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Ross Got In!!

Ross finally got his acceptence letter today!! He called me and was so excited that the big letter finally came in. We both kind of freaked out. We shouldn't have, because I mean come on, he of course was going to get in, but still it was cool. Good timing too because we are supposed to sign our lease on the 23rd, and it would have been a little weird having his sign and lease and not knowing if he was really coming here next year.

Also in good news, I got an A on my first physics midterm. That was stunning because I failed the first test last semester. The average was a 33 out of 48, and I got a 45, so I literally screamed when I saw my score. It's just such an dramatic change from last semester, I didn't really think it was real at first until I actually got my test back and saw that I did that good. Now I'm really hoping that I can get an A in physics this semester. How crazy is that? From having to withdraw to getting an A. I just hope that come true.

TV news, Heroes has me going in circles. The end of the last volume was so good, this volume started off shaky, Jason said he would stop watching because he was so disappointed in the episode 2 weeks ago, and then last weeks ep was good again. I just hope that is stays strong because the love-hate relationship is getting annoying. I have found House though to be really good. I could do with less 13 and Foreman, but I've never really cared about any of Houses team anyways. I know a lot of people don't like how Cuddy has acted since she got her baby, but I thought the look on her face when she has to leave her baby and go to work was spot on. I've seen that face so many times at work, and have seen mothers in tears because they hate leaving their child to go to work. Also, the House on methadone episode was such a great episode. So is House actually nice, just the pain makes him angry? Or is just the relief of pain that makes his happy?

Yes, THE George Takei

Ok, so today is the nation Day of Remembarance to remeber the Japanese internment during WWII. One of the campus groups got George Takei to come and talk about his experience. Of course I wanted to go because its George Takei. His story though was so interesting and moving. I was glad that I got to go and hear what it was like from a first-hand source. He also was able to tie in multiple movements throughout US history to emphasis his position that we have to active members of our democracy. It was a very good talk. I got to stay for the whole talk, but I had to leave half way through the Q&A session. There was going to be a chance to take pictures with him afterwards, so I'm really sad that I didn't get to because I had a mandatory building meeting.

After the building meeting, there is this crazy guy that live across from the RA. He practices with his band on his balcony at like 12:30 at night, and got into a fight with the RA when she told him he couldn't practice that late at night. It got so bad, DPS came and had to talk to him. He also got everyones email from the mass emails the RA sends out, and sent out this crazy, acid trip type email on Tuesday about flowers blooming and dying and the philosophy of life. I guess over the weekend someone wrote on the walls inside the building with black marker. We got an email from the SC housing coordinator saying that everyone had to come to the meeting tonight or face disciplinary action. Since then, even more graffiti has been drawn on the building. Where the meeting was supposed to be, someone earlier today wrote "Art is a" in black markers, and "Crime" in red spray paint. At the meeting, the coordinator and DPS officer told us that the person has to confess and pay for the damages. If no one comes forward, then everyone will be interviewed by DPS, and if they find out who did it, the person will be prosecuted. If no one comes forward, and they can't find out who did not, everyone will be charged $200 per graffiti. So far there have been 7, so that would be $1,400 per person. And if you are graduating this semester, you must pay that so you can even graduate. In the housing contract, there is something about all residents paying for damages if no one is found to caused them Yeah, that pretty much pissed everyone off. Everyone thinks it was the crazy guy, and we sure a heck do not want to pay $1,400 because someone wanted to write with black marker on the walls. Thankfully, after the meeting, the girl who was standing next to me went up to the officer and said she saw who painted the spray paint. Hopefully that means we won't be getting charged.

TV wise, I hope this week's Heroes was good. Last week's was just a little lacking for me. I don't know, it just felt like a slow pace, and wasn't all that exciting. I'm just hoping this week's was a little better. The Office has been really good. The post-Super Bowl episode, wow, was the best ever. The fire opening was the funniest opening I have ever seen. Also, the road trip with Pam and Michael was pretty good. Him falling on the ground, that was so Michael. I can't believe he cut Holly's sweater! I haven't read any spoilers, so I'm still wondering if she will be making a come back. I hope so since she really fit into the show well.

