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TF2's Idlers Vs. Halos

So with what Valve has done with to "punish" idlers and the halo hat rewards for those who didn't there been a lot of talk about it and I just felt like giving my two cents.

First I'll admit to it right now that I am one of the idlers who dad their items taken away recently, I lost two hats and bunch of dupicates I've been too busy to delete myself (thx valve for doing that for me). My reasoning for doing so is because I played over 30 hours a week playing that dam game and at months+ of which I got 1 hat and more of the weapons anyone will ever, ever need. When I found out about the idler program I thought I could use it during the few hours I'm on the computer NOT actually playing the game.

I do not have problem with what valve did to punish the idles it makes complete sense to take away the items earned trough the program. I'm not upset losing the two hats I did get trough it, I didn't earn it! Those who are complaining are idiots.

What I do find as problem was giving everyone else the Halos. It has created a divide between players online, those against idlers, the idlers, and those who don't care. So what is happening now is that some players are going not help people without halos and some aren't going help those who do have them. This whole thing now makes the already uncooridnated online teamwork a little worse.

I just wish Valve didn't feel the need to point out the idlers.

New stick mods - edit+friends

waited for my Plexiglass covers from Arthong from SRK to do the mod, they look great, much cleaner and smoother than the laminate from Kinkos

my freind also remodded his HRAP3 when he got the plexiglass too, he also has a TE but didn't mod it cause he wanted to leave it stock.


Turn 18 today...don't feel any different...besides the that I feel old...I know 18 isn't really old...just older than all my firends...don't even look 18...if I shave I could pull off 13...

New Computer!

I got a new computer, built it myself, and this is my first build. Was fun building this thing (espically the lighting lol), picking parts myself and all. I've had this thing up and running for over a month now, reallyl loving how well this baby preforms compared to my laptop and my last desktop (I can actually play games now!)


In The Dark

The Inside:
In The Dark


It looks a lot redder in real life, the camera just gives it a bit more of an orange tint

Motherboard: Asus P5Q Pro
CPU: Intel Dual Core Duo E8400 3.0GHz
GPU: Evga Geforce GTX 260
RAM: 4GB (2x2GB) G.Skill DDR2 800
PSU: Corsair 750W
OS: 64-bit Vista Home Premium
CPU Fan: ZEROtherm BTF90 92mm
Monitor: Dell 22" Widescreen 1080p
HDD: 500GB Western Digital 7200RPM (+2x500GB externals I already have)
Keyboard: zBoard (little part of me wishes I spent a little bit more on better board)
Mouse: Logitech G5 Mouse (this and the speakers I've had for awhile)
Speakers: Bose Companion 2
Headsets: Sony Noise Cancelling Headphones (Left) Logitech Headset with mic (Right)

My first midnight release

Brawl, yes I was one of those people who stood in line (inside a mall) for hours to get a copy of Brawl

wasn't as bad as I thought it would be, got there bout 3 hours before 12, friend had saved me a good spot, like 4th in line :D

was one of the first to get confirmed for a copy (like 2 hours before 12 they started checking in people with pre orders) though not giving us a copy yet, I played some tetris DS against some friends while we waited (made time go by so much faster, more so since I was winning most the time)

only part that pissed me off was that me and my friends were at the front of the "line" then some random people started making a new line, and that one became the main one (wtf) so we argued with the guy in charge....no good =.= so by this time the new line is like 100 people long

good thing though we had another friend near the front of this new line who let us cut in (not first but better than 100th in line) so me and my friends got our copy and I've had three hours of sleep since then =.=

was bit fun though

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year everyone, hope you all had a good year, and have another good one in 08

and hope 08 is another great gaming year

I broke My collar bone

yup right in half....how?

slipping on the ice with my hands full =.= ....and it hurts like a *****

good thing is I can still hold a controller fine though it a lil akward with a brace and arm imobilzer on, but I can still play!

100 games

woo hoo! with the new addition of Bust-A-Move BASH! for my wii i ofically own 100 games so proud of myself