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*quiet_soul Blog

Whooo....level 4...... -_- ;

 I know to some of those level tens and twenty somethings, a mere level four is like a "so what". But, it's still cool with me and I'm happy.  That's all I have to say. ^_^

Now excuse me while I do the "Iroh Flow".

I'm putting up a pic of me....and a little chatter about hair.

I decided to follow suit after Sly4me and post my pic (see "about me"). Not really new but, it's the last pic I took before I went natural with my hair (by "natural", I mean no perming). I even had an afro before I comb-pressed it (and I always wanted an afro) .

Now if I wanted to get my afro back, I'll have to cut off all of my hair and start over ( way am I willing to do that). Since I stopped perming my hair and started comb-pressing it, my hair grew so much better. The downside of doing that however is, my hair curls up when water gets in contact with it (it curls up naturally after three days anyway). And when the straight effect is gone completely, it's harder to comb since my hair is so thick). But, I can handle it ^_^

Back to level 1?!? What the...........???

Okay, this sounds petty but, I just don't understand how I got back to level 1. Just a few hours ago, I was a level 3. Maybe there was some kind of glitz. No use complaining to the admins about it because they probably don't give a rat's eye about it anyway. Now I have to start all over again.....*sighs*

Edit: I'm back to a level 3 now.  What a mess!

See you around , Trendy.

I can't believe that I'm  finding this out so late (or that I was so slow to see this). It all started with me reading some of the posts stating, "it's not the same with Trendy gone!" . However, it never occured to me that Trendy was leaving for good. I was just thinking that he was gone temporarily and that he'll be back.  Then I Sly4me's signature and it said (among other things): "R.I.P. trendy131",  I was like, "Oh my goodness, don't tell me he died!" . You get the picture: it didn't occur to me that Sly meant that he was leaving So when I read Trendy's blog, I found out that he was really leaving. Such a shame, really.

I barely knew you Trendy, but I know I'll miss you. Here's a tribute poem for you to remind you to always stay true to yourself. I wrote it myself.


What we lack in our society,

Are individualities.

A sense of some diversity,

Distinctive personalities.

But no one wants variety,

We’re content with commonality.

It’s such a sad reality,

But...maybe that’s just our mentality!

Is all this uniformity,

Good for my own sanity?

We need some peculiarity,

To shake what we call...normality.

We need a change in this society,

I’m just fed up with conformity!

Make room for originality,


And...even unity.

I speak to all humanity,

To every nationality.

Don’t fear your own identity.

Cherish your individuality!


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