Who do you think is the most frightening main boss in the whole Resident Evil series? (not necessarily the most diffecult to defeat)... Choose one of those ten, and if your choice isn't one of them, then just name him - I'm only listing the frightening ones in the series -
1- Tyrant (Almost all RE games) "they differ from one RE game to another, can't count, can't remember"
2- Nemesis (RE3:N) "stars..."
3- Grave Digger (RE3:N) "aka the big worm"
4- Lord Saddler (RE4) "strong in battle, fluent in speeches"
5- U-3aka "It" (RE4) "a humanoid with a scissors-like parasite on its back"
6- Yawn (RE:Remake) "a huge, poisonous snake"
7- Neptune (RE:Remake)"reminds me of Jaws"
8- Nosferatu / Alexander Ashford (RE:CVX) "a father, and the victim of his sons' stupid researches"
9- William Birkin O_o (RE2) "a guy who mutates five times during the game"
10- Mr. X (RE2) "a tyrantoid, you don't wanna see him"
Choose, or give a boss that I didn't count.
My choice, without any hesitation, is Nemesis, I used to see him in nightmares when I played that game :?
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