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*kellers1543 Blog

LoVe!!!! They are awesome!

Awhile back I was watching Top 20 True Love Moments (if you don't watch Dawson's Creek it's Joey and Pacey and Pacey named his boat True Love after he fell in love with Joey) and so anyways it's this user also has Top 20 LoVe Moments:

It's amazing video and I encourage everyone to watch it even if you don't watch Veronica Mars because it made me want to watch it and now I'm a huge fan.

Today was completely terrible.  I had to take the hardest math test ever!!!  Now I have to do my LA homework I didn't want to do yesterday but I have to today because it's due tomorrow.

Holy I'm Level 10!

I'm level 10!  Yep.  Nothing really to say.  Oh I'm a new Veronica Mars fan.  YouTube has a ton of episodes ... but not enough!  They don't have like 7 episodes of season 1.  I have 2 paragraphs to write and a comic strip for extra credit but it's not due until Tuesday so I'm not in such a rush considering I'm really exhaused from watching Veronica Mars.  My confirmation class had a used book sale that goes to some charity.  Yesterday I had to go to my confirmation teacher's house to categorize the books but it took a lot less time then expected.  We then played Catch Phrase which I officially suck at.  I'm completely exhausted right now and I think I'm gonna go to sleep.

Another Survey

1. What was the last movie you saw in a theater?Was it good? Flushed Away, it was really funny

2. Do you have a journal/diary? No, use to but I always forget

3. What's your favorite ice cream flavor? Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough

4. What's the most recent vacation you've been on? When? Probably to Florida like 2 years ago if you count major vacations

5. What's the next vacation you're going on? Probably not until next Thanksgiving when I go to England 

6. If you had to lose 1 of your senses, what would it be? I guess smell

7. Your favorite college team for sports? Probably University of Illinois because my brother goes there

8. Favorite song right now? Bitter Sweet Symphony by The Verve

9. Who do you think has the worst voice (professional singer)? Don't know enough to say

10. If you had to describe yourself in 1 word, how? Can't think of just one word

11. What time did you go to bed last night? 10:30 probably

12. Your favorite sport? Basketball or Soccer

13. Your favorite store to shop at?  Target because you can play video games for free

14. Do you like your first name, why, and what would you change it to?  I have always never thought of myself as a Kelly for some reason an I have no idea what I would change my name too.

15. What is the most rebellious thing you've done? Went to the movie and never told my parents but they found out and grounded me
16. What is your dream look? Change all the time

17. Favorite type of music? Rock

18. What kind of humor do you like? intelligent humour or witty

19. What would make you like a person, and not in a friend way?  Sense of humour, intelligent thats pretty much it
20. What would that person look like? Jensen Ackles  

21. Favorite book? Escape From Memory

22. First novel you ever seriously read? I can't remember the title or time

23. Dream career? TV Writer at this point but it changes all the time

24. Most unique thing about you?

25. Where would you like to live? Probably Wisconsin/Michigan or England

26. What is your favorite kind of popcorn: Kettle Korn

27. Who did you get this from: MuteTroubadouR

OK Day I guess ...

As you can see from the title it was an OK day.  Didn't have any desire to get out of bed at all today.  Bus ride to school was boring as heck!  All these 6 graders on my bus who think they are so cool but in reality are retarded little rich kids who have no idea what is happening in anything that doesn't include themselves so you can see why I don't enjoy the bus as much.  Had music where I watched Stomp and found out I have the worst group for our stomp project well not as bad just one person makes it terrible.  Gym were it was cold outside then math which you know isn't a picnic in the park ... Took TWO quizzes and half of the questions didn't make one bit of sense.  Spanish time where I had to stuck in a room where popular kids overrule.  History and Science weren't that bad besides this really annoying dumb rich kid who is so conceted but all he could talk about was how mad that Rupublicans lost control of the House and most likely the Senate.  It's hard as a Democrat/Indep. as I am to listen to all of his C !2 @ p.  Another bus ride oh joy!  Finally home where I watched parts of Cruel Intentions bascially Josh Jackson's scences and some other.  Josh was hilarious as a gay blonde boy.  Him filling his nails will forever crack me up.  That reminds me I have to watch What I Like About You tonight which a recorded. 

Tomorrow looks better because Supernatural is on.

Adios mis amigos!

