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*stoogefreaky Blog

Animal Crossing

It was this past Wed. that I got the game as a gift. I had to wait though till Friday to play. My city is called Metro and my name is Uran. Has anyone tried the WiFi connection on this game? I want to give it a try. I can't do the wifi at home so I'm going to have to go to, well, McDonnals or anywhere that has a wireless internet connection computer. Right now, I'm very poor; I have nothing in my house except that cheap looking radio and that carboard box. I sold my candle for 300 bills; I should of sold for more. When I write a letter, I write it as if some other human is going to read it. So, example, Writing a letter to one of thoughs animals would go something like this: "Who thinks George Bush should learn how to speak? I do. He says the samething over and over!" Like when Nook told me to write an advertisment for his shop, I didn't, how is he going to know. On the Gamecube, when I mailed a fossil, I didn't wrote anything on the letter. I just mailed it like that, blank-It doesn't matter. I hope its the samething on the DS cause I'm too lazy to write.

DS Animal Crossing VS. Astro Boy 1980's Series DVD Collection

Which one won?!:D You guessed it! Yesterday, after we picked up my brother, we went to Best Buy to see if they were carring Animal Crossing. We found out that Best Buy was never going to sell that game any more. I was mad! Everyone has that game and I don't!:x Well, we walked around the store and me feeling all mad, I kept telling my dad "Can we go now." I was stock, bored, but then... as we walked around where the DVD's were, I spot a red box with a smiling head. "Could it be." I ran to it and was jumping with joy!:D It was the 1980 version of Astro Boy, complete edition, man! And we bought it:D! I watched the first four episodes and was blown away! OMG! OMG! Its way better than the last complete series of the 2003 Astro Boy! It also has special features. Way more features than the black box! ITS AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I haven't seen the extra stuff but whats so cool about this set is you can watch the original Japanese version with English subtitles. How cool is that!?!?! Let me read to you what this baby has: * 51 half hour episodes in English * Alternative Angle Opening Storyboard Sequence * Original Character Art Gallery * Textless Opening and Closing Sequences Featuring Song Subtitles and Original Japanese Songs * Original Manga Cover Artwork Gallery * Merchandise Gallery * Japanese vs. English Episode Comparisons(Deleted Scenes) Featuring Exclusive Footage From the Original Japanese Episodes with English Subtitles * Character Profiles * And an Exclusive 24 Page Booklet!!!!!!! I love this series more than the new one now. Its more dramatic and it shows how Tobio dies. Another cool thing, it seemed like the humans in this story are more harsh to Astro. Astro also can eat food and it shows how Astro gets his red boots! The humans treat Astro as if he is just a robot. It was only the first four, I still have along way to go! Sweet!!!!! I guess getting Animal Crossing will have to be another day.


My dad, brother and I went to my grandmas house to see someone. After that, we had to leave to drop off my brother at one of his old friends. He's never been at a friends house so he was somewhat nervous. Plus, its been years since he seen his best friend. My brother isn't good at visiting people and stuff, same goes with me. I'm not the party type, neither is my brother. We just hang out at home, doing what needs to be done. I wouldn't say we're nerds cause him and I really hate school and homework. My friends at school are. All of their classes are AP and they seem to not have common scents. I say, "It looks cold outside." their like, "How can it look cold." I just stared at them. Same goes when I told them before school started, "Can't you just smell school!" I meant that school was so near, they were confused. And! they hate art! My friends and I are totally different. Compare to them, I would be consider a party type. Their more of science and math, man! I'm actually thinking about dropping out of Pre-Cal cause its getting pretty hairy. Plus I don't need it. I don't know why I picked it in the first place, I'm all ready done with my math credits. That class stresses me out! So, where was I, oh yeah, my brother. My brother and his friend have the same first name. After we pick him up, my dad is going to take us around to see if we can find Animal Crossing for the DS. I so want that game and it seems like all store are not caring it. There like sold out or something! Then, later I will get back to working on my outline of a movie. Just to warn everyone here, I was thinking about leaving Well, you can't really leave, my profile won't go anywhere its just I'm not going to hang out as much like I used to. It doesn't mean to get rid of me on your friends list.

