@bubba_1988 It's the future, death comes in a salted buttery flavour!
I know what you're thinking. "Did he make six kernels or only five?" Well to tell you the truth in all this excitement I kinda lost track myself. But being this is a cuisinart popcorn maker, the most powerful popcorn popper in the world and would <BCENSOREDL OBY WGAMESPOT> your head clean off, you've gotta ask yourself one question: "Do I feel lucky?" Well, do ya, punk?
@implodinggoat @---Cipher--- No, I've played/own BE and it's average at best. It's a glorified overpriced mod. Alien AI is nonexistant, enemy faction AI is nonexistant, tons of balance issues, 0 polish, and terrible execution on things like affinity.
I don't know if the next competing game will be good, all I know is that after about 15 hours into Beyond Earth, I'm bored with it. Which is insane because I've been a huge fan since the original Civ. This will be the first Civilization game that I will probably not break 100hours of playtime in. It is not because of the changes to the civilization formula, it's because there is 0 creativity put into making the game. It's the safest game they could have developed.
Civ:BE is like making a Borderlands sequel. In the Borderlands sequel, you remove all the charm and humour of the borderlands game, but make it Borderlands, strip out a couple of features, and then you'd have Borderlands's BE sequel.
I really want to like BE, but I have no doubt I'll forget about it as soon as a competitor comes around.
Sooooo.....It's either a terrible PC or an overpriced console without the exclusives? This was the whole problem with "steam machines" to begin with. No one knows what they are, they sound like they have the limitations of both the PC and consoles with none of the benefits.
Also, it's alienware, so you can probably build the same "console" for about 1/3 the price.
---Cipher---'s comments