I just saw the Ok Go music video for “Here It Goes Again”. It was incredible. I really have to wonder how long that took to choreograph and if it was all shot in real time. There is a blink-and-you’ll-miss-it part where it appears that one of them might fall but quickly recovers and everything is all right again. I haven’t seen the first video they created where they are dancing all crazy, but if it is good like this one, I will be sure to watch. I think that with the popularity of these video’s and their constant appearance on the Wal-Mart commercials, I’m afraid the band might become too popular and too overexposed and they will be gone before you know it. But let’s hope for the best.
However, the Video of the Week has to go to Panic! at the Disco’s “Better If You Do”. The masquerade type setting is an original thought. Since I have never heard a Panic! song or watched one of their video, I believe this one was a great one to start out on. *Note: since everyone else has to wear masks, why are the drummer, bass player not wearing them? 
I guess it’s not really that important. Moving on. Movie News. Opening this Friday staring Miss K.Bell is the thriller Pulse. What would happen if a computer virus infected people and opened a world unknown. You get Pulse. Many of my friends want to see it, but I don’t do horror movies that well so I might just be with them in spirit.
It’s unknown but I love “collecting (?)” icons that people make on Livejournal. It’s a weird obsession but it’s mine. If you could see the folder dedicated to icons on my computer, it would blow your mind. I’ll spare you that story and bring you..
Top 3 Icons of the Day
3. by wastedfairy
2. by chosenxone
1. by yled
I would have provided links but tv.com kept telling me no. So look them up at livejounal.com. I’m sure they would appreciate it. They do great work. More icons in the next post.
And finally, the Song of the week is “Chasing Cars” by Snow Patrol off their Eyes Open Album. I first heard it play during a TV show and I fell in love with it. I purchased it off iTunes (it was worth the 99 cents). I always fear with newly released songs I like that they will be overplayed and overexposed to the point where you hate the song and loose what you love about it. I’ve only heard it on the radio once and I’ve seen the video on television once so things are going well with it so far. One such song is “Hips Don’t Lie” by Shakira. I have nothing against Shakira or the song, however when a certain counselor was DJ, he played it 5 times over and over. When I left work that day, it was playing on the radio.

It’s been hot. But it’s always hot in the middle of nowhere. The festivities are over and the tourists leave. What can be called normal has returned to the city. I want to get my pictures developed. The “whipped cream pie the counselors” pictures should turn out nicely.
Until next time people. Peace.
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