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The Ups and Downs

Well, I guess the levels were momentarily fixed. I logged on last night and saw that was at level 33 97%, which is about a 81% decrease from Friday. I was thinking that everything was being fixed, but then this morning I saw that the levels were broken down again. I really felt like submitting today too, but I guess it'll have to wait.

Yesterday was the first day of my summer school classes. Wow, I was a little overwhelmed by how much I have to do for my macro class. At least it's only for 6 six weeks. There is a lot of reading for my Marriage and Family class, but it seems really easy. I mean, one of the key things of chapter 1 was that "every relationship action has its upside and its downside". Yep, that's an exact quote. I got so busy buying my books and getting started on my readings that I forgot about the chat yesterday. Oh well, I'm not really that into Entourage anyway.

3000 Type of Day

Yesterday I finally did enough submissions to put me over the 3000 mark. That was exciting, but I got two rejections. That was a little weird because I hadn't gotten one in a few months. The reason for them was a little weird. One was for crew, and it said that I had to make the crew list as complete as possible before submitting, but there was only one producer missing from the list, so I'm a little confused.

Also yesterday I got my loan to cover part of last semester's tuition. Jason's sister cosigned with me, and we got a loan for $3775. Now I just have to pay $600 and I'll be all paid off for last semester.Now to begin worrying about how to pay for next semester, lol.


Well I was right in the middle of submitting, and of course, I just hit the level 1 bug. Since I have nothing else to do, I decided to right a blog. So Paris Hilton's back in jail after one crazy week. Does anyone know if the sherrif's department can legally release someone before a judge says that they can be released? That just seemed really weird to me that Sherrif Baca even did that. He really put his career one that line with that one because people were really angry with his decision. I laughed when I heard about how "dramatic" Paris and her family were when she was sentenced back to jail. Paris screaming, her mom falling over crying, you think she was going to be put on death row. Instead, she has to serve 20 days in a cell by herself that is away from all the other prisoners. What's so horrible about that?

I didn't gain much from the update yesterday. I think it was only about 30%. I didn't submit much in the past week because I was so busy with work, summer registration, and changing my fall schedule for USC. I completely redid my fall schedule because some of the classes I was going to take during fall I'm taking this summer. It really sucks though because I have to take molecular biology, but all but 3 of the lab times are closed. The only available times are Wednesday from 8-11 and Friday from 8-11, both of which I can't do because I have chem lecture at 9. That leaves the only available time for me to be Thursday from 4pm-7pm. I'm really hoping another time opens up because I really don't want to be stuck with a night lab.

One Heck of a Morning

Well this morning was probably one of the craziest I've ever experienced.  As I said before, I work at a preschool/school.  This morning the lady from licensing came, which stressed everyone out.  We were all running around making sure we had all the right files pulled and everything was up to date.  Everyone was stressed because this lady has the power to shut the shool down and/or fire people if she sees an infraction, so everyone wanted to be perfect.  Very stressful, but I got to leave work early, so I guess that was ok.

I registered for summer school today. I decided to take two classes instead of calculas, and just take calculas next summer.  I got one of the classes I wanted, Macroeconomics, but I didn't get the elective I wanted, World Religions.  Instead, I got into Marriage & Family Sociology.  I think that will still be easy.  Both clases are online, so I'm still going to work full time while I'm taking them.  That's really good because I need to save as much money as possible for next semester's tuition, which I'm sure will be an insane amout of money. 

Finally, I got a new guide, Big Ideas for a Small Planet, which is an environmentalist/green show on Sundance.  Fitting, because I'm a really big supporter of going green. 

Most Wonderful Time of the Year

Well, the College Softball World Series started on Thursday, which for me means the best time of the year. I absolutely love watching all the games because all of the teams are the best in the sport. Yesterday the top two teams qualified, so Tennesse will be facing Arizona for the championship.  Those are going to be great games because those two played on Friday and it was a pitcher's duel with the only run coming off a fielding error. I'm pulling for the Tennesse because Arizona won last year, and because Monica Abbott is an amazing pitcher.  Abbott has basically every pitching record.

Another highlight from this weekend, I accidently scratched Jason's eye. I moved my hand back and I didn't realize that he was behind me, and I hit him. Opps. He has a red dot on his eye and around his eye is swollen. He vision became blurry, so we had to go to Urgent Care and get antibotics for his eye.  They said that it was only a minor scratch, so it should be healed by now.  His vision is still a little blurry, and he has finals this week. He keeps getting a headache when he reads, so I feel really bad.

How Can You Forget Your Child?!?

Sorry, but this is going to be a ranting blog.

As I wrote before, I work at a school. One of our subs that works for us during the summer is a girl named Mia, who graduated from my high school two years before me.  She is studying education at college, and during the school year works her college's daycare. She's going to done with school in a couple weeks, but called yesterday to tell us some bad news. She said that she had a favorite baby at the daycare she worked at, and recently the baby's mother decided to take the baby to work and show her off. According to Mia, the mom took the baby to work, but then forgot the baby in her car.  The mom came back during her lunch break and saw the baby in the back seat, but by that time it was already dead. My question, how can you forget your child?? That just seems like it should be impossible to do, especially when the whole point of your day was to show your baby off to your coworkers! I know it happens a lot, and every summer there's someone here in Southern California that does it, which is really horrible because the heat is so intense. I really don't understand that though because it's not like leaving your purse or  keys in the car, it's your child. It's so sad that it even happens at all.

