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*lyghthouse Blog


A young man, his head filled with questions, "Who am I?" "Why am I here" "What is my purpose"

These questions kept him awake at night.

He decided to seek out the wisest person in his town... after much investigation he found out that person worked at a nearby inn.

He went to that inn and said to the owner, "I have heard that you are wisest man in town... Please tell me, who am I? Why am I here? What is the meaning of life... Please, tell me, what is your secret!"

The innkeeper looked into the eyes of the young man.

"When the dishes are dirty, I clean them. I pay extra special attention to making sure not a crumb of food remains on them."

The young man stared, waiting for more. But the innkeeper was silent.

"That's it?" He asked, incredulously.

"That's it." The inkeeper said.

And so, I think, sometimes... It really is that simple.

When the dishes are dirty, wash them.

Taking yourself out of the picture could be the big secret to finding out who you really are.

eh, just some random musings from a sleep deprived brain.


the time of our lives

Am I doing all that I can, while I'm here... This isa question that haunts me. I think, the greatest tragedy in life is wasting your time. Time is all we have. And it's everything we have. We need to make the most of it. Do I sound preachy? Well, it's nice to have a pulpit. :-)

I don't want to miss any opportunities...I want to live my life to the fullest...

That's a big statement in a few words.... and it's easy to say.

Hard to do.

But I keep on trying.



I guess that's it for now. :-) Grab life by the horns and hold on tight. And enjoy the ride. :-)

I now return you to your regularly scheduled programming. ;-)

why did the turkey cross the road?

I was walking down the street today. I had just picked my kids up from school and we were on our way to the dentist's office when we saw this full grown turkey walking towards us on the sidewalk. It was one of those "rub your eyes and make sure you're really seeing what you think you're seeing" moments. So, after rubbing my eyes and verifying that the turkey was in fact there, we stopped to watch it saunter (or perhaps it was ambling?) past us and make it's way to wherever it was going. It was one of those random moments that for me, makes life so enjoyable.

Then to top that off, on our way home, we saw a man who had tied a rope about 4 feet (my non U.S friends will have to translate that into meters) off the ground between two trees and was using it as a tightrope. I guess he was practicing for the circus.

Anyway, life is full of surprises. :-)

missing the point

Ok, taking into a account that this is a global community, some of you may not be familar with the latest U.S congressional scandal... Senator Larry Craig was arrested for "lewd conduct" at a Minneapolis airport restroom stall...

Now, what has me upset are a couple of things... None of which are the fact that Craig is apparently gay or gay-ish...

What upsets me about all this is, first of all, here is a man who has campaigned adamently against gay rights. He has worked very hard to see that gays are not given equal rights...

And secondly, what really has my panties in a bunch, is that there are actually right wing folks who think that when people like me, bring up this hypocrisy, that we are being anti gay.

Forgive me for shelling out an old and tired expression... But, if I had a nickel for every self righteous, conservative, family values, anti gay church going man who turns out to be gay himself...

I'd be rich.


What's the problem?

Here's my thinking (and it's kind of circular, but this is as far as I've gotten)

Society... (at least American society)... makes it very hard to be openly gay So... many people stay in the closet... They're filled with self loathing which often causes them to be outwardly anti gay.

Ok... But what is "society"... It's us. And what causes society to be so anti gay?

People like Senator Craig.


What's the fix?

petty rant

Seems I was kicked back to a level 1.

I can't help but get the feeling that someone in the powers that be here does not like me.


Why, oh why, won't you let me climb up the great tree and swing from your branches?

*starts climbing again, slowly, slowly*

abandon ship

Ok, I'm sorry to do it, but I'm going to get a little bit political on you guys for a moment....

This whole Gonzales resignation thing has really gotten me thinking. Why is everybody in Bush's inner circle jumping ship? Why now? Is it because they know that some **** (I hope I can swear here without getting modded) is about to come to light...Is it self preservation (or an attempt at so), or something else. Rove's resignation I found particularly peculiar... He's a crafty S.O.B... I wouldn't put it past him to jump off Bush's sinking ship onto one that seems more seaworthy... the next G.O.P candidate perhaps?

Anyway, all these people who have been so... ummmm.... determined to "stand by their man"... suddenly can't get away from him fast enough.

What's going on?

I realize that this is a global community and I'm sorry if my political rant seems a bit... america-centric.

Unfortunately, American politics have had a huge impact on the world as of late though.

P.S... well, apparently we cannot swear here. Ooops.

Shameless blog

Ok, so I'm 3% points away from "graduating" to a level 2... So I'm making a shameless blog in order to (hopefully) boost my points up a bit.

Pretty awful eh?

So, here's a weird thing... I'm lactose intollerant, but I can eat creamcheese and goat cheese. I guess the world works in mysterious ways. :-)

What else can I ramble about?

I had a weird dream last night... I dreamt that I had signed up for a myspace account (I'm probably one of the last people on earth who doesn't yet have one) and instead of it being a computer thing it was a membership to this cafe... and Zach Braff was there and he wanted to be my friend.

Silly huh?

Oh.. and my cat's breath smells like cat food.

(disclaimer... I don't actually have a cat)

back to nature

Well, I just got back from a camping trip and I have to say that I feel great! There's something about being surrounded by trees and fresh air that just... invigorates my soul. Even the baby loved it. She slept better in just blankets on the floor of a tent than she does in her crib. Go figure.

The only drawback was it was a lot colder than I anticipated...and the people in the tent behind ours snored really loudly..So, I spent most of the night shivering and dreaming of buzz saws. ;-)

Still, it was a good trip.


Ok, so I've had some... emotional upheaval (sp?) in my life recently that really makes me sit down and think.

I think being yourself is so crucial... and so underrated in a way.

It's easy to try and transform yourself into what you think others want you to be... We spend so much time "cruising the surface" and sizing one another up based on appearances that it's actually hard to get along in life if you're not at least a bit of a chameleon (sp?).

When Shakespeare wrote, "Oh what a tangled web we weave when first we practice to deceive" (I think that's the quote), he wasn't kidding around.

so kids, take my advice...

Be yourself.


And that's today's word

*steps off soapbox*

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