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Done with chem, next up Trojan Football!

It's official. I am done with midterms for this semester. I had my last one yesterday afternoon. It was the final of 3 o chem. midterms, which means that it was one of the last chances for people to raise their grade in the class. One my of friends, Cory, hasn't been doing that well on the midterms and doesn't think that she can get a C in the class and still get into med school. She was so nervous before the test that she actually started shaking. I started getting worked up because everyone around me was in a state of panic. The grades got posted this morning. I didn't do as well as I did on the last test, I got a B, but then again, I only really studied for one night. I was supposed to do all the readings on Thanksgiving and Friday, but I ended up taking those two days off. I did my readings on Saturday and Sunday, reviewed a little Monday, and then studied all afternoon/night on Tuesday, so I guess I deserve that B.

After the midterm, I had a mo bio review session for an hour, which I barely could stay awake through. I got home at 6, and just collapsed on my bed. I intended to get up at 8:30 and start my 10 page comm. paper that's due on Tuesday, but I ended up sleeping until 9 and was still too exhausted to do any work. Since this is the first presidential election that I get to vote in, I've been trying to watch the debate and carefully decide who I like. I've watched 3 of the Democrats debates, but none of the Republicans, so I decided to watch the YouTube debate on CNN. I think watching the debate only helped solidify my belief that I won't be voting Republican anytime in the near future. I don't mean to offend anyone by what I say next, these are just my political views. Seeing a line of men, who are running for president, say that women should not be able to get an abortion in this country is one of the scariest things to me. Abortion, gay marriage, and global warming are all areas were I strongly disagree with the conservative base. I'm not even sure why global warming has been classified by some as a madeup Democrat issue when there is so much primary scientific literature to suggest that catastrophic changes are going to occur if something is not done to stop our current trend, but I digress. I do think it was good that I heard what the Republicans' positions were on the issues though. I would hate to pick a candidate without hearing everyone's views.

Now, onto some exciting news. I was at work this evening with about 4 other people who work with me, and our boss came out and said that she had 2 tickets to tomorrow's USC UCLA game for face value if we knew anybody who wanted them. Everyone just nodded and went back to work, which shocked me because I for sure thought someone would jump up and take them. I had really wanted to go to this game, but tickets sold out about 4 hours after the ticket office put them on sale. I tried to find some online, but they were about $200 per ticket, so I didn't think I would be able to go. Finally I went up to her and asked her how much they would be. She said that they were $70 per, but she is letting me have them for only $50! That was definitely the most exciting event of my week! I'm so excited because Jason and I get go tomorrow and see the seniors, one of the most accomplished classes in Trojan football history, play their final game at the Coliseum, and hopefully crush UCLA. I'm smelling roses in our future!

TG For Thanksgiving Break

Hello everyone! This week is Thanksgiving Week, which means two days off from school for me. It's a really nice break because it gives me time to catch up on my o chem studying for next week's midterm. Funny how the last o chem midterm is literally a week and a half before the end of the semester. They try to drag on the torture for as long as possible. Lol. Last week I have my last mo bio midterm. I did pretty bad on it, but at least it was the last one. Today I had my last comm midterm, which was really easy. I studied for an hour and a half this morning and I'm pretty sure that I got an A. It always amazes me how people in that class can be so lost.

I spend my week days studying so I can get away with doing no or very little work during the weekends. Jason TiVos all of our favorite programs during the week, so we spend Friday afternoons catching up on all of the week's episodes. With that information, please forgive this Heroes blog, since it's on the last couple of episodes. To start, I had no clue that the mysterious Adam was Kensei, but somehow Jason did. During the fight between Kensei and Hiro, Jason totally called it by saying, "He can probably live forever. I bet he's Adam." At the time I just kind of blew it off thinking it couldn't be right. Of course Jason wasn't surprise when it turned out to be true, but I sure was. So now the show has had and Eden and Adam. I still enjoy trying to figure out what all the Biblical references mean. Maybe there is no meaning, but I would like to think that the writers name the characters for a certain reason. So far Gabriel, Noah, and Daniel and his Corinthian Casino are the most obvious to me. I'm also not sure if Adam or Bob is right. There is so much moral ambiguity this season, it's hard to tell who's lying and who's actually doing the right thing. Besides that, is anyone else sick of the whole shifting personalities of Niki storyline? I didn't really like her character too much last year, and was pretty happy when it seemed that Niki had finally gained control over Jessica. I liked D.L., so now I'm even now more sick of her than before. Also, I was hoping that Elle would be more interesting, but instead, she just seems crazy. Thankfully, because of the holiday, I will be able to watch Heroes on Wednesday night, so I'll only be two days behind this week.