Song of the Day

99 Problems by the Jay-Z

Selected because: I have a midterm and lab report due next week, have to find an apartment tomorrow, and have to worry about having to pay for vandalism. Maybe it's not 99 problems, but it feels like it to me right now

Where the Flip is My Real Class?!?

Ok, so today I pretty much did one of the dumbest things of my life. First off, I got into that lab that I needed two weeks ago. That meant that I got to get my perfect schedule, and I am repeating physics-a right now, so I don't have to do it during the summer. I went to class on Monday, spent forever on Tuesday doing the homework (which I actually got this time), and turned it in and talked to the professor on Wednesday. I addressed him as Dr. Bergmann, asked him about the syllabus, and he told me that we weren't using clickers, but were using a physics website for immediate feedback. He also told me to send him an email so that he wouldn't count the 1st assignment on my grade because I missed the first two weeks. I did that, and Dr. B sent me an email that he wouldn't do that because we only had to get a 90% on the homework to get full credit. I was really confused and thought he was crazy. Also, I told everyone that my physics class seemed really different because we were doing lens and mirrors, and we never did that last semester. I went back to the class again today, and got this really weird feeling that I was in the wrong class somehow. We kept doing mirrors, even though the homework was over vectors and forces. Well, the professor switched powerpoints and it says on the first slide that the class is 153. I'm supposed to be in 135!! So I text Jason and Jishiel, who both laugh at me. I text Jishiel the title of this blog, which she says is the funniest thing she heard all day (yes, we really do use flip). She looked it up for me, and found out that I was on the wrong floor. Physics-a last semester, physics-b which was I supposed to take this semester, and the physics 100 class I was enrolled in for the first two weeks of this semester were all in room 100. I guess when I switched physics classes, I just assumed that it was supposed to be in that room, and didn't even check the room number. So then I had to go into the right room after physics-a got out and ask the professor about the class and explain why I missed the last week and a half. Oh man, that was so embarrassing! I felt like such an idiot!! I mean, who goes to the wrong class for almost 2 weeks??? Anyways, the crazy thing was that Dr. B told me the exact same thing as that other professor (we don't use clickers, but use the physics site). I think he thinks I'm really weird. I mean I sent him an email reminder after I thought he told me to, but that wasn't really him! Why didn't that other professor tell me he wasn't Dr. Bergmann?!? So now I've missed almost a full month of lecture for the class that I totally didn't understand last time, even when I went to class. And I know that I got 100% on the homework I did, but since I turned it in to the wrong class, and the answers are already posted online, I can't make it up!! AHH!!! This is such a bad start to the class. Exactly the opposite of what I wanted to happen. Yes, I am officially, really really stupid!

Besides that, the game last night was awesome! I wasn't really going for either team since I don't really watch the NFL unless it is Bush playing. Usually I just go for who has the USC players I like (so last year I went for NY), but both teams had USC players, so I was neutral. The last like 5 mins though were so exciting. That made for two good Super Bowls in a row. Ad wise, I liked the "Mean Troy" Coke ad the best, but I guess I'm biased on that one. Of all the trailers, I was most excited for the Transformers one. I can't wait until that movie comes out.

Heroes came back tonight!!! I can't wait until to get home Thursday night so I can watch it. I really hope its good. The trailers made it seem like it this would be a great volume. Also, The Office that was on after the Super Bowl. I wasn't able to watch it because I had to drive back right after the Super Bowl, so that's another thing I'm really looking forward to. The commercials looked hilarious. I hope it is better than the Hillary Swank ep. That was just a little weird, even by Office standards.

Song of the Day

Torture Me by the Red Hot Chili Peppers

Selected because: Eric Holder got confirmed today, and the title seemed fitting since he will end that era.

