I am so excited! I listened to some of the songs already and I like what I hear so far. Taylor's album is also coming out as well. This will be a tight battle in the first week. Even though I like them both and I will be hoping for the best for them, I'm still rooting for my girl, 'Tasia!
*quiet_soul Blog
Tryin' to get a new J-O-B!
by *quiet_soul on Comments
As of now, I'm currently employed at a foodstore. However, I am trying to get another job that pays better (as I'm still in college) and I also want a change of scenery. I just went on an interview today and although I felt that all went well, one can never be too sure. I am hoping for the best and preparing for the worst. So, if I don't get that new job....at least I still have this one.
Turkey, turkey, turkey, turkey, turkey.....!
by *quiet_soul on Comments
Yeah, I got the tukey emblem. As for thanksgiving, I am thankful for my health, family, sanity, shelter, food and for twenty-four years.
My Birthday's this Saturday! ^_^
by *quiet_soul on Comments
Yes, I will be another year older on the 18th (God willing).
I'll be nice and let you guys guess my age (hint: I'm really young).
My computer is back up again...but my speakers kicked the bucket
by *quiet_soul on Comments
Just when I finally got active on the boards again, my computer got a virus and had to be repaired. In addition, everything I had saved on it (including my poems *sniffles*) had to get wiped off to get more space. However, when it isn't one thing. it's the next. Just when the computer was up and running again, The speakers went bad! ARRGH!!
That's enough venting for now. I have to retrieve my poems from other sites.
Trendy and Sly call a truce
by *quiet_soul on Comments
I'm serious! I have the proof right here. See for yourselves if you don't believe me...
A poem about jealousy
by *quiet_soul on Comments
If only you can see,
How I'm burning in the flames of jealousy.
Eating away at the flesh of my soul,
So strong its hold,
To break free...seems like an impossible goal.
I've been consumed by these envious flames,
And it's a shame,
How I've been caught up in this jealous game.
Only you are to blame,
For making me feel so small,
Causing me to take this fall,
Into the fiery pit of jealousy.
I'm trapped within its walls of captivity,
Driving me to the point of insanity,
Just to find a way out is vanity,
Leading me on the path of calamity.
My mental health is slowly failing,
While this jealousy is prevailing.
These jealous flames devour me.
As I live in hellish misery.
These jealous flames...once a spark so harmless,
Engulfs my life with constant distress.
From coveting your hair, your looks, your life,
Piercing me as a fiery knife.
If only you can see,
How I'm burning in the flames of jealousy.
Torturing me internally,
As these jealous flames burn eternally.
Independence Day
by *quiet_soul on Comments
Well as this day comes to an end, I must say that I am proud (and will always be proud) to be a Bahamian!
Back to work and Mordern Language Finals
by *quiet_soul on Comments
Now if you will all excuse me, I have to go and study (and I don't like studying). The Language I'm taking up is Haitian Creole by the way.
Carrie Underwood and Fantasia Burrino
by *quiet_soul on Comments
Now before anyone says that I'm only saying what I'm sayins because I don't listen to country music, I like country music. I listen to country more than I listen to so that's one theory squashed.
Carrie isn't a bad singer but, I'm not a fan of hers. I don't hate her but, I always though she was average. That's just how I feel. But just recently, I was listening to "Jesus Take the Wheel" (yeah I know the song came out a kajillion years ago but whatever). I was moved by that song that I kept playing it over and over. That song also reminded me of how good of a singer Carrie really is. If she keeps churning out songs like these, I might consider buying her sophomore album.
I like Fantasia and I know alot of folks don't like her but hey, that's their opinion. People dissing her on her looks is one thing (she isn't bad-looking but, she isn't too good looking either). But, to say she can't sing?!? What the...are these folks deaf?
I know some people don't like her but, come on....give credit where credit is due! The girl can sing (she's a better singer than Carrie in my opinion). Some people say she can't sing because her voice sounds all raspy....and yet they'll have the audacity to say that Rhianna can sing and her voice being so raspy is one of a kind. Now I'm not saying Rhianna can't sing, but you get my point don't you? At least I hope so.
Well, that's my take on these two singers. I know they're doing well in their respected genres now but, I hope they have the staying power to continue to be successful.
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