Just One of Those Weeks

Maybe it's the time change, or maybe I'm just loosing my mind, but I seem to be moving very slow this week. I bike to and from campus, and for some reason this week Ibarely have the energy to make it. It's taken me 2-3 minutes longer than usual to get to my classes this week. I've also been really tired.I have my organic chemistry lecture at 9 on mondays, wednesdays, and fridays, and I always have my alarm set for 7:45. Last Friday I woke up at 9:10 and missed my first o chem lecture. Then this morning my roommate was watching TV and it woke me up. I thought to myself, "what could she possibly be watching at 7:40 in the morning?" Then I looked at the clock at saw that it was 9:30. So now I've missed 2 o chem lectures in less than a week. I also have 2 other classes from 11-1 on Wednesday. I got to my class at 11 only to realize that I had my o chem notes, but not the notes for my other two classes. I then had to bike back to my apartment (which took longer than usual because I couldn't seem to get going very fast), switch my notes, and bike back to class. Good thing this is my one week without a midterm. Hopefully I snap out of it soon because next week is going to be pretty nasty.

Big TV news of course is the writer's strike. I already heard that next week's The Office will be the last new episode because Steve Carell refused to cross the picket lines. Besides that, I've hadn't been able to read too much more about it. I really hope this gets ended quickly because if the networks get flooded with reality, I'll have nothing to watch. Does anyone know if talks are scheduled anytime in the near future?

Happy Holloween!

Happy Holloween everyone! I was leaving my apartment for school this morning when I saw a guy dressed like Peter Pan walk across the parking lot. I got a little scaried for a second and then finally realized that today is Holloween. So does anyone have fun plans for tonight? I wish I did, but I have bio lab presentation due tomorrow and my lab partner and I just started working on it yesterday. Every other semester I've pretty much waited until the last minute with these things because they have been pretty easy, but this time we have to present a molecular biology article. Bad part is that both have us are having a hard time understanding most of it, so figuring out what to present and how to explain it is going to be a little bit of a challenge. Also, I just called my lab partner asking her where she wanted to meet to go over the presentation. We had been talking about meeting tonight and she told me she was available to yesterday. Well it turns out she lives about an hour away from school so she be able to meet. Yep, tomorrow should be interesting.

Earlier this week I had my second communication midterm. It was alright. I only studied for 2 hours, basically because it's not one of my harder classes, so I deserve whatever I get on it. This morning I met with my advisor to get clearance to register for next semester. I'm pre-pharmacy, and in a special program called TAP which guarantees me admission into USC's school of pharmacy as long as I keep my grades up. The great thing about this program is that you only have to do 3 years of pharmacy requirements and don't have to get your undergrad degree if you don't want to. A lot of people in the program opt just to do the 3 years, but the advisors don't like that. They really try to get you to either stay an extra year or graduate in 3 years. Some people are graduating in 3, but they had a lot of AP credit. My high school, which wasprivate, didn't offer AP because the teacher's "didn't believe in" them, so I knew I wouldn't be able to graduate in 3 years. Since I can't really afford to spend 4 years doing my undergraduate, I decided to only do my 3 years of requirements. Well I told my adviser that today and he still somehow found out how I could graduate in 3 years. He kept trying to convince me to take 18 units for my 3 remaining semesters instead of 16, 8 units of physics this summer, and 12 units next summer right before I go into pharmacy school. I really wanted to say that I would just shoot myself now and save time. I thought his whole push was hilarious because taking 18 units and 12 units during the summer is insane! Never mind the fact that the TAP advisor will only let us take 12 units in the final semester because we have to take Microbiology, which has a 6 hour a week lab, so it's basically like taking a 4th class. Taking 18 units while taking micro would be a death wish. I seriously doubt he even thought it was a good idea. Lol.

I Screamed When I Saw My Test Score

I just checked the organic chemistry web site and they had the grades posted from yesterday's midterm. I literally started screaming when I saw my score...because I got an A!!!!! I am SO happy right now, which is the total opposite from my mood after the first midterm. On the first midterm the average was a 117 out of 150, and I got 100. A lot of people got perfect scores or very close to that, which made me really question if I could keep up in this class. I knew I had to ace this test, so I studied for 3 hours on Monday night and 5 hours on Tuesday night. Afterwards I felt confident in knowing the material, but the test had some tricky questions, so I was still scared. This time the highest was a 142, the average was a 89, and I got a 123! The cut off for an A was 120, so I barely made it, but I'm stillso excited!! They also posted the midterm grades, and as of right now I have a B. The good thing is that we can drop our lowest midterm. Maybe I'm not one of smartest in the class, but as long as I ace the last one and the final, I should be set to get an A.