Viva El Matador

Hello all. I hope everyone's 2009 is off to a good start. Or, as my micro professor said, hopefully it will be better after the 20th. My New Year was pretty good. Ross and Joe came over and we watched a mixture of Dick Clark's, Carson Daily's, and MTV's New Year's Eve specials. Just a question, what do the backup girls in the Pussycat Dolls actually do? I guess I had never seen them preform before, but they didn't even sing. The boys only made it to 1:30, so I called them duds. At work on Monday though I found out that no one from work even made it to midnight, so maybe they weren't such duds after all. The Rose Bowl was god of course. I actually thought that the game this year would actually be good. I mean, the final score was close, but it was really over by the first half. Which leads me to the title of this blog. Mays, Gable, and Pinkard have already stated that they are coming back next year, which is great. But I just read an msnbc report that Sanchez will announce tomorrow that he isn't. I just sat there and thought, "Really?!?" I called my mom and she had the same reaction. Next year the Rose Bowl will be for the championship. Is he really going to give up the chance not only for the Heisman, but for the home town boy to lead the home town team to the championship game. To have his number retired and possibly do something that Leinart wasn't able to do. I hope the report is wrong because the same commentators thought Maualuga and Cushing would forgo their senior years. There's no way he could really give that chance up. All he has is a Rose Bowl win under his belt. There is just so much more he could do next year, I really do hope that he does come back. Also, now both our offensive cordinator and defensive cordinator are going to Washington. I mean, Nick Holt is going to be the highest paid assistant coach in the country, but does everything have to be about money? Jason and I were both saying that we would rather stay at a team with great players and a great record than go to an 0-12 team just to double our paychecks. Man, I next year might be rough since we are already loosing all of the linebackers, both the cordinators, and now maybe even a quarterback.

School ok, it's been ok being back. My favorite was when my mom dropped me off on Sunday and there was this group of guys carrying all this luggage. They were wandering around the parking lot looking completely lost. My mom was like, "Too much New Year's partying?" We just sat there and like 5 mins later they finally found their car and drove off. It was like a real life "dude, where's my car?" moment. Classes ok, but both my micro and physio professors have warned that they teach very "intense" courses. The micro lab is 6 hours a week, and we still have to come in during TA office hours because the 6 hours isn't enough time. But, I did get to buy a lab coat for my micro lab. It was exciting because it's my first lab coat, and I'm getting closer to actually having one for my career. My back tire on my bike blew out today, so I was late to my micro lab because I only gave myself enough time to get there by bike, not by walking. Man, walking is so hard. My feet are so sore right now because I had class from 9 to 5:30, and I was running around all day to different ends of the campus. I did get an hour break though because my physio professor had a family medical crisis and cancelled class for today and Friday. But he still recorded the two lectures and posted the video online so we have to watch them for our quiz on Monday. All I could think was, "That's so Dr. H." I had him for intro to physio, and now I have him for advanced physio, and that is just his style. Never wanting to get off schedule, even if his mother has a health crisis.

TV wise, I can't wait for the 20th. I'm actually lucky because I don't have class on Tuesday, so I'm not coming back here until Tuesday night. That means I can stay home and watch the big speech. I'm so jealous because my boss is actually going to Washington for it. I guess she decided to go with the Torrence high school band when they got booked back in Sept. of 07. I would pretty much give anything to be there because it is going to be such a historic day. Besides that, I'm just waiting for the weekends so I can watch my favorite shows. I was disappointed with the Biggest Loser. Why did they have like half of the people leave in the first week? That was a really dumb twist. Anyways, still waiting for Heroes! The preview for this chapter looked so good! Also, can't wait for The Office! OMG, Andy finds out! Oh, so much good TV to look forward too.

Song of the Day

El Matador by The Spirit of Troy (Trojan Marching Band)

Selected because: It's the song they play for Sanchez and I better hear it next year

Dark Scary Place? Check!

