Thanksgiving was actually pretty boring but, the one thing that made it awsome is that my sister who lives in New York came by for a suprise visit for few days, only my dad and my cousin who picked her up new about it before anyone else. Me and my mom were shocked as hell, so that made my day :D
   This black friday was awsome, i got my new laptop that is AWSOME, a cool new Logitech G5 gaming mouse, a new wireless lan network for the house (it cost $5 with rebate lol) its a lil buggy atm but it works, we got a new sony dvd video cam which is so fun to use. And for myself i bought Guitar Heo II at best buy for sale price which was awsome, can't wait to try it out.
I'll have pics up in a pit of everything we got, atm settin up my old laptop with all my stuff, firefox, window blinds, object dock, and we got a 250gig external hard drive for $50 to use for transfers~
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