I also got my molecular biology midterm back in lab about an hour ago. My score was higher than before, but I got a lower score because the curve went up. The curve was so high that the cut offs for the grades was really tight. Just 7 points separated the B's from the A's. I still got an A-, only 3 points short of an A. The frustrating part is that only of the multiple choice questions was worth 3 points, and I had the right answer and changed it at the last minute. At least I still have the last midterm and the final in that class, so I'm still pretty sure I can ace that one too.

Finally, I'm looking forward to tomorrow night and Saturday's game. Tomorrow Jason and I are going to see Blue October at the Greek Theatre. I can't wait because I haven't been to a real concert before. Jason and I used to go see a garage band from our high school class, called Hyacinth, perform all the time locally, but I don't consider being in a dim room with 30 emo kids a real concert. Saturday's game should also be really good. USC is going up to Oregon, which should provide a big challenge. Still not sure who will be starting, but according to the Daily Trojan, the coaches seem to be leaning towards Sanchez. I really hope USC wins since that would give them a big boost in rankings. We still have to pay Cal and ASU at their homes, so we still may have a shot at the National Championship, especially with all these upsets that have been going on. If we don't get there, we at least have to go to the Rose Bowl. If we fail to get there, it really would be a horrible season.

October Update

So it's been forever since I've really spent time on this site. How's everyone been doing? Any more bugs to complain about?

Well a quick recap of what I've been up to:I turned 19 on Sept. 21, and Jason and I had our anniversary on Sept. 29. It's now been three years of happy togetherness. :)

I very old news, my cousin won Miss Teen USA. Well, she's not really my cousin. Her dad and my mom are cousins, and I'm not really good at the whole second/third/ect cousin thing, so I'll just refer to her as my cousin. Our grandmas were best friends, so I used to play with her when her family would come down to visit everyone. Last time I saw her she was like 7, had lighter hair, and was kind of chubby. Needless to say, if it wasn't for the name, I never would have known it was her when she came on the screen.

I'm already half way done with my semester, which is good and bad I guess. I aced my first molecular biology midterm. We had our second one today, and I think ok, so hopefully I'll be able to pull out an A in that class. My real test will be in organic chemistry. I failed the first midterm, which happened to be two days after the first mo bio one. We have our second one next Wednesday. I really have to ace it because I'm running out of time to pull off an A in that class. Ah, I hate worrying about my grades. It always gets me all nervous and antsy.

Last weekend was Parent Weekend here. My mom, Jason and I went to the game against Arizona. Mark Sanchez started after Booty broke his finger in that ever embarassing Stanford game. I thought he did ok, but I guess it wasn't good enough to prevent us from dropping in the polls for the second week in arow. I have the MOST embarassing story about the first time I ever saw Mark, which I write about if anyone is really interested.

Finally, my roommate. In a nutshell, I can't stand her and refer to her as the big, messy ball of waste. She actually watches so much TV that it annoys me, and that is saying a lot because I love TV. Thankfully she's only here during the day because she spends the night over at her boyfriend's. At least I've made it 8 weeks withoutblowing up ather, so thats good, right?

It's Been Awhile

Well I haven't been on in awhile, mostly because all the time I spent at work on tv.com became time spent onreading for my summer school classes. Hope everyone was well while I was gone. I finished summer school last Friday, so I'm really happy to be done with my econ class. Actually,work has been really boring now that my summer school is over because now I have nothing to do. Now two weeks left until I start back at USC, which I'm dreading. They posted my bill online for the semester, and its over $19,000, without my housing and dinning fees. AH!! My financial aid was supposed to be posted by last Friday, but it's still not done. I'm really getting nervous because there is no way I'm going to be able to pay my full bill.

I haven't been watching too much tv recently. The only shows I've really been watching are Age of Love and America's Got Talent. I have my favorites on AGT, and last week I voted over 100 times by using8 email addresses and 3 phones. Age of Love Jason and I watch because it's really entertaining, aka it gives us a good laugh. The guy on it really creeps me out though. I guess I just find that dating multiple women at the same time thing a little gross.