Well, I wrote before that I had to pass my physics midterm in order to pass the class. Yeah, that didn't happen. So I did all of the homework twice and thought I studied really hard, but I still somehow paniced when I got the test. I knew how to do the first two, so I got those, but I didn't know how to do the last three. Looking back at the answer key, the problems were so easy, but at the time I thought that they were impossible. Everyone else seemed to do just fine, which made me feel even more terrible. I emailed my pharmacy advisor about my grade, and she said that if I failed to get a C or better in physics, I would forfeit my guaranteed admission into pharm school. Friday I just cried and cried, and my best friend and I kept saying how unhappy we were with our lives that week (she had a way worse week than I did though). I calculated that I just had to get at B- on the final to secure a C in the class, but I really didn't want all of my future career resting on one physics final. And with the way I've performed on physics exams, a B- actually seemed almost impossible. So, for the first time ever, I dropped a class. Hopefully I'll repeat it next semester, although at the moment I'm not registered for it. I have to take Microbiology next semester, and my lab is at the same time as the physics lecture. I have to switch labs in order to take physics, and at the moment all of the labs are full. Now I'm just hoping that someone drops over winter break, or wants to switch labs, so I can take physics in the spring. Otherwise, I'll be stuck taking physics a and physics b in the summer. That would really suck because that would be only give me two weeks off this whole summer. Ugh! What really gets me mad is that I'll never use physics in pharm school like I would use biology or chemistry. And I aced biology (was in the top 2% of the freshman bio class), made Dean's list my freshman year, made numerous honors societies, but I can't for the life of me pass physics. I just hate that it's this stupid class that can blow my whole career. If I had failed physiology or something, then I would understand how that would be a sign that health sciences was not for me. But it's physics! I can't figure out how to calculate the mass of a star and how far a skier will travel if the coefficent of friction is 0.75, and that is what is going to ruin my future. Well, hopefully I will ace it the next time I take it, and will go into pharm school with flying colors :?

In other news, I have a 12 page paper due tomorrow in my writing class and I am avoiding it at all costs. I already have 8 pages written, but I'm so tired of writing, that I really don't want to finish. It's not even for a grade. We have to turn in our drafts for our final paper so everyone can read everyone else's and comment on them. I guess the idea of getting roasted by the class on my writing isn't very appealing to me. Trust me, some people have really gotten destroyed by the class' anonymous comments, so I just don't want to sit through a session of my professor reading negative comments to me. He says that it helps us as a writer to get all of this feedback, but it just seems uncomfortable to me. Also, I got an A on my STATs midterm. I was joking over the weekend that I have two A's and one D. Lol, oh physics.

I'm thankful that I don't have anything to do this weekend. I have nothing due next week, so this weekend will be like my weekend off. I just get to gorge on all my favorite shows which returned after taking last week off. Actually, I have to proof read Ross's application essays by Friday, but that shouldn't be bad. I'll gladly help his application to SC because we both really want him to come here next year. Not like SC is his only option though. He has already been automatically accepted to UC Riverside, UC Irvine, and UC Davis because he is one of the top seniors in California. When I graduated, I had only been automatically accepted to UCR. I swear, that little smarty pants always has to top me in everything! :P

Song of the Day

It's a New Day by Will.i.am

Selected because: I love this music video

What Happened Last Night - History was Made

I've never cried before when the winner of a presidential election was announced. I haven't lived through too many, but even when Bush won both times, the election seemed far away. The election never felt personal to me, until last night. I had played with msnbc.com's electoral map enough to know when Pennsylvania and Ohio went to Obama, the next president had already been elected. I knew an hour before the West polls closed who would win. Jason called me 5 minutes before the west coast polls closed so we could countdown together and be on the phone together when the winner was announced. And yet when Keith Olbermann actually announced it, when the electoral count jumped to 286, I was stunned. I just stood there, in front of my tv, just processing for a second that it actually happened. Then when Jason yelled "Whoa, it just jumped! It's over 270!" I just crumpled and my eyes watered up. I stumbled back to my chair, tears going down my face. I wasn't prepared for that. I wasn't prepared for how powerful that moment would be. I had an hour to process it before it was announced, but it was still overwhelming. Last night was a wonderful night for America, but it was a surprisingly personal night for me. I have 18 cousins and 7 second cousins on my mom's side of my family. All of us are either biracial or multiracial. None of us look alike, but all of us are minorities. Jason's biracial and we are in an inter-racial relationship. Last night a ceiling was broken for all of us. Yes, someone from my family, maybe even my future children, can actually aspire to be president. My mom called me after Obama's speech and said that she couldn't believe how emotional she was watching it. I told her the same thing happened to me. We both agreed we hadn't fully realized the gravity of the moment until it arrived. We were both glad we were alive to witness the moment with our own eyes. Last night is a night I'll never forget. Last night is something that I'll tell my children and grandchildren about. Last night, history was made.