I went to the dentist

First of all, I hate going to get my teeth clean at the dentist. That clean feeling is like trying to break into your brand new clothes when your old ones feel better to wear. Plus, that lady was scrapping my teeth like no tomorrow. IT HURT! But the worst part is when they are trying to get to know you as you sit in that chair. She tells me, "So what are you doing today since you have the day off?" I thought and then told her, "I'm writing." "Huh?" I had to repeat myself. Then she was like, "For Homework?" "No." "Oh, just for fun." "Well, its not really for fun." "what are you writing?" "I'm writing a script." "A script?" "Yeah, so I can make it into a movie." At the time she was checking my blood pressure. Later, she's like, "Oh, then its for fun." she laughs amd I pretend laugh saying, "I guess." She then told me, "Let me do this again, it says your blood pressure is high." Maybe because at that momeant I was getting mad at the fact she said fun! I felt like she thought I meant I was pretending. Lady! I'm really writing an official script so that when my training becoming a movie director/ producer is over I will then have scripts done for me to use. After I had calm down she told me that my blood pressure was normal.

Pink Eye!

I woke up this morning( for school that is) and as soon as I looked in the mirror I see my right eye all gross looking. It was the pink eye. I still went to school and people were looking at me but I just had to go so I wouldn't have to do finals at the end of the school year. It would probably go away before Tuesday, there's no school on Monday. I know I haven't hanged out at the forums. I've been busy, busy to where I don't even come out of my room most of the day. Like one day I woke up at 1:00 PM and started writing and I continued writing all the way to 6:30PM. I had to stop to give my dog a bath, clean my gerbil cage and fish bowl. After all that I ate dinner then went back to my room and continued writing until I had to go to bed. And yes, I do need a break from this. I just get nervous when I'm not working on my work.

Astro Boy, 2004 version

I have the 50 episode box set and watching Astro Boy almost everyday gave me great ideas, but I wonder. How popular is this cartoon? For some reason I don't think many people care much about this show. I do! I love watching Astro Boy! He rocks! I wish he was real, doing good thing and all! Me being a girl, I even think Astro's cute. I have friends at school that hate Astro Boy:x I don't understand them! How can you hate Astro. He saves humans and robots. He fights for peace between humans and robots. He believes humans and robots can work together! I wish he was my friend. Astro Boy can be any bodies friend.

I know where I can start! This seems more of what I want. Then, I wouldn't really have to waste my time in college. There's a studio here close home where I can work and learn to become a movie director. Even lean to be a Producer! I just can't wait to get there; I have a movie I want to make right now! I worry that this movie I'm writing won't be any good but my brother tells me it is. Just by the sight of it people are going to want to see it. Winter Break is almost over and school is around the corner. School gets in my way! Now I'll never be able to finish this script early!

All I Want For Christmas

For some reason I'm not in the Christmas spirit. Maybe because of my mom. I think I know what she's really doing, chewing tobacco. First I thought it was coke, but I think its tobacco. Why? I don't know. I'm not happy. There's nothing happy about this years Christmas. No matter what I'll get for Christmas I'm still going to be sad. Cause the gift I want can't happen. It would be for my parents to be happy and not worry about anything. And for my mom to stop doing what she's doing, what ever it is. For Christmas, I want my family back. That is all.(tear)

My Christmas Break

This year my Christmas is just missed up. It doesn't even feel like Christmas because of my mom. I'm not sure if she started smoking or something else. In all in my life my parents were healthy, they had drinks and that's it but not to were they were breaking drinking limits. I don't like my mom because what she is doing, what ever it is. And it makes me sick when she acts all nice to me. I just wish things could go back to normal.