Survey from Mnallison

1.Your Middle Name: Ann
2. Age: 13
3. Single or Taken: Single
4. Favorite Movie: I don't know I like a lot of movies equally
5. Favorite Song: ATM Get'cha Head In The Game
6. Favorite Band/Artist: All-American Rejcts
7. Dirty or Clean: ??? In what sense? like as in hygene? yes I am clean I just took a shower like 30 minutes ago
8. Tattoos and/or Piercings: none for either


1. Do we know each other outside of no
2. Whats your philosophy on life? Not sure exactly
3. Would you have my back in a fight? yeah! us supernatural fans have to stick together
4. Would you keep a secret from me if you thought it was in my best interest? sure
5. What is your favorite memory of us? ummmmm ... I just forgot what I was gonna say but I swear I will edit this when I remember
6. Would you give me a kidney? sure why not
7. Tell me one odd/interesting fact about you: I get obsessed easily
8. Would you take care of me when I'm sick? yeah why not?
9. Can we get together and make a cake? sure i love cake!
10. Have you heard any rumors of me lately? not that I can recall
11. Do you/have you talk(ed) crap about me? no!
12. Do you think I'm a good person? YEAH!
13. Would you drive across country with me? road trips are fun! :D
14. Do you think I'm attractive? never seen a picture of you sorry
15. If you could change anything about me, would you? no way jose!
16. What do you wear to sleep? a cubs shirt and flannel pants
17. Would you come over for no reason just to hang out? of course
18. Would you go on a date with me if i asked you? considering ur a girl and i'm a girl ... not a date in the sense that it's usually used
19. If I only had one day to live, what would we do together? watch supernatural or anything with jared in it
20. Will you repost this so i can fill it out for you? sure

I swear I will put the memory!  I had a reallllllllllllllllllly good one but I can't think of it right now sorry its 11:11 PM OMFG 11:11 PM!!!!! Like the song!!!!! W00T W00T!

Hello Level 9!

SOOOO I come before school still level 7 77% I come back from school level 7 79% I go to the movies and come back and what do you know I'm level 9 with 47%!!!!!!!!!!  Thats so frickin awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

No school tomorrow!!!! So excited!!!!  I missed Heroes so I have to watch that tomorrow!!!


-------------ABOUT YOU---------------

Time started: 8:39 in the AM
Full Name: Kelly
Sex: Female
Birthday: Jan 10th
Sign: Capricorn
Siblings: An older brother
Eye colour: Brown
Shoe size: 9 
Height: 5'4"

What are you wearing right now: pajays lmao its PJs just once i was gonna say pajamas then PJ and it came out pajays

Color: Blue
Number: 10
Boys Name: josh

Girls name: not sure

Subject in school: none

Animal: dolphins

Drink: rootbeer
Fast-Food Place: does subway count?

Month: December
Band/artist: All American rejects
Movie: High School Musical right now
Juice: Apple

Finger: Seriously? Who has a favorite finger?
Breakfast: cereal
Favourite cartoon character: i dont like cartoons

TV Show: supernatural, friends, dawsons creek, gilmore girls and WHAT I LIKE ABOUT YOU ALL THE WAY!!!!

Actor/actress: It's too hard to pick for me its between Jensen, Jared, Josh Jackson, Amanda Bynes or Nick Zano

Holiday: Christmas.
---------------------HAVE YOU EVER ----------------------
Given anyone a bath: Not that I can recall.
Bungee Jumped: No 
Made yourself throw-up: No
Been in the opposites sex's bathroom: yep
Eaten a dog biscuit: No

Put your tongue on a frozen pole: Nope
Loved someone so much it made you cry: Almost

Broken a bone: no
Played truth or dare: yeah

Been in a physical fight: yeah, older brother.
Been in a police car: No.
Been on a plane: Yes

Come close to dying: once when i was 4 i had an asthma attack in my sleep
Been in a sauna: No
Been in a hot tub: Yes
Swam in the ocean: yeah a lot of times

Fallen asleep in school: Nope
Ran away: Nope
Broken someone's heart: I hope not.
Cried when someone died: no one has died i really was close to

Cried in school: Yes

Fell off your chair: Lol, probably
Sat by the phone all night waiting for a call: no
Saved e-mails: All the time.
Fallen for one of your best friends: no

Been cheated on: No

Done something you regret: All the time

-----------------------------WHAT IS…----------------------
Your good luck charm: dont have one

Best song you ever heard: it changes every couple of days lol
Stupidest thing you have ever done: hard to count.
What is beside you now: the mouse
Last thing you ate: cereal

Worst thing that has happened to you: i dont know one thing.

------------------------HAVE YOU EVER HAD------------------------------
Chicken pox: Yeah

Stitches: once when i was younger.

-----------------------DO YOU-----------------------
Believe in love at first sight: YEAH!