New Best: 432!

432, yes that's that number of submissions I did yesterday!  That was by far the most I've ever done, and will probably be my best for awhile.  I was surprised I actually did that many because I only spent about 3 hours on the site yesterday, so I guess I got in a groove. I think I got inspired by dju10 and danbambridge who always seem to manage an amazing amount of subs. Another exciting thing yesterday was that while I was fixing up my Passport to Europe guide I noticed that the banner had a picture of the host.  I saw it a couple times before it dawned on me that I actually was an editor for a show that had a banner. A little weird because that is my only guide that has one, but only 23 people are tracking it, and other shows I'm the editor for have over 10 times as many. Guess someone just liked Samantha Brown.

On another note, I know this is coming a little late, but I was also really happy this weekend when Jackson beat Liddell.  I was dissappointed that it only went for a little over a minute, but at least Jackson won.  I really hope this gives him mor exposure because he's my favorite fighter in the UFC.

I Lost My Bowflex Body, and Gained a Green Guy

Well I haven't written about the last update yet, so as you can probably tell I moved out of level 26. The update wasn't a big for me as the previous one, but I was still happy about it. Yesterday I did 178 submissions. I'm not sure if that is my personal best because I don't really remember what my best is, but I'm going to act like it is. That finally pushed me over the 2000 submission mark, and lead to me getting my new emblem. It seemed like it took forever to get to that mark, probably because I'm averaging less submissions per day because of work.  I try to do some at work, but I'm usually pretty busy during the day, so I end up only doing around 10. I would do more when I get home, but I'm usually exhausted and sleep for about two hours. Top that off with dinner and getting ready for bed, and my night is basically gone by then, so I've only been doing about 25 subs per day. I'm going to try and do over 100 today as well, but I'm not sure if I can because I have to study for my math placement test. I have to test into Calculas this week so I can take it for summer school.  It wouldn't be hard if I had actually taken math in the last two years, but I haven't, so my math skills are a little rusty. Oh well, at least I have all day tomorrow to brush up as well.

I Hear the Rumblings

Well two nights ago we had an earthquake here.  It's been awhile since the last one, so it was a little weird at first.  It was only a 3.8, nothing big, but one of the aftershocks felt a little stronger.  It's always so weird how you can hear it before it starts.  I reminded me of my junior year in high school when we had earthquakes seemingly every week, and everyone started freaking out about a big one coming.  That hasn't happened yet, and I hope it doesn't, even though we are supposed to be due for one soon.  Ah, gotta love living on the San Andres fault.  

Anyways, I got a cut in the most annoying place this week, my lower lip.  I swear I get one there every summer.  Last summer it took about two weeks to heal because everytime I laughed the cut would reopen.  I'd only had this one for a few days, but I'm getting really annoyed with it.  I yawned when I woke up this morning and it started bleeding. Ugh!

I finally got two new guides (my first new ones in over a month). They are 20/20 and Primetime Live, though the current name really is supposed to be just Primetime. Both guides need a lot of work because they hardly have any episodes in them, and the seasons are done all wrong.  I worked a little on the 20/20 one last night, so I guess I'll start on the Primetime one today.

Finally, UFC 71 is tomorrow night with Chuck "The Iceman" Liddell vs Quinton "Rampage" Jackson. I'm really pulling for Rampage, and I hope dominates like last time they met.  Should be a good fight because both have said that they don't want the fight to go to decision. Looking forward to that tomorrow, and of course, the long weekend.

This Week's Finales

Well I watched the two finales that I was most excited about, so I thought I should write about them.  First up, Heroes. It wasn't an wowing as I thought it would be, but it was still good. I wish they would have done more fights scenes or at least longer ones because I really enjoyed the Nikki/Candice one. Other things I loved about the ep:
HRG's first name is Noah - yet another Biblical name, is there a pattern here?, Nikki kept her superhuman strength while Jessica left, some of the heroes pitched in to try and bring down Sylar at the end, Ando was safe, Nathan had a change of heart and helped Pete to not kill millions, and finally, Hiro's reaction when he realized he was in Japan in the 1600's.

Things I hated:
Hiro only stabbed Sylar in the stomach then walked awayt, you think Hiro would have made sure that he killed Sylar before moving on to Peter. Secondly Nathan and Matt both didn't look like they were in very good shape to come back next year.  Nathan was right next to a nuclear bomb and Matt got shot about 4 times. I hope they stay for next season because I liked both of them.

Next the Veronica Mars season/series finale.  I actually really enjoyed both episodes, especially the second one as a season finale.  I don't think that was a good series finale because we don't know what happened to Keith (will he be found guilty), what will Weevil do with that machine, and of course, if Veronica and Logan will get back together (though it was obvious they still had a thing for each other).  I absolutely LOVED angry Veronica.  It made for some really great lines.  The writers also made each character true to form: Veronica would stop at nothing to get what she wanted out of someone, Wallace was Veronica's ever loyal friend, Mac was Veronica's go-to computer wiz, Weevil was Veronica's go-to to get back at people, Dick was the ever jerkish/lovable guy, and Logan was the one ever protecting Veronica, even if it meant beating up a few people along the way.  I also loved how this finale mirrored the other ones: Logan coming to Veronica all bloody, Veronica waking up to alarms and trying to find her father, and finally telling him that she loves him more than anything. I'm really holding out hope now that we get a mid-season pick-up or even just one more episode so we can get some resolution. We need it!!