for the comcast digitial box for me it just doesn't say what's happens just that its new.  4 Months and a couple weeks ago I first started to like Gilmore Girls when the season 6 ended.  I think I liked it so much because I knew Lorelai was at Christophers and I've only seen the show a few times.  Ever since I've been hooked crazy