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1 week challenge~

    Well my dad and I have a little bet going that if i can go 1 week with no computer or video games, he'll give me the $50 i need to buy Final Fantasy 12 at the end of the month....
    It starts monday so i have this weekend to do everything i can to get a good enough dose of internet to last me a week, while it will suck not have my 7000+ songs to chose to listen to but the 700 or so i can fit in my ipod mini
    Only time i can prolly get close to the computer is when i have to help my dad/mom do something on it or if i have a school assignment, 0% chance i'll get to touch my ps2 for the week *sigh*, so i gotta feed my chocobo in my FFXI Online account enough to survie the week while i'm gone, just hope it doesnt runaway from me it doesnt like me very much already and a week away might push it far enough to leave and waste all the money i spent raising the dam thing.
    I've gone more than 1 week without computer, but less than a week without video games,  and never ever without both....so i have no idea what i'll do to fill time, HW takes up an hour at most (school is too easy) T.V sucks now oly good things is House and the animes on AS Saturday night....maybe i can rewatch all the episodes of Friends again for like the 20th time >.>
    I must keep my eye on the prize of glorious Final Fantasy 12 Limited Edition that will be waiting for me after my weeks struggle!

well anyway....I start monday like i said before so i gotta get things set like, setting the netflix list queue next like 5 to be my animes since my parents dont know how to set it up lol

Who are you people?

i got like 20 messages about people tracking me, and i havnt done a single thing on this site for months....
seriously who are you.... O.o

Did Gijutsu die or something?!

no, i bet some of u got freaked...
I didnt die, but i did sell my soul to the MMORPG Final Fantasy Online, dont know whatsworse >.>

yup i'm one of those people who kill digital animals for hours to just get digital armor that raise my stats ever so slightly, well...actually....i dont spend hours earning money i just sell crap i get from doin other stuff, its working so far....but not for long

well.....off to thw MMO world again

well....that was easy......

lol I only asked my dad once and he said ok lol

I just promised to play more golf over the summer
so when he gats back from his little trip i'll up and ready to play the MMO that sucked my life....though I really didn't think I'd be this easy.....

Me: dad..you know that game that we had to pay monthly?
Dad: Yea
Me: Can I start that up again, If I play more golf with you?
Dad: ahhh....Alright, because of summer?
Me: Yea
Dad: Well do it next month
<I explain the offer to renew deleted accounts at the end of the month>
Dad: ok we'll do it when I get back then
Me: Thanks :D


was just so simple lol, though now I have to ask about getting my the new expansion...

I miss Final Fantasy XI Online

been playing Guild Wars Factions recently and feel that my old MMORG Final Fantasy XI is SOOO much better....

Things Final Fantasy did better:
Party system in FF is beyond superior
After dying GW sends me back to resurrection point, and lots of times there were monsters there and I'd die again!
Lvling up in low levels was easier in FF
FF areas were easier to navigate in
I had choice of races in FF
Armor looks cooler in FF
I like the jobs in FF more
People seem nicer in FF
Controlling my character was easier, though i was playing FF on the PS2

Things Guild Wars did better:
They have NPCs that you can invite to your party to help you lvl up (though i still died a bunch)
GW let you use skill at a much faster rate, tough it kinda makes it too simple
thats all i can think of GW did better....

New Phone

i got a new phone yesterday since my old one died on me :?
so i got a new razer and so did my mom lol


Getting a new computer.....

At the latest March of 07 lol

Well I've been complaining to my dad how the computer isn't strong enough for gaming and other things I want to do with it, he said that a new computer would be too expensive right now.
So I said instead of a new computer, why not just upgrade the parts of the one now, though I already knew that it would be hard or not possible at all with the computers set up.

But...well my dad just confirmed with my sister (she chose our computer) that the computer isnt upgradable cause of how it is (which sucks) though I knew that was going to be the case.

So my dad says he'll get me a new computer when either of these things happen
- He wins a lot of money while we are vacationing in Vagas
- Our house in the Philippines sells
- When he gets his bonus at work around early next year
- I make a Hole In 1 while playing golf with him
so March is the latest I'll have to wait...so 11 months >_>

Trying To Get Into PC Gaming

even with my crappy ass computer, I bought Star Wars Empire At War and reserved a copy of Guild Wars Fractions, both games don't need a strong comp to play'em so its good for me, though i still barly play EAW whjich suck ass, i think my only problem is my vid card, basic 32 MB that came with the comp. I'm not even sure if i can upgrade my comp (stupid sony vaio)

My friend and I tried opening up my comp yesterday to see if it was upgradable, but it was taking so long, but just from what we did see it "might" have a chance of being upgradable. We might try openin it up again when we got the time

It's Back

Well my Kingdom Hearts II is safely back in my collection.

 My "Good" cousin was the one who took it. My aunt said she found it when she went into his room. So we have everything settled, my aunt and uncle is embarassed cause this is something they'd never expect him to do, he had no reason to: 1 he has more than enough money to buy his own copy...or three. 2 If he didn't have the money his parents would buy it no problem 3 the worst is, I would have let him the game if he asked. To my uncle this is very bad, he has high morales and this hurt him a lot.

Stealing is bad enough...but stealing from family is just wrong.

Finished Kingdom Hearts II!!

I finished it today right after school, took 4 tries since Riku kept dying >_>, and the ending is great also the I got to see the SECRET ENDING, and my jaw couldn't drop any lower after watching it, Kingdom Hearts III i wait for thee

my review is also up
were you really suprised by the score i gave it?

now that i beat it what to do?...
beat it with 100%!!