Well happy belated 4th to everyone. I hope everyone had a fun and safe one. I spent my 4th of July morning in Urgent Care with Jason. He slipped coming down the stairs at his house the night before and sprained his wrist. At least this trip to Urgent Care didn't take as long as when we went for his eye last month. I think it only took about 2 hours this time. I was supposed to do homework on the Wednesday, but after sitting and waiting in Urgent Care, I didn't feel like doing homework. Instead, Jason and I went and saw Transformers. It was really good, but then again, I loved Transformers as a kid, so I'm a little biased.

Since I didn't do homework on Wednesday, I left work a little early so I could do all of my reading yesterday. My econ professor sent everyone an email saying not to wait until last minute for this week's essay because we have to read Marx, which I guess is a harder read. So I went home yesterday, and decided to eat the left-overs from the 4th of July party we had. I ate veggie dogs (I'm a vegetarian) and corn until I was really full. Because I ate so much, I fell asleep for an hour. I woke up and decided to nap in my room for a little while longer, promising myself that I would get up at 8 to do my reading. Well next thing I know, it's midnight and I'm just waking up. Opps. The day was gone by then, so I just went back to bed. Of course I couldn't fall asleep until 2, so I'm still tired today. I really didn't want to wait until the last minute to finish the stuff for my class, but here I am again on Friday and still haven't started my reading for either class. I'm screwed, but at least I get off at 4 today so I can do homework from 5-11. Hopefully I'll get all of my Sociologyand most of my macro done. I keep promising myself that I'll get my homework done before Friday, so hopefully next week that will actually happen.

Also, I just did a few submissions with the new system. I think I deleted cast from my 20/20 guide instead of adding because the thing was SO confusing! I do not like that one at all. Also, I added a few episodes to My Super Sweet 16 and each new epsiode was only worth about 4 CPs. Does that mean we will have to add 16 episodes to become an editor now?

And I Really Wanted to Submit

Well I've been on tv.com for 6 months now. Doesn't seem like it's been that long, but I guess it has. I really wanted to get to 3500 subs this weekend, but the putting in of the new system prevented that. Oh well, hopefully by next weekend I'll get up to that mark.

I was on for a little bit on Friday and not at all yesterday because I had so much homework to do. Sociology homework is due my Friday's at 11, and econ is due by Saturdays' at 10. I actually finished my sociology stuff at 9:30 on Friday, so I was proud of myself. Of course, I was about a week and a half behind on econ, so I spent ALL day yesterday reading and doing the online quizzes. The thing is, I really hate my summer school teacher for econ, so I put off doing anything for that class because it just makes me angry. Here's why:

Basically, my econ teacher just has us read the book and watch these online lecture that come with the book. First off, she told us we had to buy our books at the campus bookstore because it came with the access code to watch the online lectures. Well turns out, the access code was for our books chapters, but her syllabus was based off the online lectures for another book. She ended up just posting a link to the lectures she wanted us to watch. I could have bought the book for $20 online, but I bought it from the bookstore for $115 because I believed that we had to. Second, she never responds to the posts on the class' discussion board. I waited for her answer for 2 days before I finally emailed her. She then emailed me back, telling me to post my question on the discussion board and not email her! Third, she doesn't even post lecture slides. My sociology teacher at least does that so we aren't just reading out of the book. Basically, because it's an online class, my econ teacher thinks she doesn't have to teach us anything and we should know what important things to focus on. If someone posts a question of the discussion board, she responds (eventually) saying that the answer is in the reading and everyone should read the chapters over and over until they understand everything. She doesn't even answer the person's question. Fourth, she asks questions on the quizzes that aren't even covered in the book! On the last quiz she asked two questions on women in the work force and slavery. The thing is, the chapter was on unemployment, never mentioned slavery, and only said that women have a higher rate of unemployment! Also, two of the questions on the quiz were the EXACT same, word for word, even on the a, b, c, and d answer part. How hard is it to come up for 15 questions for a 30 page chapter? Ugh, I just cannot wait until I'm done with her class. I am really enjoying my sociology class, but this econ one is just horrible!

Submitting Low

Well I haven't really been on here much in the last week. Summer school started off with a bang, so I've been working on that in my spare time at work, which hasn't been a lot because work has been pretty crazy. I've made one submission in the last week, and that one is still pending. I'm hoping to get caught up on all of my reading so that I can start submitting again. There are a few guides I want to get, so hopefully by next week I'll get my 50th guide.

I saw that we got new rules for person submissions. I honestly don't understand why an actor would get upset by seeing "do not use" if there is another one that has all of their credits in one place. I know I was adding "duplicate" when adding people to the 20/20 episodes. There were so many duplicate ones, I think adding that made the whole process so much easier and prevented a lot of confusion.