Song of the Day

The Times They are A-Changin' by Bob Dylan

Selected because: It just seems to fit the mood of last night and this morning.

I Voted!!!!!

Ok, so the first time in my life I voted for president!! Jason and I went to early vote on Friday. It was so exciting! The line wasn't bad at all; it took about 20 mins to receive the ballot and vote. Our registrar let us choose to vote electronically or by paper ballot, and there were a ton of poll booths. Literally what was holding up the line was waiting to receive the ballot and having everything explained. A lot of the booths were empty, so there were more than enough available. While I was waiting I texted by best friend and told her to come and vote. When Jason and I were leaving I saw her and her mom waiting in line. Trust me, it was like pulling teeth to get her to vote. I made her register on the last day available, showed her election resources on msnbc.com and cnn.com so she could become an informed voter, and then made her actually come out to vote. Sorry, but being uninformed or not voting in so not an option in my world. I think Jason can't wait until the election is over because at least then I won't be watching MSNBC 24/7. Anyways, now I'm holding my breath until tomorrow night. I can't believe Election Day is already here. I'm so nervous right now that something, anything will happen to just prove all the polls wrong and cause the upset to occur. Every time I think about it, I get nervous. Not only we will know who the new President is, we'll see what happens in congress and locally what happens on the measures. The absolute craziest thing occurred last week. Part of my church asked voters to vote No on Prop 8. My church has always been crazy conservative, which may be why I haven't gone in about 3 years, so no one could really believe that Adventist teachers were being asked to vote No. Everyone at work kept quasi-joking that "Jesus is coming soon". It stems from the church's belief that we are in the end times and the 2nd coming is near. Yep, that's a Seventh-Day Adventist joke for ya (yes, I'm part of the Mrs. Kim religion).

In other news, Ross did way better on his SAT. He got 2100, which is within the SC acceptance range. Since he's a guy, he'll have lower standards, so I'm sure that he'll get in. Also, Wednesday I have my second physics midterm. That's another thing I'm freaking out about. I got the absolute lowest C- possible on the last test, so I'm freaking out about not passing. I know I at least have a B in lab, and since the 1st midterm and lab are weighted the same, I think I have about a C+. As long as I can get the class average, I should be ok for the final. If I bomb again...no I don't want to think about that because that is one dark, scary place. Just have your fingers crossed for me please! Also, my computer got taken over by spyware last weekend. I only had USC's site open to check the time of game, and all of a sudden I got a pop-up that I had a Trojan and then my computer restarted. When it turned on, my wallpaper and home-page changed. I kept getting more and more pop-ups. The thing was though that Jason and I had just bought a security system from Best Buy after asking a worker which one was best. I run a full-scan with the program, which took an hour to complete, and it said that there were no threats on my computer. Yeah, a waste of $70 there. So I had to bring my computer in, and hopefully it will be fixed in two weeks. Oh well, nothing else will matter if tomorrow goes well. I can't wait!!

Song of the Day

The Final Countdown by Europe

Selected because: Nothing like 80's cheesiness to countdown to the election

Fun Times at Parent Weekend

While last week/weekend was Parent Weekend here at SC. My mom came out on Wednesday night because I didn't have any school on Thursday and Friday. I was so happy about that because every year on Parent Weekend they let the parents watch the football team practice on Thursday. Well of course the one year that I don't have class or work on Thursday is the year that they cancel all of the events on Thursday because of Yom Kippur. It was fine though because we just ended up spending the day with my Grandpa. He's 85 and he seriously cracks me up. The whole time I was laughing because he's just such a strange little old man. He is always talking to himself and singing as he slowly makes his way around the house.

