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*lyghthouse Blog

very punny

Ok, so I think some of my blogs may be weighing too heavily on the "serious" side...


1) I wondered why the baseball was getting bigger...then it hit me.

2) To write with a broken pencil is pointless

3) Don't join dangerous cults. Practice safe sects.

4) Alcohol and calculus don't mix so don't drink and derive

5) Prison walls are never built to scale

6) It was an emotional wedding. Even the cake was in tiers.

7) He had a photographic memory that was never developed

8 ) A sign outside a drug rehab center read, "Keep Off The Grass"


lust for life

Ok, so here's the thing...

I think that by and large we have lost our enthusiasm. We keep inventing more and more things to make our lives convenient and "easy" and, it seems, parodoxically, to be having the reverse effect. Instead of being a Grand Adventure, life is looked at as a burden.


Why have we lost our lust for life?

I have heard that all fears can essentially be boiled down to two things

1) Fear of not having enough

2) Fear of not being enough

I've been turning this around in my head lately. I have to say that it *feels* true to me...

So anyway,

I'm trying to find ways to bring the fun back into existence... Because, basically, I think that if you're not enjoying yourself, you're wasting your time.

and that, is the greatest tragedy that I can think of.

dry wit

I have a renewed appreciation for dry wit. I have to say, the ability to tell a joke, and not smile at all, is pretty amazing, and worthy of applause.

Stephen Colbert is a good example for this.

Those who are able to use their "poker face" when telling a joke...It's great!

I wish I could do it, but alas, I tend to wear my cards on my sleeve.

all in good time

Ok, so all of this hull-a-ba-loo... (or whatever) about Lindsay Lohen has given me pause...

In my opinion, you cannot force an addict into rehab. Anybody who is addicted to something cannot be forced to let go of it. The decision to let go happens in his or her own time.

If you try and make someone change when they're not fully ready to, they're just going to half ass it, and they'll concentrate on appearance rather than substance...inother words it'll be all smoke and mirrors.

My opinion only. :-)

making it better

So, I think there's a lot we can do to make the world a better place! I really like Ghandi's whole "be the change you wish to see in the world" thing.

I believe very strongly in the ripple effect thing... If you smile at someone they'll probably smile at someone else and so on... And if you can brighten someone's day even for an instant... It can spread.

I think adults need to play more and worry less... children do this automatically, though we grownups often push our worries onto them. If we could get a giant game of tag going on our way to and from work...I don't know, I think it could work wonders.

What if we waved at people as we sat on the bus on our way to work, or in our cars on the way to the grocery store?

What if we looked people in the eyes?

What if we saw the humanity in everyone we meet? What if we came to the understanding that we're all doing the best we can with what we have? may say I'm a dreamer...

Heh heh, I bet someone is regretting giving me the forum to broadcast my ramblings! :-)

lessons from a baby

Hi everyone...

So, I think my 5 month old is teaching me some very valuable life lessons already.

1) Don't rush to judgment

Take the time to feel things out, before deciding how you feel about them. Don't approach a situation with a preconceived notion of how it will turn out. Just wait and see.

2) Be open

Greet each moment with open eyed wonder.

3) Don't be be afraid to let your emotions show

If you're sad, cry. If you're happy, laugh.

4) Don't change who you are to fit various circumstances. Just be you.

5) Sneezes are startling, and funny

6) Farts are a relief

7) If you see something that catches your attention, don't be afraid to grab it and pull it towards you.

8 ) Sucking on things is the best way to learn more about them.


Ok, well, some of those things were said with my tongue planted more firmly in my cheek than others, but still...

We can learn a lot from babies. :-)

Random musings

Well, I'm still trying to get the hang of this whole blogging thing...

I don't really think anything I have to say is interesting enough for anyone else to read, but maybe in a slew of blatherings I'll hit on something that will strike a chord with someone else.

Those of you who watch So You Think You Can Dance are probably familiar with the "controversy" involving a song picked on Wednesday's show. John Mayer's "Waiting on the World to Change"... Apparenty people were offended at it's "anti war" statement.


This just absolutely blows my mind!!!

I'm so tired of seeing people walk around on egg-shells... Whatever you do, don't offend the troops.

Look, I'm not anti troops... My husband was in the military, my best friend is now, and her husband is currently in Iraq... I understand these are human beings doing a job, and I want them, and everyone involved to be safe.

Maybe my problem is I don't value American lives more than Iraqi lives...

Maybe my problem is that I feel every life is equal.

I guess that's why I don't get people who would take a wish for peace and turn it into something bad.

I just don't get people sometimes.

so, anyway, that's my rambling of the day. :-)

Fahrenheit 451

Ok, so I just re-read this, and it struck a chord with me.

Are we getting more and more isolated? I feel like there's a strange dichotomoy in that the more "connected" we are, the more separate we become... kind of like the faster we're able to travel the more impatient we become...

I used to hardly watch any tv and never read any celebrity gossip magazines...I would almost pride myself about not knowing the latest Lindsay Lohen or Brittney Spears happenings... But I bought a copy of US magazine about a year ago, and after one issue I was hooked on that sh*t. Now I feel compelled to find out the latest celebrity information... And I can get wrapped up in it.

I follow the lives of the charcters on my favorite show, and to some degree, the lives of the actors who play them.

And I can get very wrapped up in it all.

I guess, like a child, I need to occasionally remind myself what's real and what's not real. :-)


I'm curious about this whole blogging thing....thought I'd give it a whirl (as it were)...


what do you want to talk about?


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