Like picnics: sure
What schools have you gone to: 3
Eat a hamster for $1,000,000: Eww, no!
Kill someone you know for 15 billion dollars: depends ... who?
If you were stuck on an island, what people would you want with you? my friends and josh jackson jensen ackles lauren graham jared padalecki amanda bynes and nick zano

What makes you laugh the most: I laugh at a lot of things

Makes you smile: a lot

-------------------------WHO WAS THE LAST PERSON------------------------
You touched: idk i dont remember yesterday that well 

You massaged: no one 

You yelled at: My dad

Who broke your heart: Justin

----------------------------DO YOU/ARE YOU:-----------------------------------------
Do you like filling these out: Most of the time
Do you wear contacts or glasses: glasses but i cant remember the last time i did
Do you like yourself: Seriously?
Do you get along with your family: sometimes me and my family are stubborn so not all the time
Do you do drugs: Never
Have piercing(s) below the waist: No
Stolen anything over $50: No
Obsessive: Yeah the most you will ever know

Obsessive Compulsive: OCD? HECK YES!!! OCD strikes the best of us!

---------------------FINAL QUESTIONS-----------------
What are you listening to right now: dawson's creek
How many buddies are on your list: Ummm
What did you do yesterday: wrote a paper, watched lake house ummm ... watched madtv and happy gilmore

Hate someone in your family: extended family YES

Where do you want to get married: somewhere where its nice
If you could change anything about yourself what would you change?: idk

Good driver: im 13 ...

Good dancer: no
Good Singer: no
Have a lava lamp: i wish

How many remote controls are in your house: idk a lot

What do you dream about: god like everything
Last time you showered: last night

The last movie you saw at the theatres: inconvient truth that's the only one i can remember dont like the theaters
Scary or happy movies: happy
Chocolate or white milk: Chocolate

Root beer or Dr. Pepper: rootbeer
Mud or Jell-O: Jell-O!
Skiing or Boarding: Boarding
Summer or winter: Winter by far
Silver or Gold: Silver
Diamond or pearls: Diamond
Sunset or Sunrise: Sunset.
Cats or dogs: dogs

Phone or in person: In person
Oldest, middle, youngest or only child: Youngest

End Time: 8:51

New Banner(s)

Making banners are sooooooooo much fun :D!!!!! I love making them so don't be surprise if everytime you see my banner it's different.  They don't turn out that good but that are fun!  I went up 50% too today and all I've done is banners I think ...  Not really sure.  Well I just wrote a history paper so I think I'm gonna go relax now :)

Btw, if you don't know the banner is High School Musical which I watched yesterday and I should have been on TV but you know Disney Channel must hate me and my 1000 entries for the shoutout thing.

Getcha Head In The Game got in my head!  It's suck up there *points to head*.  I'm gonna try to find a picture of when they are singing that song for a new banner :p

Adios mis amigos!

I made a banner ....

I know it  sucks.  I'm not really sure how the whole banner thing was gonna turn out and apparently it turned out like that .... pretty bad if you asked me.  I like the people in it :D Jensen, Jared, Josh and Nick ... where can you go wrong with them?

I know I haven't blogged in awhile.  I have the time I just don't know what I should talk about.  Well this is what I did this past week:

Saturday- Went to Champaign (FYI thats where University of Illinois is and my brother goes there so I went)

Sunday- Church don't really remember anything else

Monday- took a math quiz ... HEROES!!!!!! no Studio 60 :'(

Tuesday- Halloween, went to a friends house for trick or treating

Wednesday- pure heck in history class trying to finish a project with the worst people in the world: sick (like strep thoart or something) perv, preppy blonde moron, and a guy with problems and doesn't stop laughing.

Thursday- Got a 100% on my math quiz I took on Monday :D then went to history where I got a 100% on my map quiz :D  then Supernatural was on W00T!

That's basicially it ... what happened in the past week with you? 

Re: Orange

Once you oread this blog, you have to re-post this with the color that you are and in 2 mins. or you're going to be single till you die!

You dont give a flying ****

Confused about someone

You Like Someone, They Like You, But Ur Both Taken!!!

Taken & Loving it

Single and Loving it

Single, not hating it, not loving it, just waiting for someone...


Like someone who is taken

Like someone but dont know if they like you

you're thinkin about just giving up

Like someone A LOT who likes you back A LOT, but arent going out yet

You can't see me. I'm an invisible ninja

Your love situation is too complicated to even start to explain with colors

i have a crush on a Hobo

i really don't care

you and your ex still talk and yall are still in love but your single

the one you like loves a good friend of yoursue


I'm orange too.  I got this from mdbdancer.