Friday my mom and I went to a bunch of events. Two extremely interesting ones were about politics and the economy. The first event had a panel of journalist from other countries, the former and current dean of the school of journalism, and former governor Grey Davis. The panel was discussing the changing role of the media in covering politics and the economic crisis. The second was a lecture by a school of business professor about the crisis and comparing it to a similar crisis that occurred in Japan, and how we can learn from their mistakes. That was really helpful becaue my mom and I both came out feeling like we were better informed about the situation. Both events had standing room only because they covered the two topics everyone is interested in at the moment. After that we went to the football pep rally. After the rally, the only players who stayed were Rey Maualuga and Brian Cushing. Rey took pictures with a bunch of parents and little kids. It was so sweet, and it just made him my favorite player even more. I took his picture, but didn't have my pic taken with him (don't even ask me why). I also didn't have my purse, so I didn't get his autograph. At least I saw him though, so that made my day - heck even my year. All the dads were excited and kept saying, "He's a star." One lady had no clue why everyone was gathering around him, and asked him, "Who are you?" He responded, "Me? I'm a nobody." She then asked what his number was, and he said, "Oh, fifty-something." She seemed really preplexed, so he smiled and said that his number was 58. He left right after, and the lady turned to me and my mom and asked who he was. We told her and said how great of a player he was. I don't think she really got it, but she said, "I'll tell my son that I touched him."

Friday night we went to visit my Aunt Cece's. That was full of craziness, but at least I got to hang out with Ross and Joe. I helped Ross with his SC application, and helped him set-up everything he needed to file for financial aid. I always thought it was a given that he would get into SC and come here next year, but he bombed his SATs, so I'm nervous. I don't think we are going to go shopping for an apartment this winter break after all. He said though that the test was just really hard. All of his friends who took it with him re-took it later, and all of them got better scores. One girl went from a 640 to an 800 in math alone. He re-took it and is just waiting for his scores. He thinks that he did way better, so I'm just hoping so.

Saturday Jason came and we went to the game. It was good, had it's highlights. The defense - and of course Maualuga - was amazing, and didn't give up anything. The offense did ok, but 3rd quarter was aweful with all the turn-overs. The guy sitting next to us sumed it up great when he said, "They're up by 21 and I'm pissed. 21 to 0, and I'm pissed!" That's the thing about us Trojan fans, we sure are spoiled. The Rose Bowl and 21 point leads are just not enough to keep us happy. Poor Sanchez had three turn-overs in a row, and his receivers didn't seem to help him much. Anyways, boy did I hear a story about Sanchez today in lab. This one sorority girl sits across from me in lab. She was saying that she went to the 901 last night and saw Mark Sanchez completely wasted. She said that some girl was pulling him to take her home, and Sanchez started to go, but then turned to go back inside. The guy that was with the girl in my physics class patted Sanchez on the back and asked him if he was ok, and Sanchez was so gone that he couldn't even speak. The girl just ended up pulling him out of the bar. He should be careful with that. As mentioned, he's already been accused before, so getting so drunk and going home with a random chick might not be the best idea. He probably doesn't want to pull a Leinart before he even gets signed.


Song of the Day

September by Earth, Wind & Fire

Selected because: I was on the tram today and the driver was totally rocking out to this song.

Heartbreak Hotel - Crazy Things Happen at Corvallis

Thursday was not a good day.

Jason's aunt is dying. His mom came back from Vegas yesterday and said that the cancer is not only in her breasts and lungs, but in her bones, stomach, and kidneys. With it spreading that much, there is just nothing that can be done for her, and they aren't sure how much longer she has. Strangely, she has had follow-ups every 6 months, and it wasn't until this last one that they found anything. Strange how cancer could spread that fast. She decided to enroll herself in a clinical study. Her statement was, "If I'm going to die, I might as well help someone else". That's the attitude I would want to have if I was in that position.

USC lost. Badly. The last 3 meetings in Corvallis, strange things have happened to the mighty Trojans. 4 years ago it was the "fog game", where you couldn't even see the players on the field because the fog was so dense. 2 years ago, we lost 33-31 after a failed last minute 2 point conversion attempt by Booty. That loss almost ruined our chances of the National Title, but it was the loss to UCLA in the last game that sealed the deal. Now, the #1 team in the nation fell to an unranked team. Sanchez was off, the offensive line didn't give him anytime, and the receivers didn't help. The offensive of course didn't even get an amazing drive until there was 1:30 left in the game, and it was too late by then. So the question is, does this take the championship game off the table? Is the Heisman trophy nod gone? I think the latter is yes, not sure yet about the first question. If this season is full of upsets like last year, I think we still have a chance. Somehow, I don't think that will happen though, probably it will be back to the Rose Bowl. Again. Yes the Rose Bowl is great, but it's not what the faithful had been hoping for. Short of the goal, short of what seemed like a guarantee, short of what should have happened yet again for the 3rd year in a row. It's just frustrating that every season the best team in the nation falls hard to an unworthy opponent and blows their chance at a title game. Worse, Maualuga limped off the field. I really hope that he isn't hurt. That would be another blow to the team, and put another cloud over the rest of the season.

