@kougr88 all i can see is "bla bla bla i dont have any arguments, bla bla bla i was outplayed, bla bla bla i give up bla bla bla"
You sir, need to get a job and get out of your mom's basement! Live life! Study a little! Then, after all this, you can come with some intelligent comeback. Maybe in a few years.
@kougr88 @-JMD- Yeah... Because Xfail one will be really great... You dont need to lend some games to friends, because, lets face it you dont have them right? Or even resell your games because you are rich and also the rest of the world. But you better have a Internet provider that never have providing issues, because if you do, you wont play the game when you want... Yeah, XFAIL ONE will be great... I can see it already! lol EPIC FAIL!!!!
-JMD-'s comments