The Heroes priemer was lackluster. Maybe it was my bad mood, the promos that claimed that Heroes was back, and my expectation of this to brighten my gloomy day, but it disappointed. I don't know, it just wasn't as good as I was expecting. It didn't have that "Heroes" feel of season 1, but at the same time, felt like seaon 1. I mean, Linderman coming back, Niki with another personality, again with the saving of the world, Claire whining, her mother coming back, Sylar coming back, a guy painting the future... it just seemed so tired and rehashed. Jason just kept saying that the show got stupid. I was bored. And what was with Maya's hood rat clothes and all of a sudden becoming a loose woman? Wasn't she a devot Catholic? It probably wasn't supposed to be a stereotype, but I wasn't impressed with that. There were some interesting things though that I can't wait for. Sylar and mama Petrelli, wow! That was crazy, and I can't wait to see how that plays out. Tracey with the ice power. How is she alive, and how did her power change? Matt in Africa and Peter in a criminals body. Oh future Peter, for all of your good intentions, you just screwed things up. Hiro and Ando's changing friendship. Hiro was so jarred by that, and kept treating Ando different. I wonder if Ando will still get powers and square off with Hiro. And Claire being "special", different from everyone else. I really want to know what Sylar did to her, and why she is so different. Also, Sylar and HRG working together, and what's happening to Mohinder. Can't wait for all the answers during the season.

Thankfully, The Office was perfect. I don't have to time to write alot about it, but it was so good. Jim and Pam!!! I was so happy when he proposed!!

Today the debate was good. Obama and McCain really started to engage and get into policy fights. I think Obama did well considering this was supposed to be the debate that McCain had the advantage in. What with McCain not even looking at Obama though? Did anyone else get this weird racial overtone vibe? I'm sorry, I don't usually talk about race this much. But I mean, it was in Mississippi, the old grumpy white man wouldn't even acknowledge the younger black man as his equal, kept calling him naive and saying "didn't get it". It was just weird. I think that didn't come off very well, and maybe why Obama seems to have won in the immediate viewers polls, even though the commentators were giving it to McCain.

Song of the Day

1973 by James Blunt

Selected because: It has always had this sad feel to me, and I'm sad.

Happy Birthday to Me - Farewell to Summer

Well yesterday was my birthday. I didn't do too much, my aunt, uncle, Ross, and Joe came down to visit. Pretty much just hung out with my two favorite cousins ever and then went to dinner with them and Jason. Ross has this weird dynamic with Jason. I think he looks up to Jason in a way, but I think he's also fascinated that Jason is Asian but doesn't look like it. I don't really understand it, but every time Ross comes over he has to see Jason. This time he had me drive over to Jason's house to make sure he was coming to dinner. After dinner, we had birthday cake and ice cream for me and my mom's birthday's, and watched some of the Emmys. Didn't really get too many presents, just a lot of money. My mom did buy me a box of strawberry mochi, which is my favorite ice cream dessert. Jason's parents forgot it was my birthday, but I don't blame them. They were busy getting ready to go visit Jason's aunt last night. His aunt had breast cancer before, and now the cancer has reemerged in her lungs. She had her oncology visit today, so his parents went to stay with her last night and today.

My mom's birthday today marked the official first day of fall. Summer is officially gone, and boy did it feel like it. This morning was really cold and overcast, and the temperature didn't get up to 80. I didn't pack a jacket for this week, but I'll have to next week because the weather is changing.

Thankfully, there is no new reports of any violent crimes around SC. Hopefully it will remain that way and the recent crime wave has ended.

Song of the Day

August is Over by We the Kings

Selected because: It has that end of summer feel that fits this time of the year.